The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

So this is now up on my site with a cheeky little discount if you type RACEDEPT as a coupon code.
As usual, will be packing up a free version to go up on here in a bit.





incredibly work. I flung many Subarus and Porsches of the road before "almost" making it to the end in an old Abarth 500 SS :roflmao:
btw tried letting the AI run the stage, it works fine up until the snowy parts, for which the AI borders are extensively messed up. The car will hug the road edge before eventually coming to a stop at some bridge walll.
incredibly work. I flung many Subarus and Porsches of the road before "almost" making it to the end in an old Abarth 500 SS :roflmao:
btw tried letting the AI run the stage, it works fine up until the snowy parts, for which the AI borders are extensively messed up. The car will hug the road edge before eventually coming to a stop at some bridge walll.

Yep it sure is tricky, been having a lot of fun driving it with a couple of mates. I have a server up btw - send me a message if you want the password.

And yep I don't really know what happened with the AI line, I think it might be something to do with the snow bank being IS_VALID_TRACK? Tbh it wasn't intended to run AI, more just for allowing people to record their pacenotes.
one of the best tracks of GT, nice
Is a dirt version on the way ? with the tarmac replaced with dirt (along with the proper surface settings ofc)
Hi and thanks for the feedback. A dirt version is not planned at the moment, but could be a nice idea!
As of now I'm focusing on making a better ai then I'll start polishing/add new details, but I have to check what you asked, that is surely doable
Well, the C15 is done with LODs and all.
It currently lacks skin previews. As I'm using BC7 compression, I can't generate them via CM, so I've got to regenerate every skin with .TGAs textures, and also add the roof rack in the .kn5 as it's a [MODEL_REPLACEMENT]... And I can't be bothered with that nonsense until...

I get a soundbank. So if anyone is up to the task, PM me. :)

Well, the C15 is done with LODs and all.
It currently lacks skin previews. As I'm using BC7 compression, I can't generate them via CM, so I've got to regenerate every skin with .TGAs textures, and also add the roof rack in the .kn5 as it's a [MODEL_REPLACEMENT]... And I can't be bothered with that nonsense until...

I get a soundbank. So if anyone is up to the task, PM me. :)

I spy Falougha :cool:. Wish I could help with the soundbank but never done it before! Looking forward to sending this van hard into some corners when it's done
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Working on a new add-on, this time for the Tatuus FA01. I have a lack of free time for sim racing and my 3d model hobby, so I wouldn't expect to release anything soon (Sorry for the people waiting for my projects)

However, this is something I was working sometime ago. I'm not showing it in the picture, but I also did a new sidepod, put halo, added a left-side separated airbox (like the Dallara F317) and added some nose change to this car, but it didn't work as I expected (shaders and texture are not my specialty) I'm interested to upgrade the car to something modern (like current FRECA Tatuus car) through CSP add-on feature given it's one of the most open wheel car used in the sim.

In the picture I show a new rear wing and the pod fin (first part). I'll try to make other things such as a new front wing, new rims, put the Halo, a gopro camera fixed to the roll hoop, the airbox (like Dallara F317) and a new sidepod and new nose, these two last if can get them to fit perfectly with the car. Expect the first part later this month.

As always, I'm opened to any suggestion regarding this car and something that someone want to add it to make more realistic.

Preview of rear wing and the fin:

w/ Airbox and the Halo:

Edit: FRECA prototype. I'll try to do my own livery for this car with this add-on.


EDIT 07/12
WIP yet

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What's your workflow for wheels ?
Keep in mind I've only made semislick kinda tyres so far.

First of all, gotta find a good picture of the tread to turn into a pattern. If you're lucky some tyre stores will have dead on shots on their website.


Next you turn it into a height map -#000000 is lowest, #FFFFFF is highest. Use gradients to create tapered parts.

From there, you can make both diffuse and NM.

Firstly, NM - for mine. XNormal works too. It's easy, fast and gets the job done.
Avoid the built it PS normal map generation tool as the results are terrible more often than not, it quite literally cannot output flat surfaces as perfectly flat NM.

Simply throw your heightmap into the generator and play with the sliders until you get a desired result. The default values are extremely strong so I'd suggest using up to 1 strength for tread and under 0.5 for sidewall.

Next, some noise on parts of the tread that touch the ground. Render monochrome static, make it seamless, turn into NM. Then cut a mask from the heightmap with some feather along the edges and blend with soft light mode.

That's about it for NM, diffuse is fairly straightforward.

Start with your heightmap set to multiply blend mode on a dark gray background, adjust opacity and levels if needed.

Render cloud noise, make it seamless, play with blend mode and opacity until you get a good result for the tyre you're making. (Opacity turned up in the pic to make it more visible)

Last step - I use CM for this specifically, not sure if it works if baked with Max or Blender.
Invert your normal map and use it for baking AO. It's a trick me and a friend discovered a while back.

Apply in multiply mode.
If needed, duplicate the background in multiply mode and move it to the top to darken the entire texture.

For the alpha mask (reflectivity) I just invert the heightmap and play with levels. You should add some noise to it too but I didn't bother.

Note that this is my personal workflow and it's very likely far from efficient or industry standard so you should probably ask Gary for advice instead.
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