Will you be Buying an RTX 3080?

Looking at that Big Navi sneak peek benchmark in the AMD presentation again actually GOW 5 is exact same performance as a 3080. Borderlands slightly slower by 4fps but as close as makes no difference, MW 3080 is reviewed as something like 100fps on the 3080, but that game doesn't have a benchmark test so unclear.

Assuming it was tested on a 5900x not a 10900k so not enough info on apples to apples, could be slower again but the fact is its defo competing head on with the 3080 so very promising.

I only race sims...(no FPS) so I think my current R5 3600X coupled with one of the 6800 series cards should foot the bill nicely.
Given the extra VRAM of the AMD series and price versus performance, I can no longer justify the RTX3080 I was initially considering.
Nvidia would have to increase VRAM to something more then 10GB...(though not necessarily as high as 20GB).
They'd also have to keep the price exactly where it is currently for any type of consideration.
I don't care about Ray-tracing or DLSS...just rasterization performance.
Quite frankly, my previous card...which was already two generations old did quite well for single screen performance.
The only reason I'm even looking at anything new, is because I may want a bit more reserve for VR going forward.
I consider prices for the new cards within reason relative to what I sold the old card for.
That is a large part of my justification for even looking.
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Yes don't get too excited just yet.

We still need to know what the full range of cards are, how much they cost, when the launch date is, how they compare on the exact same system to Nvidia.
What features do they have / introducing, have they fixed the encoder, do the fans on the reference card still sound like a jet engine?

Someone else pointed out today something interesting today, Borderlands 3 on a 3080 is only slightly faster using DX11, but using DX12 its actually slower than this AMD card.

Looking at that negatively we need to know how it behaves in DX11 as that's what all the sims we play actually use. Hoping it makes little difference but you never know till you know.
  • Deleted member 197115

How NVidia "fixed" Boost.
My boost clock with older driver

New 456.71 driver with the same clock offset :confused:


Had to fix it right away by bumping offset to 60, so check your boost clock with new driver, it may be a step or two down.
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New rumors have emerged that suggest AMD is working on a seriously powerful ‘Big Navi’ graphics card that will take on Nvidia’s new RTX 3080, as well as the GPU found in the upcoming Xbox Series X console.

Patrick Schur, a Twitter leaker who's had a decent run of reliable leaks, posted that a Navi 21 XT AMD GPU, which could potentially be called the AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT, will come with a huge 16GB of GDDR6 memory, and a ‘Game Clock’ of 2.4GHz

What’s most noticeable about those alleged specs is the 2.4GHz clock, which would apparently be the speeds the GPU could reach when playing games. This is incredibly fast, and as HotHardware notes, would make it the fastest stock clock speed we’ve seen on a consumer GPU.
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What’s most noticeable about those alleged specs is the 2.4GHz clock, which would apparently be the speeds the GPU could reach when playing games. This is incredibly fast, and as HotHardware notes, would make it the fastest stock clock speed we’ve seen on a consumer GPU.

Yeah its sounding good, what's going to set Nvidia and AMD apart I think is this new 128mb "Infinity Cache" system on the GPU which is intended to overcome the slower DDR6 256 bit bus (compared with Nvidia's DDR6X 320bit and 384bit bus on the 3080 and 3090). It might not be faster at brute forcing 4k but could potentially be a lot faster / scale better at 1440p and 1080p ultra high refresh. Will be interesting to see how they market it. If it blasts out more frames at 1440p more people will be tempted to go for it I think.

I'd be very interested to see how it deals with demands of VR and triples as well. Could be Nvidia deals with certain games and resolutions better and AMD in another, and you pick whichever based on the setup you want to run.
Are that many people looking at 3080s going to be gaming at 1440p? Seems a tad overkill

How many people actually use 4k for gaming? More people with high refresh 1440p setups playing fps shooters than 4k for sure.

Maybe it'll deal with triple 1440p better, or maybe it does vr better but not so good with triples, maybe it will be able to do solid 240hz at 1440p i don't know. But I'm pretty sure its going to behave very differently. I.e. maybe they might target esport gaming more so than 4k gaming. That might make the most sense.

Again just speculating as AMD haven't leaked much about their intentions.
I’m gonna call it now and say that 4k gaming TVs will be the way of the future. With a lot of screens supporting really low latency inputs, with great colours and fast refresh rates becoming more and more common, I think it’ll become the norm that people will plug their PCs into their lounge TVs and game like that.

Up until a few years ago TVs sucked for input lag. Then that got fixed, but TVs could only do 60fps, so who cares?

Then in the last year or two we’ve had HDMI 2.1 TVs becoming much more widely available, which meant 4k120hz was possible... except there were no cards.

Ampere is the first HDMI2.1 card, and that means suddenly you can have your resolution AND framerate, on a yuuuge HDR display. Honestly, once you’ve done it you’ll never go back.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe this is where we see a divergence. If you want super high refresh like 240-360hz 1440p monitors you go AMD. You want the 4k 120hz TV experience you go Nvidia.

Although tbh I think consoles drive TV sales not gpus. And consoles are all AMD anyway.
Since I installed the RTX3090 I swapped my 1440P screen for the 4K monitor/TV (only 75Hz). I tried a number of games in 4K and for me personal it is a eye candy feast. Like Mafia remastered, Assetto Corsa all settings including CSP max out, Battlefield V, RDR2, etc etc.
Yesterday I spotted this PC spec sheet for upcoming Watch Dogs Legion (included with the RTX30 series).

Source for larger view: https://staticctf.akamaized.net/J3y...f4507f2c48167fa/WDL-news-pcspecs-RTX-1920.jpg

WDL Pc specs.jpg

With RTX ON and 4K Ultra hopefully my system can handle it....Will try next week.
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I play in VR, a faster GPU directly translates to better graphics as performance is so limited. Not only do we have to render 4k but do so at 90fps reliably and to top it off the independent eyes and reserved GPU time for asynchronous warp all add up. A 3080 should make ACC finally playable and enable me to turn up a bunch of graphics in iRacing and AC CSP/Sol that I have to turn down currently. If I manage to get to the point where the graphics are now shiny I can still gain quite a bit from supersampling. Honestly I could use 2x a 3080 performance and still be having to reduce quality somewhere to compensate for a lack of GPU performance.
Oh no early adopters. NVidia may do that 7nm refresh that was rumored as possible.

That means a new brood of these RTX cards will use less power and likely go a chunk faster.

The kicker would be if it also dropped the price since the silicone would be cheaper per chip.

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I think it's great that there is always something new around the corner! The current 3080 runs all VR games really well now, and that's not going to change with new tech coming to the market anyway.

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