The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

Audi Coupé typ 81
Keep in mind I've only made semislick kinda tyres so far.

First of all, gotta find a good picture of the tread to turn into a pattern. If you're lucky some tyre stores will have dead on shots on their website.
View attachment 523199
View attachment 523200

Next you turn it into a height map -#000000 is lowest, #FFFFFF is highest. Use gradients to create tapered parts. View attachment 523201

From there, you can make both diffuse and NM.

Firstly, NM - for mine. XNormal works too. It's easy, fast and gets the job done.
Avoid the built it PS normal map generation tool as the results are terrible more often than not, it quite literally cannot output flat surfaces as perfectly flat NM.

Simply throw your heightmap into the generator and play with the sliders until you get a desired result. The default values are extremely strong so I'd suggest using up to 1 strength for tread and under 0.5 for sidewall.
View attachment 523203

Next, some noise on parts of the tread that touch the ground. Render monochrome static, make it seamless, turn into NM. Then cut a mask from the heightmap with some feather along the edges and blend with soft light mode.
View attachment 523204

That's about it for NM, diffuse is fairly straightforward.

Start with your heightmap set to multiply blend mode on a dark gray background, adjust opacity and levels if needed.
View attachment 523205

Render cloud noise, make it seamless, play with blend mode and opacity until you get a good result for the tyre you're making. (Opacity turned up in the pic to make it more visible)
View attachment 523206

Last step - I use CM for this specifically, not sure if it works if baked with Max or Blender.
Invert your normal map and use it for baking AO. It's a trick me and a friend discovered a while back.
View attachment 523207
Apply in multiply mode.
If needed, duplicate the background in multiply mode and move it to the top to darken the entire texture.

For the alpha mask (reflectivity) I just invert the heightmap and play with levels. You should add some noise to it too but I didn't bother.
View attachment 523211

Note that this is my personal workflow and it's very likely far from efficient or industry standard so you should probably ask Gary for advice instead.
That's almost exactly the workflow I used for the C15, weird! Yours look unbelievably better though. I played around with Substance Designer recently and it's a solid tool to create the AO and all. Thanks for taking the time to explain. :)
How did you get the side texture of the tire? Having some trouble with that
build it yourself :)



and a few layers later...


you can use illustrator, photoshop or even a 3D software to create the initial black & white texture
i can't find the initial file, but i believe i did it all in 3D, mostly because i'm not familiar enough with Illustrator
it's mostly having a tool so your text follows a circle.

once you have your black & white mask for all the text
it's easy to compose dirt masks in photoshop
and it's then easy to create a convincing normal map (most important part i believe)
By easy, i mean it's tedious, and probably took 8 hours to have the final map, including the threads, but there's nothing complicated to it.

While finding a good picture, could work for the diffuse. It will never produce that sharp normal map like the screen above
Never been active here before. But I started this Formula Basic project last winter and wanted to get back on it. Modelled from scratch using what meager reference material I could find online. I've pretty much finished the frame and shell as far as a first version should go. And the suspension bits are in place. Once I have a functioning prototype I plan on approaching the teams that drive these IRL to perhaps get access to the real deal in order to take measurements. This is my first mod project so I'm probably gaping over too much but it has been fun to model so far. Now comes the suspension constraints which is where I run out of skill. So we'll see how far I get before I need proper assistance. Anyway, I'll try to post here when I get some more stuff in.

Some IRL racing with these cars for those curious about the series.
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Never been active here before. But I started this Formula Basic project last winter and wanted to get back on it. Modelled from scratch using what meager reference material I could find online. I've pretty much finished the frame and shell as far as a first version should go. And the suspension bits are in place. Once I have a functioning prototype I plan on approaching the teams that drive these IRL to perhaps get access to the real deal in order to take measurements. This is my first mod project so I'm probably gaping over too much but it has been fun to model so far. Now comes the suspension constraints which is where I run out of skill. So we'll see how far I get before I need proper assistance. Anyway, I'll try to post here when I get some more stuff in.
View attachment 525523
Some IRL racing with these cars for those curious about the series.
You should really ask for some data too if you do get contact. Going to be hard to make physics for a car that there might be no information about whatsoever.

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