The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

When you select an object in ksEditor, it should show in the Object properties as
Radius whatever
Scale 1 1 1
As long as the radius in metres is about right then it's fine (eg. 2.2m on a 4m long car, if the whole body is one mesh)
...I think I follow?

So if I was to increase the radius around the parts, it would make them visible within that angle?

Right now, as soon as I get closer to the front of the Coaster, the car pops out of view, and this is beyond interior view. Any other camera angle will do the same; if an AI driver driving the Coaster gets past me, they don't show up until the front end of the car goes past a distance from the camera.
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More than half of the buildings around Almaring are done (all the huge and complex buildings). Will it be used as a racetrack in AC? I don't know. The track layout consists of only two corners, therefore, it's a 750 m long stock car track in fact. What I know: Many people loved it back then in the late 70s and early 80s. It was a place to have a bit of fun.
Someone asked me for a screenshot of the 3D model, so here are two Blender screenshots too. :)

View attachment 514525

View attachment 514526

View attachment 514527

View attachment 514528

View attachment 514529
Short tracks have their place in AC as well; smaller cars like the Classic Minis, Ford Coupe Legend and Formula Students play better when there's less distance for the pack to thin out across.
...I think I follow?

So if I was to increase the radius around the parts, it would make them visible within that angle?

Right now, as soon as I get closer to the front of the Coaster, the car pops out of view, and this is beyond interior view. Any other camera angle will do the same; if an AI driver driving the Coaster gets past me, they don't show up until the front end of the car goes past a distance from the camera.
Yeah, could also be an issue with CSP of course but it sounds like the objects are scaled some way so the game's hiding them at the wrong time.
... and now, counting 3.

The F500s seem to have hit a roadblock at the moment, so I decided to hop back to the historic Lake Garnett GP track for a bit. Part of why I let it sit for so long is that since the event was of regional interest and only ran for ~8 years, reference imagery is pretty sparse. Most of what I have to work with are a handful of newspaper photos, event programs, and a few Youtube uploads of DVD rips of VHS transfers of 8mm home films. As you might imagine, these are... a bit less clear than one might hope.

That said, one feature that can be attested to is this *terrifyingly* spindly observation tower, which appeared to be welded up from steel tube and sized to be trucked in on a flatbed and tipped up for the event:


I'm not sure where exactly it was placed along the pit straight, but I think it was close to the start/finish line since it seems to have a flagging station on the lower level. The banner is also fairly accurate to what I can make out on the videos, though I think it changed from year to year so it may not be 100% accurate.

Lake Garnett is also home to the county fairground, so there are several trackside buildings associated with that. Fortunately, most of these still exist today, and I have decent aerial imagery bracketing the time period of the GP that let me see what existed when, so these aren't too hard to flesh out.


The 4000'-long Santa Fe Straight was named for the rail line running parallel to it. I've added telegraph/signal lines along the right of way, as well as some fencing. I may use some CSP animation wizardry to put a freight train here at some point, as well... would be nice to see a Santa Fe-liveried F7 pulling grain hoppers alongside the track, just for flavor! The haybale chicane continues to murder AI -- I may play with the new soft barrier feature in the latest CSP previews to see if it makes them a bit more forgiving.


A bonus shot of the F500 through the corkscrew, maybe at one of the recent revival track days. Not giving up on that project, just putting it on the backburner for a bit!

Likkle promo vid for the rally stage.... lots of work on it in the last week. Snow needs a bit of sculpting but I'm liking the textures now, looks very good in certain lights. Up next is trees (and redoing treeline textures) and then some cars, telephone poles etc....

Now where's that guy who wanted to test it....
The F500s seem to have hit a roadblock at the moment, so I decided to hop back to the historic Lake Garnett GP track for a bit. Part of why I let it sit for so long is that since the event was of regional interest and only ran for ~8 years, reference imagery is pretty sparse. Most of what I have to work with are a handful of newspaper photos, event programs, and a few Youtube uploads of DVD rips of VHS transfers of 8mm home films. As you might imagine, these are... a bit less clear than one might hope.

That said, one feature that can be attested to is this *terrifyingly* spindly observation tower, which appeared to be welded up from steel tube and sized to be trucked in on a flatbed and tipped up for the event:

you make my day :) great to know you are working on lake garnett :)
Yeah, could also be an issue with CSP of course but it sounds like the objects are scaled some way so the game's hiding them at the wrong time.
Ok, I went about and changed the radius values and that actually did nothing? So I'm concluding that it has to be a CSP issue... I have no idea what setting can change this however, as this (as far as I can remember) is the only vehicle I have that seems to exhibit this issue.
Ok, I went about and changed the radius values and that actually did nothing? So I'm concluding that it has to be a CSP issue... I have no idea what setting can change this however, as this (as far as I can remember) is the only vehicle I have that seems to exhibit this issue.
If you set the origin of the mesh to near the driver; does that make any difference? AC's mesh culling works in mysterious ways sometimes. I've only seen it on tracks sofar, not on cars. But this car is a bit longer than usual with a viewpont further from the origin than usual.
If you set the origin of the mesh to near the driver; does that make any difference? AC's mesh culling works in mysterious ways sometimes. I've only seen it on tracks sofar, not on cars. But this car is a bit longer than usual with a viewpont further from the origin than usual.
That actually worked! I wouldn't have expected that.

Now I can see some other issues that can need fixing now, the first being... these:

I'm assuming that the texture on this is flipped, so I'll have to manage that aroundabout?
The F500s seem to have hit a roadblock at the moment, so I decided to hop back to the historic Lake Garnett GP track for a bit. Part of why I let it sit for so long is that since the event was of regional interest and only ran for ~8 years, reference imagery is pretty sparse. Most of what I have to work with are a handful of newspaper photos, event programs, and a few Youtube uploads of DVD rips of VHS transfers of 8mm home films. As you might imagine, these are... a bit less clear than one might hope.

Ah, who needs the chicane :p

Looks absolutely superb - great pics thank you. If you have to use some imagination and guesswork to fill in the 'gaps', after doing the research you've clearly put in, I absolutely promise none of us here will be able prove you wrong on any of the details.

Abulzz' excellent '73 Targa Florio has a nice animated train on it by the way (though it does mean it crashes on CSP versions older than 1.70).
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