VWSR S4: Virtual World Series by Renault (F3.5)

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I had a steady race 1 and ended up finishing 6th I think after someone ran out of fuel, race 2 I got caught up in the melee round about turn 2 and had some bad damage, I limped back to the pits and my pit guys took about 90 seconds to patch me up but my suspension was badly damaged so I had to park it.

Looking at the replay for Race 1 you may have been a tad ambitious going into T1 :)
I don't have a video of T1 incident, but it's clearly Bulgin's fault: he moved on the right before the corner and went on the kerb, resulting in a contact wiht Bolton, himself touching Skyring, who was spinning and disturbing Xavier who was coming up...
So bad racing line, and avoidable contact with big consequences !

Two good races for me, great fighting in both of them, some mistakes here and there but great pace and big trust on my car.Personnally I was on high downforce package and I want to ask if somebody was trustful enough to carry the medium ?!

But, I want to say something: it's a very bad thing that we still have a parc ferme between the two races.
I hope that, next time on the official races, we will be able to change the tire pressure between the 45 min race and the following 30 min race !

That kind of setting has always to be alterable in my opinion, same thing for the front wing adjustment ! What do all of you think about that ?
Looking at the replay for Race 1 you may have been a tad ambitious going into T1 :)

I don't have a video of T1 incident, but it's clearly Bulgin's fault: he moved on the right before the corner and went on the kerb, resulting in a contact wiht Bolton, himself touching Skyring, who was spinning and disturbing Xavier who was coming up...
So bad racing line, and avoidable contact with big consequences !

Two good races for me, great fighting in both of them, some mistakes here and there but great pace and big trust on my car.Personnally I was on high downforce package and I want to ask if somebody was trustful enough to carry the medium ?!

But, I want to say something: it's a very bad thing that we still have a parc ferme between the two races.
I hope that, next time on the official races, we will be able to change the tire pressure between the 45 min race and the following 30 min race !

That kind of setting has always to be alterable in my opinion, same thing for the front wing adjustment ! What do all of you think about that ?

Guys please follow our procedures for dealing with race incidents.
PM the driver involved, then admins if needed.
Public accusations are seldom well recieved so seldom a productive method.
Had only a few practice laps and did a last minute change before qualy which was a bad idea.

Q: Resulted in a mid pack result but i am no good qualifier so thats ok.
R1: I was supprised that there was no crash in the first 4 rows in T1 and T2 :thumbsup:. But i the last turn of lap1 i got a small hit which resulted in a bad exit and in T1 of lap 2 i had another avoidable contact :thumbsdown:. After this my car way a bit damaged and the rest of the race a pain.
R2: Good start and made only some small mistakes and drove it home in P4 :whistling:
Guys please follow our procedures for dealing with race incidents.
PM the driver involved, then admins if needed.
Public accusations are seldom well recieved so seldom a productive method.

Soz I wasn't like pointing a finger as such and just a practice race...good job as I made like 7 pitstops lol
I just looked at the replays and I hold my hand up to the race 1 turn 1 incident, James must have had a bad start because I jinked right to pass him before turn 1 but found myself level at turn 1 and as it's tight I hit James who went off taking someone else. sorry guys.

race 2 it's me and James again this time in turn 2, looking at it, it seems James thought he was past me but just caught my front left, we more or less stopped and Xavier hit me. I don't think this one was my fault.

As David said there are procedures, If I'm at fault I usually try and say sorry on the server but had forgotton all about the first turn in race 1 by the end of the race, I blame my age :)
Did some laps on Spa and i didn't had any problems with "the invisible wall" at "Eau Rouge". :)
But going through the grass is to tricky and will kill you a bit further. :roflmao:
Eau Rouge is very bumpy and tricky with this car. But it's not undoable at full throttle. :ninja:

Server is in test mode at the moment, so it will not be accessible for public. :whistling:
But everything you need you can find here. Server will be open in a few day's.

