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DL, then unzip. If you want to use it for rfactor go into the data folder and put rF_DATA.dll into your rfactor plugins folder.
Open the config in notepad if you want to edit screen size, default is 640x480 I think.
click the red SIM_monitor icon and that will launch TakaTec, z will start the display and x will illuminate it. You can edit these so that the lights come on when you turn them on in game by mapping the same button. Right click icon in taskbar and select KEY_Setting_SW, click mouse on power switch then press whatever button/key you want.
Launch whatever game you want to use and it should pick up the data and work.
That is a nice little app if you have a small display that you can use it on. I found it to be a little bit of a pain trying to use it on a full sized monitor, but that is just me. I love the work he did on it though, looks very nice and should do wonders.
Tweaked my setup a bit. Still thinking that I need 3 monitors, but I don't have the money right now. Anyway, I added a 15" monitor as a 'dash' which I'm hoping to replace with a smalle 10-12" monitor when I find one. I'm using the rDisplay dash, and it's pretty good :)


That is a sweet idea, using the second monitor like that. I think I may try it as well. Do you notice any frame rate drop with that extra monitor running?
This is my temporary one until I hopefully get the Gameracer Pro seat.


Yeah the sky box and dvd player is pushed back when the wheel is being used :tongue:


TV is a sony from 2007 (i think) so no 3D also chair is fold away one from argos.

The wheel is plugged in through and extension cable thing behind the wii and is clamped to the shelf the sky is on.

It's not comfortable if I was to do say 20 laps around Spa on f1 2010 but it will do until the Gameracer Pro comes.

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