Show us your Rig / Cockpit

Mmmmmmm .... now I like that, and not too expensive either - thanks for getting back to me.

Also saw this at Amazon ... Belkin SPEEDPAD NOSTROMO N52 TE ... same price and looks like it might be comfier for FPS gaming purposes??

Yeh, they would onlt be fully useful in games like Armed Assult, where you Fight, Fly and Drive, basically games that require a lot of buttons (Flights Sims etc.)

I don't really have a rig, that will take the back seat for the moment as I need to build a new computing unit first. My processor is dying :O But sure, when I get more 1337 with carpentry I should consider building a rig. A good program for making 3D illustrations/blueprints of your ideas is Google Sketchup, its free, and its like a simple CAD program.
  • Chris Standring

Mmmmmmm .... now I like that, and not too expensive either - thanks for getting back to me.

Also saw this at Amazon ... Belkin SPEEDPAD NOSTROMO N52 TE ... same price and looks like it might be comfier for FPS gaming purposes??


I have one of these from my old fps days, Very handy to have around. You can record keypress macro's with the included software and assign them to any key which makes some tasks much easier. All keys are assignable any way you wish, and you can setup three different layouts to switch between giving you hell of a lot of options!
  • Lam Kam San

My cockpit project - A. Mourato

This is mine!!!


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  • Jacek Kozlowski

Hey what kind of frame You have,is it obbuto or its self made??and how much it costs?
Can You tell because i m looking for somthing like this for myself.
  • Jacek Kozlowski

I was looking for something like this in store,but it doesent fit me as im left-handed.Do they make this for left-handed people??
You guys have some amazing cockpits. Mine is spartan in comparison. I do not use a wheel and pedals. I don't have a racing chair or custom chassis to mount any of that stuff on. I use a X-Box 360 controller. I hope that isn't a violation of any league rules.... Will have to check on that.
  • Antoine Morin

Well, there are some piece of art here :thumb:

Mine is always fact it will always be WIP :eyebrows:


Latest thing i bought is a Nzxt Case the same that Lee Downham own ;)

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