Will you be Buying an RTX 3080?

Slightly off topic but Very had a few hundred Gaming Trio 80's in stock today which went in seconds. They still have 90's in stock but going quick, if you have fast fingers and £1500 to drop.
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Missed an earlier ACC video @ 4k Epic using 3080, 45-90 fps depending on number of AI:

Just did a quick test of RTX 3080 with gamepad on 4K TV in case it interests anyone. My steering wheel is far from TV, so please excuse the driving style on gamepad.. [read description bellow]

Video show CPU/game engine bottlenecking of RTX 3080 based on AI car count. Looks like I will need to wait for Ryzen 5000 launch to fully utilize the GPU with Reverb G2 once it arrives. Shame ACC still does not fully scale across all CPU cores :-/.

BTW at 1440p , the game runs at stable 120fps with 40-50% GPU utilization due to CPU bottleneck.

00:10 - video settings
00:51 - free practice (no AI) [90fps-120fps]
02:56 - race with 14 AI [60-90fps]
06:38 - race with 29 AI [45-65fps]
10:18 - race with 1 AI [90-120fps]
13:49 - hotstint (no AI) [90-130fps]
Gainward RTX 3080 Phoenix (+50Mhz core, +500Mhz mem, 109% power)
Ryzen 5 2600 @ 4100Mhz
32GB DDR4 3200

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The issue is that the cards are automatically boosting too high and crash. No overclcoking involved at all, just putting in the card, installing latest driver, gpu boost decides to shoot for the stars and crash to desktop.

Expecting the user to flash their own bios or to know how to underclock/limit the cards via oc tools like afterburner is a bit too much imo
100% in agreement.
I understand what you are saying and I get it....I do.
That said... the only logical step beyond a full recall would be for AIB and Nvidia to do remote firmware updating for novice users.
It carries some risks but the cost of shipping and return would be mitigated.
The problem with doing this 'fix' at a driver level is that if an end-user were to unintentionally ever revert to an earlier driver, the problem would recur.
If anyone is interested, I had a 3080 briefly before returning it because it developed a fault.

Prior to the fault, I benchmarked it on my triple 1080p setup with AMS2.

So my methodology was for my specific (maybe niche) requirements: Absolutely rock solid 60 (or 75) FPS even in the most taxing situation, meaning I can set up any race, anywhere, any weather / time of day, and never see a frame drop.

So the most taxing situation I have found in AMS2 is: Suzuka, night with rain, full AI. This setting would bring my 2070 Super down to lows of around 45 FPS (particularly at the start of the race). This is with a combo of mostly medium settings, with a couple of high and a couple of low. I don’t have my settings to hand, but with these settings, the game looks pretty much as good as it can at that resolution. Obviously, there are much higher settings, but honestly, they don’t make the game look any better IMO.

So the good news is: the 3080 was able to hold 60 FPS in these taxing conditions-just.

The not so good news is: I am able to overclock my monitors to 75hz, but at that refresh rate, in those taxing conditions, the 3080 couldn’t cut it. 60 FPS minimum was the best it could do.

I actually wonder if I might be a bit CPU bound, but I’m not convinced, as the GPU was showing around 96% usage. CPU is a ryzen 3600 with 32gb 3200 c16 ram.

Finally, just to say, in dry, daylight conditions, my 2070s can easily handle this game (it usually hovers around 80% usage), so some people might think the 3080 is way overkill, but as I said, my dream is to have rock solid 60 in absolutely any condition and never see a dropped frame, it seems for £650, the 3080 fulfills this. However, I must say I was a tad disappointed, it couldn’t do 75hz.

I hope this is useful to someone. Please don’t flame me for my methodology. To me, a drop to 59fps is like a scratch on my favourite record! AMS2 is my go to sim, partly because it looks so good, and being able to benefit from all those lovely lighting / weather settings is what I want, YVMV!

Oh, to people talking about triple 4K: not gonna happen at anything like a decent framerate!
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Finally, just to say, in dry, daylight conditions, my 2070s can easily handle this game (it usually hovers around 80% usage), so some people might think the 3080 is way overkill, but as I said, my dream is to have rock solid 60 in absolutely any condition and never see a dropped frame, it seems for £650, the 3080 fulfills this.

This is the important part and why 3080 or 3090 are not overkill. Daylight-only and dry conditions need to be typically twice the fps to achieve acceptable night/rain fps.

Oh, to people talking about triple 4K: not gonna happen at anything like a decent framerate!

That would be me. I'm fully aware of the limitations and why I'll be paying for a factory overclocked 3090 instead of settling for a 3080. And, in some sims, I'll accept lowered graphic settings. Being on a GTX 1080, I've already sorted graphic settings in AMS2 & PC2 to make it look very good and achieve 60 fps once I've upgraded. Raceroom and vanilla AC with triple 4k are already possible with the GTX 1080. rF2 with weather/night will likely be borderline and ACC will probably have to skip weather/night.

I just need to get my hands on a card...
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So the most taxing situation I have found in AMS2 is: Suzuka, night with rain, full AI.

Did you happen to measure which AMS2 cars have the worst fps? I know they're not equal, but haven't gone through them. In rF2, before all the GT3 releases, it used to be the AC Cobra 427, however some of the GT3/GTE cars have even worse fps now.
I had an I5-8400 and with the 3080 it clearly became a bottleneck. Despite the new AMD launch soon, I built a new system around I9-10850. This seems to work well with the 3080.

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looks good @Chrhun Though my OCD is telling me to run that power cable to the lower PCIe port through the hole at the 'back' under the motherboard then back in behind the PSU shroud, rather than across into the same hole as the GPU power. Would tidy it up quite nicely ;)
Did you happen to measure which AMS2 cars have the worst fps? I know they're not equal, but haven't gone through them. In rF2, before all the GT3 releases, it used to be the AC Cobra 427, however some of the GT3/GTE cars have even worse fps now.

I’m afraid I haven’t. I think cars that have headlights would be the worst, but my testing of night racing is always with headlights. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.
looks good @Chrhun Though my OCD is telling me to run that power cable to the lower PCIe port through the hole at the 'back' under the motherboard then back in behind the PSU shroud, rather than across into the same hole as the GPU power. Would tidy it up quite nicely ;)

Haha - I actually tried that but the gap is too narrow - might fit if I'd take the motherboard out, but too much work! Anyway, no leds or lights in this case and the transparent case door is facing the wall. ;)

The extra PCIe with power is of course an USB card for all the simrig accessories.
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