VWSR S4: Virtual World Series by Renault (F3.5)

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The sign-up process:

We need to have full grids, have time to invite reserves, treat them properly and we need to know who is racing for what team before the event. For that reason a clear process is in place.

A thread will be created for the round.
  1. All intending WCC drivers will be tagged and need to sign up.
  2. At 48 Hours before official practice ANY empty seats will be offered to Signed up Reserve / Guest Drivers then Casual Guest drivers.
  3. At 24 Hours before official practice any empty seats will be made available to late signups.

Signed up Reserve / Guest Drivers
Will have the first option on an empty seat. Once a round has been driven the driver will be tagged in the round thread.

Casual Guest drivers:
Will have the next option
- Everybody (with a RD license) else who wants to join a round, can do so as a guest driver. However this is a championship season, so please be aware of RD League Regs section 3.3 dealing with practice,pace and control of the car. If you can drive it clean, safe and courteous you are welcome.
- If they sign up the next round again: They will be considered as a VWSR F3.5 driver and will be tagged in the next round.
A driver becomes a full time (WCC) driver when a seat becomes available and he/she is assigned to a team.
The sign-up process:

We need to have full grids, have time to invite reserves, treat them properly and we need to know who is racing for what team before the event. For that reason a clear process is in place.

A thread will be created for the round.
  1. All intending WCC drivers will be tagged and need to sign up.
  2. At 48 Hours before official practice ANY empty seats will be offered to Signed up Reserve / Guest Drivers then Casual Guest drivers.
  3. At 24 Hours before official practice any empty seats will be made available to late signups.

Signed up Reserve / Guest Drivers
Will have the first option on an empty seat. Once a round has been driven the driver will be tagged in the round thread.

Casual Guest drivers:
Will have the next option
- Everybody (with a RD license) else who wants to join a round, can do so as a guest driver. However this is a championship season, so please be aware of RD League Regs section 3.3 dealing with practice,pace and control of the car. If you can drive it clean, safe and courteous you are welcome.
- If they sign up the next round again: They will be considered as a VWSR F3.5 driver and will be tagged in the next round.
A driver becomes a full time (WCC) driver when a seat becomes available and he/she is assigned to a team.
The sign-up process:

We need to have full grids, have time to invite reserves, treat them properly and we need to know who is racing for what team before the event. For that reason a clear process is in place.

A thread will be created for the round.
  1. All intending WCC drivers will be tagged and need to sign up.
  2. At 48 Hours before official practice ANY empty seats will be offered to Signed up Reserve / Guest Drivers then Casual Guest drivers.
  3. At 24 Hours before official practice any empty seats will be made available to late signups.

Signed up Reserve / Guest Drivers
Will have the first option on an empty seat. Once a round has been driven the driver will be tagged in the round thread.

Casual Guest drivers:
Will have the next option
- Everybody (with a RD license) else who wants to join a round, can do so as a guest driver. However this is a championship season, so please be aware of RD League Regs section 3.3 dealing with practice,pace and control of the car. If you can drive it clean, safe and courteous you are welcome.
- If they sign up the next round again: They will be considered as a VWSR F3.5 driver and will be tagged in the next round.
A driver becomes a full time (WCC) driver when a seat becomes available and he/she is assigned to a team.

Team Standing after ROUND3

  1. James S & Martin............................. 77,5
  2. Oscar & Jeff ................................ 72,5 . Jeff +1,6 per race
  3. Canadian Australian Racing................... 60,5 . David O +9 per race
  4. Aleksi & Cordell............................. 60,0
  5. Dino & Calum................................. 58,0 . Calum -1,6 per race
  6. Nicolas & Jason ............................. 44,5
  7. Victor & Xavier ............................. 35,5
  8. Peter H & Nick .............................. 31,5
  9. Strawberry Racing ........................... 23,0 . Marcell -9 per race
  10. Tapio & Kris ................................ 20,0
  11. Abdoulaye & Steve............................ 17,5
  12. Peter S & Jamie ............................. 14,5
  13. Teddy & Patrick ............................. 10,5
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4) Once we have this quantitative data we then need to see if some qualitative data needs to be taken into account. EG Driver X had the fastest lap but driver Y did 15 laps within .015 sec and gained 6 places to take P2.


