VWSR S4: Virtual World Series by Renault (F3.5)

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Fresh tires for each race, of course I knew that !

I imagine more pressure (especially for the front tires) for the 45 min race !

Look at my tire pressure and the ending wear for the 30 min race last night:
Front left: 122kpa ==> 1.5 square remaining at the end of the race !
Front right: 118kpa ==> 3 squares

Now imagine the same pressure but for the 45 min race ==> front left destroyed, front right not good !! Or last solution: to schedule a pitstop (and loose several places...:O_o:)
And imagine the reverse situation:
140kpa for the front left and 132kpa for the front right, race 1 very good !
But in second, you will be slower than you can go, just because you carry an inadaptate pressure !
Oh ok, thanks for sharing that.

I went on the server but Bram and a load of other guys are driving pace cars ? WTF :D
I think they are AI guys though, should they be running

The trees look pixely at a distance and the shadows seem strange at this Spa, any settings tips guys ?
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We have completed the auto team pairings.

We wanted to get a representative ranking so we could team the really fast guys up with the lower end of the grid and the mid ranked guys with mid ranked guys to try to create an exciting teams or WCC.
To explain the rankings data which drove the rankings and so the pairings.
Firstly please remember that it does not conclusively prove who is the best driver. You have 6 race meetings and 12 races to prove who is the best driver.
The other thing to remember is that the higher you got ranked the lower ranked #2 driver you will be paired with. So if you feel that you should have been ranked higher just smile, take your complimentary faster team mate and win the WCC.

Couple of explanatory notes:
The spread sheet excludes statistical outliers and then averages the gap to the fastest lap of that session. This just means that if a driver had 3 sessions at +.07sec and one session at +4 sec we dropped the +4 sec one. The average across "valid sessions" is then used to give us "core pace".

The system was never going to be perfect but the super-pole format at COTA did make life a bit more complex. On a couple of occasions, one flawed lap and a drivers pace was skewed.
We took the decision that if there was a big discrepancy between Qualifying and race pace/performance that we would discount the quali session and rely on the race session at COTA. In doing so we think that we dropped sessions that were not representative.
The main beneficiary of that is Dino Paolini.

One other “qualitative adjustment” we took was to Georg Winters' data. Georg had a quali setup did a great qualification lap and cooked his engine in the race. So we had one quali lap and a DNF to rely upon. We used race lap time to essentially re sort Dino and Georg.

Remember that if you want to team up with someone in particular you can but the team will pay or receive a fee in WCC points. This is calculated on the difference between the estimated “points value” of the incoming and departing driver. These values appear below.

The auto paired teams. Edit 30th Sept 2014 Driver transfer in green..

A Aleksi Kivela, Cordell Cahill

B Dino Paolini, Calum McLure (10 points debit)

C Georg Winter, Richard Hill

D Oscar Hardwick, Jeff Lasecki (10 points credit)

E James Bolton David OReilly (55 points credit)

F James Sadler, Martin Bulgin

G David Gronvalls, Xavier Poirel

H Nicolas Delamare, Jason Skyring

I Tapio Rinneaho, Claes Axelsson

J Daniel Bida, Dewald Nel, (55 points debit)

K Teddy Buch, Patrick Wannemueller

Driver Points Value (for driver transfer market fees.)
Aleksi Kivela 115
Dino Paolini 110
Georg Winter 110
Oscar Hardwick 110
Daniel Bida 90
James Sadler 90
David Gronvalls 90
Nicolas Delamare 75
Tapio Rinneaho 70
Dewald Nel 50
Teddy Buch 50
Patrick Wannemueller 50
James Bolton 35
Claes Axelsson 35
Jason Skyring 35
Xavier Poirel 15
Martin Bulgin 15
David OReilly 15
Calum McLure 15
Richard Hill 5
Jeff Lasecki 5
Cordell Cahill 5

If you want to see the source data its here. The ranking data is the middle page.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/euji7mredhglxo2/FR35 League Team Formation data.xls?dl=0
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Did some laps on Spa and i didn't had any problems with "the invisible wall" at "Eau Rouge". :)
But going through the grass is to tricky and will kill you a bit further. :roflmao:
Eau Rouge is very bumpy and tricky with this car. But it's not undoable at full throttle. :ninja:

Server is in test mode at the moment, so it will not be accessible for public. :whistling:
But everything you need you can find here. Server will be open in a few day's.

