Will you be Buying an RTX 3080?

Sounds like 3080 is not a news worth discussing anymore. :)
Passive aggressive smiley about us going too much off-topic.
I love it :)

But yeah.. It went from hype to just being annoyed for me..
It's like "oh well, wake me up in February when the cards are avaiw. Or maybe 2022..." :roflmao:
Got to say having tried my hardest to get both the 80 and the 90, I gave up. I was either being gouged, scalped or misled, thankfully not scammed. Bit of a minefield, and has put me right off of Nvidia. I hope the same is not repeated with AMD and will give it a go if it’s promising. Other than that I deduced it’s far better to sit tight and wait, those who were wise advised this earlier on in the thread.
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Yeah everyone is trying to amuse themselves while they wait for stock to replenish building cases is good time spent to be fair.

Meanwhile... A leak confirms AMD big navi (navi 21) chip size is more than double the size of the 5700xt using either same node or smaller 7nm+. Its bigger than the R290x was which was the last time AMD went big. They are absolutely going for it for sure this time. Radeon vii chip was tiny as well. So this is a major change in approach.

Everybody ready to step on board the AMD hypetrain? Choo choo!
Yeah this is a golden opportunity for sure. 3 more weeks to find out what they're upto. Nvidia so worried now they have delayed the 3070 launch till the day after AMD announcement on 28th.

Hopefully not another AMDissapointment. But you know if ever there's a company that knows how to ruin a launch its AMD.
It would have to be a monumental balls up.
Dont over exaggerate performance too far, double the 5700xt speed (?), price it correctly if it performs, make it available keeping the AIB‘s price inline and use captcha.
(pretty sure this makes no difference to those capable of coding bots)
What could go wrong? haha
Other than that I deduced it’s far better to sit tight and wait, those who were wise advised this earlier on in the thread.
I could see this coming though. Companies just aren't going to over produce in this particular climate on the off chance something went horribly wrong (I also know that no matter how much product testing you do before releasing a product the general public will always find some overlooked issue that get's fixed in the second batch). But the demand was obviously there, I think even though the VR niche is small, it's driving a demand for more computing power across the board.

So I'm hoping to get it before the Christmas break. My main reason for buying it is to use it with a HP G2, which I can't buy yet so I'm not in a rush. If I can't get either the card or the headset for Christmas then that's when I'll start throwing my toys out of the pram.
But the demand was obviously there, I think even though the VR niche is small, it's driving a demand for more computing power across the board.
2080Ti didn't "solve" 4k gaming, but the 3080 does, so that's where the overall demand is coming from. Still not sure if the general high-end gaming public is chasing raytracing, but that's the other possible reason for 3080 demand.
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‘that's the other possible reason for 3080 demand.‘

A huge amount of gamers globally treading water twiddling their thumbs with lockdown would have had a massive impact, a lot of people pinning hopes on the next break through. Looking at the overclockers forum it seems many are spending their days detecting when and if their cards are coming.
One guy bought four 3090’s with the premise of selling three and keeping the first one that comes in.

Bit of a perfect storm.
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Fair play to him for doing that. Yeah you can definitely see the 3090 advantage only really comes into play once you really push the higher pixel counts. For me though this benchmark at the end is screaming "buy a 5800x CPU not a new GPU".

I note his ultrawide resolutions are for 32:9 not 21:9 monitors. I found it very interesting that the biggest margin between the 3080 and 3090 in ACC was the 1440p (49inch) ultrawide not triple 1440p though, same margin repeated itself in iracing using the triple projection setting still the largest margin between the two was only a 15% increase.
Oh, good lord... not what I need to hear when my 1080 just died!

Maybe I'll get lucky in the shopping cart lottery.
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Oh, good lord... not what I need to hear when my 1080 just died!

Maybe I'll get lucky in the shopping cart lottery.
If you place an order are you not just put on a waiting list?

Looking at all this stuff I'm half tempted to just place an order and just wait on it. I was just going to wait until November but it looks like if I order it now I might have it by November.
If you place an order are you not just put on a waiting list?

Looking at all this stuff I'm half tempted to just place an order and just wait on it. I was just going to wait until November but it looks like if I order it now I might have it by November.
EVGA, Newegg, & Best Buy don't allow you to place an order unless an item is in stock.

[should note I'm on the west coast USA]
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  • Deleted member 197115

I still do not understand the gist with no preorders.
Someone at EVGA suggested that NVidia supply is so short that they hide long waiting queues this way.
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