Will try to actually Q properly this time.
Sorry for the crash at the start if it was my fault, no idea what happened, just a lot of lag. Just seemed to lauch into the car in front, wasn't even going that fast. Looked strange on the replay so not sure what happened.

Will upload a video of it tomorrow.

Could only make race 1 so that's me for the night. I'll change my league sign up to a reserve since I didn't manage to do any of the formation races.
Sorry, @Daniel Bida , :unsure:

Restarting warm up wouldn't help your setup problem. Restart weekend could, but this would screw up the grid completely. :O_o:
I think, if you assign a setup to your car, could have helped. Anyway it's a test race. So i will look into it.

And also the grid edit program. I don't know what happend but it didn't create a grid file. :barefoot:
Pace was good but did some rookie mistakes due to lack of concentration. Luckily these were just test races so at least I know to concentrate on the last minute too :D
Sorry for the crash at the start if it was my fault, no idea what happened, just a lot of lag. Just seemed to lauch into the car in front, wasn't even going that fast. Looked strange on the replay so not sure what happened.

Will upload a video of it tomorrow.

Could only make race 1 so that's me for the night. I'll change my league sign up to a reserve since I didn't manage to do any of the formation races.
We only needed you to attend 1 session for ranking.
The other side is that you attended all last season to the bitter end very reliably and were one of our first signups.
In my view you have earned a seat or to put it another way it would be very harsh to take a seat from a reliable returning driver. We will not require that you become a reserve unless that's what you prefer.
Sorry, @Daniel Bida , :unsure:

Restarting warm up wouldn't help your setup problem. Restart weekend could, but this would screw up the grid completely. :O_o:
I think, if you assign a setup to your car, could have helped. Anyway it's a test race. So i will look into it.

And also the grid edit program. I don't know what happend but it didn't create a grid file. :barefoot:

i understand for sure.
i think for Season races someting must be done as i had bad luck . i couldnt do more .

anyway on Race one another 4th position end . not so exciting as last week . i had some damage and poor visability in mirrors so i was very careful when fighting.
strong pace gone again .

Cya at season
Quali went ok was happy I set a 1.25 but race 1 was awful for me, I got a little tag into T1 which meant I hit the wall and got damage, I pit but took the limiter off a fraction 2 early and picked up a stop and go, I then pit but put the limiter on 2 late and got a drive through, I then entered the pits and did exactly the same thing lol. I thought I served all my penalties but obviously dint and got DQ'd! Nice start to the session. If the admin was watching me he must have been pissing himself!

Race 2 was much better for me, i got a clean start and gingerly made it round the 1st few turns, I then set about just trying to set consistent times, made a mistake about 5 or more laps in which brought Xavier on to my gear box and we diced around for a few laps - great little fight - He eventually got past but i maintained about a 1 second gap putting a bit of pressure on in a few braking zones and he made a mistake after a few laps handing me the place. James then closed in and got past with a few laps to go then I made a mistake on the last lap but managed to see the chequered flag in 6th - happy to score some points on my debut :o)

Good night and hope to get a place!
Thanks all for attending the team formation races.
We will do some data crunching tomorrow, confer with @Gijs van Elderen and also ask the reserve drivers who attended the team formation races which of them would like a WCC seat.
If more want seats than are free we will then look to other factors like how many practice races they attended and then I guess date of signup.

Once we have 24 seats filled we will publish the auto paired teams and open up the driver transfer market for a week.

That should leave us 5-6 reserves and I reckon they will get some racing as we fully expect life to get in the way of each driver attending say 1 race.

Not to mention that if not signed up @48hrs the seat will be offered to a reserve driver;)
I had a steady race 1 and ended up finishing 6th I think after someone ran out of fuel, race 2 I got caught up in the melee round about turn 2 and had some bad damage, I limped back to the pits and my pit guys took about 90 seconds to patch me up but my suspension was badly damaged so I had to park it.
We only needed you to attend 1 session for ranking.
The other side is that you attended all last season to the bitter end very reliably and were one of our first signups.
In my view you have earned a seat or to put it another way it would be very harsh to take a seat from a reliable returning driver. We will not require that you become a reserve unless that's what you prefer.

Cheers David appreciated :geek: yeah I'm still up for a place. It was just incase someone had signed up and was placed in the reserves even though they turned up for both races. If there is a spot then I'm in :thumbsup:
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