I did test the grid reversal, and it was a stupid mistake from me :redface:. But I know what to do now. :whistling:

See you at ROUND 1: The GP of Belgium. :cool:

My wheel feels awful at the bottom of eau rouge on this version of the track, very bumpy but the car appears to be jumping around 2 so its prob just my setup.. Just did a few laps and feels very slippery to say the least lol
I just did a few laps.
Speaking personally I like the track. It drives nicely. Its bumpy at the bottom of Eau Rouge but feels authentic to me (not ever having driven Spa of course). Just kind of simulates your eyeballs getting pushed to the bottom of the sockets.

I got Deja Vu, was lapping ok then a #1 driver arrived and I had 4 sec to find.
Gets you thinking and testing.

I must say I enjoy driving at Spa, thew car feels good there and it should make for a good race.
Fresh tires for each race, of course I knew that !

I imagine more pressure (especially for the front tires) for the 45 min race !

Look at my tire pressure and the ending wear for the 30 min race last night:
Front left: 122kpa ==> 1.5 square remaining at the end of the race !
Front right: 118kpa ==> 3 squares

Now imagine the same pressure but for the 45 min race ==> front left destroyed, front right not good !! Or last solution: to schedule a pitstop (and loose several places...:O_o:)
And imagine the reverse situation:
140kpa for the front left and 132kpa for the front right, race 1 very good !
But in second, you will be slower than you can go, just because you carry an inadaptate pressure !

I've no problems with changes tire pressure between races. But it seems it's that it's not done out of the box. Maybe if i allow tires compound to be "changed", tyre pressure settings will open. There is only 1 dry compound, so it's not going to influence tire compound choice. :)

To be continued... :whistling:
"The Blown Diffuser"

Pre season Special
Welcome to Season 4 issue #1 of the Blown Diffuser.​

Our Formula Renault reporter and former winner of the Halfords Staff Christmas Go Karting Trophy, Martin O'Brundle has been treading the pits and the paddock at the pre season tests at Circuit of the Americas and last week at Hockenheim.
We asked him to throw a slide rule over the teams, the drivers and anything else he could get close to.

Part 1 The Top End:


Well the first thing to report is that its looks to be very tight at the top. The Formula Renault rewards raw skill as well as practice and in my observation there are seven drivers who can challenge for wins.

The Finnish driver @Aleksi Kivelä was the stand out performer throughout the pre season. He was fastest in 4 of the 6 sessions. In the remaining 2 he was +.131 and .271 sec. He is deservedly ranked #1 with an average gap to pole in all 6 sessions of 0.050sec.
Aleksi won the Virtual world endurance championships last year in the Nissan GTR GT1, he won Laguna Seca GT3 1 hr, and won the GT3 Bathurst 1.5 hrs. He is just getting to know the Formula Renault which is a bit scary to think about.

German driver @Dino Paolini is the returning Champion from last season and was almost unbeatable in the 2010 car. Dino could only make COTA and the Super pole skewed his results a bit. Ignoring that, he was #2 on race pace and is a skilled racer on track. If you beat Dino you have had a very good day. Dino also races in FSR Championship.

A little less is known about fellow German @Georg Winter. He races in FSR Pro and has had a P8 in that series. He showed stunning quali pace at COTA but his race was compromised by a parc ferme surprise. Prior to his car getting cooked he was mixing it at the front. Georg is skilled at set up and has race wins to his credit on the engineering side. His pace makes him one to watch.

Englishman @Oscar Hardwick is one to watch closely. Oscar comes from the “no points handed out on Saturday “ school of thought. He has good quali pace but with a race win against Aleksi Kivela at Hockenheim where he lapped .081 sec from best lap and a podium at COTA with fastest race lap Oscar has laid down his marker that he races harder than he qualifies. He works well in traffic and under pressure. Oscar is a multiple race winner at RD in many cars.