I did test the grid reversal, and it was a stupid mistake from me :redface:. But I know what to do now. :whistling:

See you at ROUND 1: The GP of Belgium. :cool:
My F1 wheel just turned up, so after a quick loan from my daughter :) I have ordered the T500RS base and pedals to go with it, time to ditch the 10 year old momo and G25 pedals at last :D I will put some laps in around Spa today and then have a comparison tomorrow with my new wheel and pedals.
I don't have a video of T1 incident, but it's clearly Bulgin's fault: he moved on the right before the corner and went on the kerb, resulting in a contact wiht Bolton, himself touching Skyring, who was spinning and disturbing Xavier who was coming up...
So bad racing line, and avoidable contact with big consequences !

Two good races for me, great fighting in both of them, some mistakes here and there but great pace and big trust on my car.Personnally I was on high downforce package and I want to ask if somebody was trustful enough to carry the medium ?!

But, I want to say something: it's a very bad thing that we still have a parc ferme between the two races.
I hope that, next time on the official races, we will be able to change the tire pressure between the 45 min race and the following 30 min race !

That kind of setting has always to be alterable in my opinion, same thing for the front wing adjustment ! What do all of you think about that ?

Ill discuss with @Gijs van Elderen, from my side tyre pressures and brake balance for example would be fine to adjust as long as it works technically in-game.
To help us all can I ask you to share with us what you would do to tyre pressures between a 30 and 45 min race?
I just hope no one tries to be a hero and overtake through Eau Rouge :laugh: every race I've ever done at Spa regardless of the game someone tries it when it isn't really on, and the defending driver is too stubborn to let themselves be passed through it so it ends badly....
I just hope no one tries to be a hero and overtake through Eau Rouge :laugh: every race I've ever done at Spa regardless of the game someone tries it when it isn't really on, and the defending driver is too stubborn to let themselves be passed through it so it ends badly....
and we have DRS just after Eau Rouge too for a nice clean pass.
To add to that I think we all need to think about lap 1 and sector 1 in all our races and ask ourselves on balance how many times has your race been made with a heroic lap 1 move? vs how many times its meant tears. Cold tyres/brakes, full fuel, red mist.
The guy in front out qualified you, pay him the respect of no contact in lap 1. Instead of thinking he's just there, if I outbrake him etc etc. We have 45 mins to out race the drivers in front.
I agree with that totally David, I think we were pretty good at that last season, my motto usually is discretion is the better part of valour (apart from last night :D ) we all need to be really careful and respect each other especially on the first lap or 2.
"To help us all can I ask you to share with us what you would do to tyre pressures between a 30 and 45 min race?"

Stop me if I'm wrong: there won't be mandatory pitstop on the second race ? Unlike real life ?
So, we will make the whole two races with the same tires, and because the second is shorter, it would be good if we can adjust the tire pressure, in order to extract the whole performance of the tires in each case.
"To help us all can I ask you to share with us what you would do to tyre pressures between a 30 and 45 min race?"

Stop me if I'm wrong: there won't be mandatory pitstop on the second race ? Unlike real life ?
So, we will make the whole two races with the same tires, and because the second is shorter, it would be good if we can adjust the tire pressure, in order to extract the whole performance of the tires in each case.
You will have fresh tyres for the start of each race.
No mandatory stop.

You dont have to share your setup techniques if you dont want but personally I want to learn and I was wondering what you would do differently to the pressures "in order to extract the whole performance of the tires"?
Fresh tires for each race, of course I knew that !

I imagine more pressure (especially for the front tires) for the 45 min race !

Look at my tire pressure and the ending wear for the 30 min race last night:
Front left: 122kpa ==> 1.5 square remaining at the end of the race !
Front right: 118kpa ==> 3 squares

Now imagine the same pressure but for the 45 min race ==> front left destroyed, front right not good !! Or last solution: to schedule a pitstop (and loose several places...:O_o:)
And imagine the reverse situation:
140kpa for the front left and 132kpa for the front right, race 1 very good !
But in second, you will be slower than you can go, just because you carry an inadaptate pressure !
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