Tactile Immersion - General Discussion - Hardware & Software

I will check tee nuts in my store tomorrow.
Thing is I don´t have access to the other side of the wood, just the side where the shakers will attach, the bse seat is already with fabric and foam but it shouldn´t be a problem for the nut right?
oh, yes you do need access to the other side. they work like this

Upps then I will into other "blind type" solutions but thank you, I´m not very much into wood or MDF so having other options is always good to know,.
Another option would be these.

They may not be perfect for MDF though, they are really made for timber but could be ok.

It wouldnt hurt to use some large wood screw and if they fail for some reason in the future, you could drill out those holes to fit these.
The nuts above are actually not a bad idea.

You can drill the holes from the bottom, than loosen the fabric and foam somewhere where it´s not to obvious and shove the nuts in.
I personally would not trust any "screw in" type of connection with a bassshaker.
All of mine are secured with a "bolt through" connection with bolt and nut.

MFG Carsten
The nuts above are actually not a bad idea.

You can drill the holes from the bottom, than loosen the fabric and foam somewhere where it´s not to obvious and shove the nuts in.
I personally would not trust any "screw in" type of connection with a bassshaker.
All of mine are secured with a "bolt through" connection with bolt and nut.

MFG Carsten
I can do that with the backrest part of the chair, it comes with a zip to access the interior and different parts, mdf and foam. But the bottom part is just stapled. That part comes with a cutout for the joystick, it´s not a regular, common, square shape, so removing the staples and installing them again might not be a straightforward proccess (for me).
Just ordered a set of m4 inserts, drill must be 10mm long.
And now I have finally all my exiters delivered.....

Only downside, they were just very expensive because of the Covid shortage and I ended up paying 70$ per exiter :confused: so in total $560 :roflmao: .....So I hope to see significant improvements over my 2 x BK LFE and my TST429 :D Otherwise I will ask for a refund of 4 exiters from latte ....LOL....:roflmao:

I will check the addition of some BK mini LFEs also (first with 2 I think, then 4 if I see an improvement)....And then this transducer/ exiter project for my seat is FINISHED....Basta!
ha, I also had issues attaching those to my simracing rig hehe, the 3M VHB ended up failing.
  • Deleted member 1451080

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  • Deleted member 1451080

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My question to you Anton:
i fully understand the mini's should be quite powerful on the seat and should also span the range from 40-somewhat above 100Hz, as i have used several BK Gamer 2's in the beginning, but WHAT exactly do you think is better with minis for this specific application, do you have hands-on experience in comparing them on the seat's back?

So I've had BK Mini LFE's, the exciters of which I had 2 varieties, BK Concert and TST 239. Among others but those are relevant to the comparisons and conversation at hand.

I had the Mini's mounted one under and directly attached to the seat, and one under the pedals on the chassis. I had 6 exciters on the seat, 4 at the back and 2 at the sides. I could notice them a little bit, especially when the Mini's were turned OFF, but when they were running in tandem with the Mini LFE's, honestly I could barely feel them. I did A/B tests before I decided to remove them and not bother with them anymore and the simple fact for me was that they weren't worth having on. I only had left and right channels assigned to them, but the issue for me was not the ability to assign effects. It was that from my testing, they could barely make a difference with the Mini LFE, even if only one of those units was attached directly to the seat.

Now, I have a BK Concert, the large one, and a TST 239, both mounted under the seat. Not directly bolted onto it like the Mini was, but in such a way that others have shown using their custom plates bolted to the seat rails. So basically the optimum way to mount the larger units without having them smash directly onto the seat shell. I fail to see how, now with LARGER units than before, the exciters will give anything of worth against such powerful output of the Concert especially, but also the TST that shares the same hz range as the exciters just at a much larger power output. For me, I'm not just saying they are too small and worthless. I actually had them for a while combined with the Mini's. If you consider Mini's + exciters being 100% feeling, if I turned the exciters off I ended up with maybe 90% feeling. To me, that's not worth. It did help round out the feeling somewhat being all over the seat, but with the Mini being directly bolted to the seat, the whole thing was receiving tactile for the most part anyway. So if one Mini was enough to negate the performance of the exciters, what would 1 x Concert and 1 x TST do to negate them!? I doubt I'd realise they were even on at all.

So this revelation of using large units underneath and then using Mini's as the exciters, so to speak, is actually a really intriguing one. I think one that would work FAR better than the aforementioned recommended build. Honestly I did like the Mini LFE's a lot. For what they are, they are pretty good. However, the price of two of them is equal to buying 1 x Concert or BK LFE. So now I would always recommend to get one of those first and only get the mini LFE's to work as metalandwood has explained, as exciters.
Just continuing a bit of a conversation from one of the pedal threads here for the tactile part.

Using simhub, it shouldnt bee too hard to use something else with a bit of kick to simulate abs if someone was really after that. For example I wonder if a decent solenoid would give a better thump than small exicters.

It could be a bit noisey for those without headphones is if was banging on to something hard on the rig beut perhaps it would have a more realistic feeling if a rubber bumper on the end of the solenoid was hitting something.
Hey guys ..

I downloaded the new version of Sim Commander 4 a while ago and since then I get this error when I start the app.. See pic..
I contacted their support and they advised I do a fresh install of windows which to me is ridiculous..

Anyone else seen this error or have any ideas besides a fresh windows install? I've unistalled and reinstalled older versions and new version a few times but always get the same error..

Got simvibe runnng on two sims and is works fine on the other sim with same OS and version number..

Any help appreciated.

  • Deleted member 197115

I don't think anyone is still using SimVibe, everyone moved to SimHub, much better and more sensible product.
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@TonyMM Yes, I understand the thought process behind that :)

I dont know what information is about re the dbox solution to giving ABS. A couple thoughts come straight to mind.

I am not sure what games might actually support this. Obviously some output telemetry for abs so thats not too much of an issue to get that effect. Brake fade could be another thing though? I dont know any sims that support this. I imagine that rfactor pro does and that these pedals probably are aimed at those kinds of users.

The only other htought I had about the dbox solution, more curious than anything, is if the feeling is coming through the pedals from a dbox actuator controlling the fluids inside then that may be changing the sensor reading and therefore the values sent to the game.. The game input may then get an on/off/on/off change in brake pressures..

They could calibrate that outin their own hardware though. It's way out of my price range but I am curious if the sims available to use will take full advantage of what they have to offer.

edit - having said that, you could 'simulate' that stuff outside of the game and still have it all work on the pedals. It may not be in sync with the game but could be effective for what its trying to do
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  • Deleted member 1451080

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