The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

In case you ever wondered how do you model things when all you have is manual measurements...




That's 8 hours of my life I won't get back.
Never doing this again.

Aaaaaand another 2 hours for the details.

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Scenery, scenery, so much scenery. Made some period correct parked cars, plonked in some less-period-correct spectators... if anybody has a source for cutouts of late 50s to early 60s-looking people, I'd love to get pointed in that direction! Wrote a Python script to randomize the cars so I didn't have to pick model and paint color of all 2600 of 'em by hand, and then another Python script to fix my trees' normals en masse. Optimized the hay bales so they weren't the most vertex-dense objects on the map (whoops). Added a water tower, the only distant scenery of note (yaaaay flat Kansas!). Oh, and finally worked out what to do with the ai_hints.ini file so that cars weren't constantly being pancaked by the haybales in the chicane, or pinballing across the top of the dam.

To do: still more scenery, figure out how to make the funky pit-paddock area accessible from the track without a panic-braking maneuver on the AI's part, lots of optimization. Getting there...

And now for something completely different. Started to throw together a fantasy F1 grid for the Formula 800 mod (apparently from "First Studio Race", according to ***********), which I had a lot of fun with recently. Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull done so far.





Edit: I forgot that this was a banned word on RD, it's that infamous mod site composed of two words, the first one being Assetto and the other one starting with L. :cautious:
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There is really nice addon to bake texture maps for Blender (not promotion post)

It just saves time.

thanks, but I think for my purpose that would not have worked that great. I baked from a high res model onto a low res model with just a handful of triangles. Both diffuse and normalmap.

@Matthew327 nice skins, but imo a bit wasted on those cars, the shaders look weird. As if the cars are made from paper somehow.

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