Will you be Buying an RTX 3080?

In the UK I can only see the option to still pre-order on Overclockers. Every other site I've looked at have closed their pre-order lists
From my understanding they have a backlog of over 8000 cards with a trickle of aprox 10 cards every other day. Not likely to stay that way, but that’s some list. Imagine if they went bust!
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I still do not understand the gist with no preorders.
Someone at EVGA suggested that NVidia supply is so short that they hide long waiting queues this way.
It does seem like a weird way to treat customers and I don't see the advantage of it. They must be saving costs by doing it that way. They could have loyal customers being usurped by people gaming the system for a one off purchase.
It’s certainly a mess and why I bowed out, a lot of people were constantly changing their cards on their orders to the favoured card of the day. Trying not to whinge but it was an unfair arrangement.
i managed to get a pre-order for a 3090 on launch day from Scan. On reflection I decided it was a mistake to spend the same price as a new PC on a GPU that's only 15% faster than the next tier down. I spoke to them about cancelling and if they'd push my order onto a 3080 list. They wouldn't but were more than happy to cancel. Shame
i managed to get a pre-order for a 3090 on launch day from Scan. On reflection I decided it was a mistake to spend the same price as a new PC on a GPU that's only 15% faster than the next tier down. I spoke to them about cancelling and if they'd push my order onto a 3080 list. They wouldn't but were more than happy to cancel. Shame
I am with you on that, I had to take a reality check at £1700. Glad I did.
I am with you on that, I had to take a reality check at £1700. Glad I did.

I'm glad too, but a little part of me thinks I might have it by now, or at least be a good way up the list. It's going to be painful when my Reverb G2 arrives and I can't realistically use it.
Never mind, at least I can afford to eat eh?
I did, actually!-) The build is not really about looks, it's about performance. I think it's common sense that the tubes should be down as air goes to the top and so stays out of the circulation, that was not difficult to decide as there is space for this configuration too.

What I did consider carefully was the radiator placement front or top, but here I trusted GN tests showing that front is the best location. The 3080 produces so much heat that getting it our of the case is the number one priority. It seems better to let slightly more warm air into the case through the front front rad rather than pulling the very warm graphics card heated air through a top placed rad. The GN numbers for front vs top placement showed a significant difference.

I guess the "on topic" thing here would be the 3080 (and 3090) heat production, you really need to consider it when building a system around one.
I beg to differ on the front placement of the radiator.
The hoses being on the bottom are a good start but since hot air rises, you want the radiator at the top.
For maximum efficiency on any radiator, you'd want it to 'wick' heat into the fins and then fans to carry that heat away in as short a period as possible.
You also want it to carry that heat away in the direction which is most conducive to it's normal path of travel.
That's up...in the case of heat.
You are probably asking... Why then don't automotive manufacturer's do just that?
The answer... It is a 'liveable' trade-off.
The space required would be much higher...as would your hood-line.
That'd lead to less efficiency...not to mention, you'd need a perforated hood.
They instead use plastics under the engine compartment to protect from superficial damage but more importantly, to generate a low pressure area to act as a scupper/diverter.
That hot air then goes from high pressure to low pressure and is sucked out the bottom of your engine compartment.
Getting back to your install... The air movement from your fans...even if being pulled through the radiator, will be dumping hot air over components before being exhausted.
It won't overheat though because you are still moving air as a cooling media but it won't be quite as efficient.
On the reverse.... If they're pushing air the other way, there is still an influence on the case internals because the rear fan will pull some through.
At the top of the case it is a 'free' ride away.
We use these method all the time for cooling P3 air by routing to pre-cooler in jet aircraft.
We can drop 400 degree compressed air down for things like wing anti-ice, cabin bleeds, ejectors etc...
Airflow is fun to study and implement.
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I personally
I'm glad too, but a little part of me thinks I might have it by now, or at least be a good way up the list. It's going to be painful when my Reverb G2 arrives and I can't realistically use it.
Never mind, at least I can afford to eat eh?
I personally think that by the time you get your G2 you will have a nice informed larger choice and be far happier!
Am I missing something?
Hardware Unboxed have done an interesting video on 3080 resolution scaling. It seems the architecture Is better suited to high pixel numbers rather than higher frame rates at lower resolutions.

