Tactile Immersion - General Discussion - Hardware & Software

Some info on the race bass offerings on simtag Facebook if anyone is interested, its not clear yet what each stage would comprise. I’d be more interested in the active pedals myself, but 6600 euro, foooooook me!
Yeah, not quite sure how to read that.

Racebase stage 1 LFE/TST 3025 EUR
racebase DIY - springs 121 EUR
Racebase stage 2 exciters 1815 EUR
Racebase stage 3 LFE/TST/EXC 4235 EUR
Racebase stage 4 pedal unit LFE/TST 3025 EUR
Racebase stage 5 seat/pedal unit LFE/TST 7260 EUR
racebase diy - brackets - price open
racebase diy - plate - price open

So if you buy a complete stage 1, as outlined earlier in the thread its 7260 EUR, (stage 1 as outlined in the thread previsouly is called stage 5 by simtag). I am guessing that includes mounting brackets of some description.

I am guessing that the diy stuff is what most here are interested in because 4235 euro seems a fair bit more than parts express and getting your amps somewhere.

edited to fix a couple things.
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For those of you who currently use TST units and have used Aura or similar transducers in the past, do you think the TST units could supplement the tactile in the lower frequencies in place of the Auras? I'm planning on upgrading the to BK LFE and TST units in the future, but in the interim while I try to find a good deal on pre-owned LFE units, I'm thinking about replacing my Auras with TST units.
  • Deleted member 1451080

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  • Deleted member 1451080

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Selling profiles, or selling membership to access profiles while offering nothing else of worth is basically exactly the same. It's just a different name to achieve the same result. The "packages" are completely useless in trying to understand what they actually offer. It's all a guessing game at this point. One thing is for sure, the prices are absolutely ridiculous.
One thing is for sure, the prices are absolutely ridiculous.
From a DIY standpoint I absolutely concure, that are not prices I´m willing to pay.

From a business owners standpoint who has to make a living through the normal dangers of live and who has employees who want to get paid regurlarly ( not to forget the costs for the shop and the taxes) I can see the calculation.

Still I don´t think outside the high end simulator market with full service ( put it in the garage between the Lambo and the Ferrari, I´ll have a look when we get back from sailing the Seychelles) there will be much demand for the complete package.

I suspect we will see how much more than isolation packages Simtag will sell.

MFG Carsten
  • Deleted member 1451080

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Every other day it seems someone somewhere is saying, I have a 30k budget, what do I buy? Then you have people/companies with more $$.

Thats who will buy this system at those prices, if they want to pay way over the odds to get gear they could get from amazon or wherever then thats up to them and they are not feeling like they paid too much.

The key is that they are selling DIY components with obviously the expectation that guys like us will source the amps/tactile from retail, often with some discount as well.

So it looks fair, they make the $$ of who they can and provide an easier path for people to get their own equipment and be able to isolate it and put it on the rig. So they are not giving the middle finger to the little guy. The isolators look fairly priced to me, of course they buy the components cheaper but there is work to handle them, package, send them and make some profit on top.

If it turns out that the profiles are free because they can't charge for them while using simhub then I certainly hope people will at least buy the isolators from them rather than get the bits themselves.

Really, its the profiles we are waiting for and all we can take away from simtags graphic is that we would expect that they should be availble when we can get the isolators early next year.
To add to my last post, perhaps one thing I might have expected to see at prices going near $8kusd for the top package is custom software.

Other companies selling much cheaper gear , SRS, dof, next level, simx... The list is quite long when you look, all have developed their own software, so if anything the optics are not great that they are selling a hugely marked up item and using a $7 donation as the brain that makes things work.

Their own software would then allow them to do as others are doing, cloud profiles, subscriptions for profiles etc.

I would expect with the prices that some of that markup would be to take away the reliance on using free/donationware software.
  • Deleted member 1451080

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  • Deleted member 1451080

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I assume, from what I read is that they are just using brackets, like what Peter has done, really what could they cost? I am sure it wont be prohibitive.

People are getting in to the real 'maker' mindspace these days, and if it's too expensive anyone can make a suiteable mounting system with just 4040 on the inside walls of their p1. It's nice to have an off the shelf solution but if too much $$ there are just to many easy options for people that dont mind spending a couple hours doing stuff.
  • Deleted member 1451080

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