VWSR S4: Virtual World Series by Renault (F3.5)

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If we can't adjust that, it won't be a shame, because it will be the same for everyone.I will set a common pressure for the long race, and run the short race with the same: so I'll be very aggressive on the tires for the short race, absolutely no tire management !! :)
I've tried various settings to open the tire pressure after quali. But nothing seems to work. :O_o:
It's strange IMO, because tire pressure is the most easy and most common thing to adjust in real racing.
Thanks for trying Gijs.
@Nicolas Delamare
it would seem that we will just have to make a compromise setting on tyre pressures or prioritise race 1, 45 mins and full points or race 2, 30 mins and half points.
@Nicolas Delamare
I will thank you for opening up this whole discussion because tyre pressures are something I have not been testing enough and it seems the rules have changed in terms of what pressures work best from a few builds ago.
the above edition if The Blown Diffuser looks like it might be a featured news article, thats why I had to make its own thread and tidy it up a bit.

Drivers get your profile-intro done and we can increase your fame!!
btw David. I wasnt suprised by parc ferme. I was only a bit to risky at setting rad value :D never did a full race sim before with this car.
Oh ok thanks Georg, I'm afraid that that pesky O'Brundle will make stuff up in the absence of hard facts.:whistling: We ask him to try to be in the spirit of reality as a minimum.
Hopeyou liked it anyway.
Nationality: British/Welsh
What is:
Your favourite Track? Monaco
RF2 vehicle/s? just started RF2
Favourite real world driver? Michael Schumacher
You favourite (or most attractive) movie star or celebrity? (if footballers count) Ryan Giggs
Do you prefer Gym or Lounge? Gym
Beer or wine? beer
Do you do your own set-ups? sometimes
Trickiest bit of the Fr 3.5 2014? not tried the 2014 version yet
Best Sim-Racing result? 4th in race 2 of the 2013 FSR World Trophy Spanish Grand Prix in Valencia
Goals for the season? get a Podium finish
Anything else you want us to know? i am new, but fierce, but fair
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