Might be another tick in the box for the “wait and see what AMD bring” option for non 4K gamers.
Hardware Unboxed have done an interesting video on 3080 resolution scaling. It seems the architecture Is better suited to high pixel numbers rather than higher frame rates at lower resolutions.

Might be another tick in the box for the “wait and see what AMD bring” option for non 4K gamers.
Everyone keeps talking about this AMD I never actually once owned a cpu or graphics, the grass is not always greener I find with this stuff, stick with what you know :D
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Everyone keeps talking about this AMD I never actually once owned a cpu or graphics, the grass is not always greener I find with this stuff, stick with what you know :D

Fair to have a traditionalist viewpoint, but always remember its best to be ontop of all tech and not be a fanboy when tides change. A true enthusiast never takes sides.

For example if I stuck with Intel for work (setting up my practice last year) I would have been expected to pay in excess of £1k for a cpu, AMD one was more powerful and cost £600 never looked back.

AMD are trying something very new with this 128mb Infinity Cache for Radeon and the jury will be out on that one, it might require an AMD cpu to work 100% for example. But AMD cards could end up being lightening fast cards at all resolutions and a better choice for our always behind the curve simracing games stuck on DX11, but probably not as good at the cutting edge Raytraced DLSS titles. Which to be blunt I've got no interest in.

Nvidia have gone for the do everything approach this time with compute heavy card thats not as focused at gaming as previous generations. AMD sound like they are going all in on gaming this time.

Proof will be in the results though obviously.
Everyone keeps talking about this AMD I never actually once owned a cpu or graphics, the grass is not always greener I find with this stuff, stick with what you know :D

I was replacing my home computer some time back and tried AMD for the first time with an athlon on linux. This was nearly 20 years ago, it was great.

Since then all my gaming pc's have been intel but the one I do work on is an AMD 3900x with linux. Single core speed is faster on an intel but its a beauty when you see 12 cores and 12 threads load up. Intel dont really compete there.

If the new chips beat intel on single core performance I would have no problem getting one.
Fair to have a traditionalist viewpoint, but always remember its best to be ontop of all tech and not be a fanboy when tides change. A true enthusiast never takes sides.

For example if I stuck with Intel for work (setting up my practice last year) I would have been expected to pay in excess of £1k for a cpu, AMD one was more powerful and cost £600 never looked back.

AMD are trying something very new with this 128mb Infinity Cache for Radeon and the jury will be out on that one, it might require an AMD cpu to work 100% for example. But AMD cards could end up being lightening fast cards at all resolutions and a better choice for our always behind the curve simracing games stuck on DX11, but probably not as good at the cutting edge Raytraced DLSS titles. Which to be blunt I've got no interest in.

Nvidia have gone for the do everything approach this time with compute heavy card thats not as focused at gaming as previous generations. AMD sound like they are going all in on gaming this time.

Proof will be in the results though obviously.
Yeah the guys in the team switched from intel and both got the 3900x I believe or something similar,
they swear by it the core performance, idk just when I even think about it in my mind just get a mental block my 9700k isnt the best but it performs ok for now :)
Everyone keeps talking about this AMD I never actually once owned a cpu or graphics, the grass is not always greener I find with this stuff, stick with what you know :D

If your main goal is simracing and gaming in general, the intel cpu's esp when tuned up are comfortably faster depending on resolution and framer ate goals.

If you have production based workloads which can spread across many cores in parallel, the AMD chips pull ahead.

Zen3 could change all that but that's the case now.
If your main goal is simracing and gaming in general, the intel cpu's esp when tuned up are comfortably faster depending on resolution and framer ate goals.

If you have production based workloads which can spread across many cores in parallel, the AMD chips pull ahead.

Zen3 could change all that but that's the case now.
I might take a look later and get a new motherboard-cpu in maybe 6 months or so,
last year I got this new pc and about 4-5months the the psu failed and it wasnt modular so purchased a new coolermaster gold psu modular and a new coolermaster s600m case the vertical chimney one,
just cant be bothered taking it all apart again I think the most my mind can handle right now would be a new plug and play graphics 3080-3090

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