@Daniel Bida put in a race lap .026 sec off the fastest in race 1 at COTA. Little else is known at this stage as his management have refused to recognise this reporters Halfords staff parking pass credentials. However if he has this race pace he can podium. He has also formed a strong team but more about that later.

@James Sadler is another FSR driver who is staying sharp in the off season here in Formula Renault. James best race lap at COTA was .120 sec from the fastest which means he has the race pace to mix it at the pointy end.

Swedish driver @David Gronvalls is a man of few words who lets his driving do the talking. He might have slipped under the radar for some but this reporter saw him take the race win and fastest lap in COTA He may have had some issues in race 2 or he may have decided to play the long game. David is used to winning and comfortable at the front.

Synopsis, race wins might come from any of these guys. Which is exciting dont you think?
Over the next issues we will review the mid field and the #2 drivers.

Now to

The Silly Season.


We are led to believe by our contacts within the halls of RD that no sooner had the RD Admin team created the auto pairings that we had the team management knocking on the doors.

What we know for sure so far:

Oscar Hardwick has been mentoring @Jeff Lasecki so it made sense for them to sell @Calum McLure for 10 WCC points and swap Jeff into the team.

Now I raced with Calum last year in this league and from what I hear about the way they approached this deal I don’t think Oscar knows he has pace. This deal will be a great one for Jeff but could possibly have created a WCC winning team in pairing Calum with Dino Paolini. Certainly when first seeing the auto pairing and seeing Calum with Oscar my first thought was “are they kidding”. Now he is with Dino. My money says they are the ones to watch. A lot of talent and only 10 points on the wrong side of the ledger.

The next deal was the biggest so far. @Dewald Nel ranked #10 swapped in Daniel Bida who is officially ranked #5 to replace @James Bolton #13 ranked driver. Dewald and Daniel planned to be team mates all along which is fair enough. This creates in theory the strongest team and the only one with two drivers from the top half of the rankings table. But at what cost? What did it cost the team to have a driver 8 rankings above the auto pairing? 55 WCC points.

James takes that with him to join David O'Reilly the #18 ranked driver. Creating a team with 2 drivers from the bottom half of the table. When asked how he felt David said “well it was an emotional roller coaster, I was looking forward to working with a very quick driver and learning a thing or two and then he was gone. Still the hurt was soothed a bit by the fact that we have 11 points a round before we even start the car.”

Some would say that David will need them.

We will sign off for now. Destination Spa Francorchamps in the Wallonia region of the beautiful Ardennes. We will be staying in Bastogne and taking in the delights of the local Chocolatiers, Boulangers, a few mussels and most likely a visit to the stunning race car museum at Stavelot.

see you for edition #2
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Round 1.jpg

This is season 4 or the Virtual World Series by Renault and season 2 of the Formula Renault 3.5 hosted in R Factor 2. We move to the popular 2014 spec car. The season features 6 race weekends of 2 races of 45 min and 30 mins. The top 10 in race 1 going into race 2 in a reverse grid.

Following two ranking events the teams are structured in an autopaired system where the #1 driver is paired with #22, #2 driver with #21 and so on all the way down the table to create an even and compelling Teams Championship which every driver has a chance to win and pits #1 drivers against #1 drivers and #2 drivers against #2 drivers.

Our Formula Renault reporter and former winner of the Halfords Staff Christmas Go Karting Trophy, Martin O'Brundle has been treading the pits and the paddock at the pre season tests at Circuit of the Americas and last week at Hockenheim.
We asked him to throw a slide rule over the teams, the drivers and anything else he could get close to.

Part 1 The Top End:

Well the first thing to report is that its looks to be very tight at the top. The Formula Renault rewards raw skill as well as practice and in my observation there are seven drivers who can challenge for wins.

The Finnish driver Aleksi Kivelä was the stand out performer throughout the pre season. He was fastest in 4 of the 6 sessions. In the remaining 2 he was +.131 and .271 sec. He is deservedly ranked #1 with an average gap to pole in all 6 sessions of 0.050sec.
Aleksi won the Virtual world endurance championships last year in the Nissan GTR GT1, he won Laguna Seca GT3 1 hr, and won the GT3 Bathurst 1.5 hrs. He is just getting to know the Formula Renault which is a bit scary to think about.

German driver Dino Paolini is the returning Champion from last season and was almost unbeatable in the 2010 car. Dino could only make COTA and the Super pole skewed his results a bit. Ignoring that, he was #2 on race pace and is a skilled racer on track. If you beat Dino you have had a very good day. Dino also races in FSR Championship.

A little less is known about fellow German Georg Winter. He races in FSR Pro and has had a P8 in that series. He showed stunning quali pace at COTA but his race was compromised by a parc ferme surprise. Prior to his car getting cooked he was mixing it at the front. Georg is skilled at set up and has race wins to his credit on the engineering side. His pace makes him one to watch.

Englishman Oscar Hardwick is one to watch closely. Oscar comes from the “no points handed out on Saturday “ school of thought. He has good quali pace but with a race win against Aleksi Kivela at Hockenheim where he lapped .081 sec from best lap and a podium at COTA with fastest race lap Oscar has laid down his marker that he races harder than he qualifies. He works well in traffic and under pressure. Oscar is a multiple race winner at RD in many cars.

Daniel Bida put in a race lap .026 sec off the fastest in race 1 at COTA. Little else is known at this stage as his management have refused to recognise this reporters Halfords staff parking pass credentials. However if he has this race pace he can podium. He has also formed a strong team but more about that later.

James Sadler is another FSR driver who is staying sharp in the off season here in Formula Renault. James best race lap at COTA was .120 sec from the fastest which means he has the race pace to mix it at the pointy end.

Swedish driver David Gronvalls is a man of few words who lets his driving do the talking. He might have slipped under the radar for some but this reporter saw him take the race win and fastest lap in COTA He may have had some issues in race 2 or he may have decided to play the long game. David is used to winning and comfortable at the front.

Synopsis, race wins might come from any of these guys. Which is exciting dont you think?
Over the next issues we will review the mid field and the #2 drivers.

The Silly Season.

We are led to believe by our contacts within the halls of RD that no sooner had the RD Admin team created the auto pairings that we had the team management knocking on the doors.

What we know for sure so far:

Oscar Hardwick has been mentoring Jeff Lasecki so it made sense for them to sell Calum McLure for 10 WCC points and swap Jeff into the team.

Now I raced with Calum last year in this league and from what I hear about the way they approached this deal I don’t think Oscar knows he has pace. This deal will be a great one for Jeff but could possibly have created a WCC winning team in pairing Calum with Dino Paolini. Certainly when first seeing the auto pairing and seeing Calum with Oscar my first thought was “are they kidding”. Now he is with Dino. My money says they are the ones to watch. A lot of talent and only 10 points on the wrong side of the ledger.

The next deal was the biggest so far. Dewald Nel ranked #10 swapped in Daniel Bida who is officially ranked #5 to replace James Bolton #13 ranked driver. Dewald and Daniel planned to be team mates all along which is fair enough. This creates in theory the strongest team and the only one with two drivers from the top half of the rankings table. But at what cost? What did it cost the team to have a driver 8 rankings above the auto pairing? 55 WCC points.

James takes that with him to join David O'Reilly the #18 ranked driver. Creating a team with 2 drivers from the bottom half of the table. When asked how he felt David said “well it was an emotional roller coaster, I was looking forward to working with a very quick driver and learning a thing or two and then he was gone. Still the hurt was soothed a bit by the fact that we have 11 points a round before we even start the car.”

Some would say that David will need them.

We will sign off for now. Destination Spa Francorchamps in the Wallonia region of the beautiful Ardennes. We will be staying in Bastogne and taking in the delights of the local Chocolatiers, Boulangers, a few mussels and most likely a visit to the stunning race car museum at Stavelot.

see you for edition #2
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