The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

Although i dont think i shall continue as theres no much interest in these kind of cars by people in general

I think that any sctrach made car with decent amount of effort would be received positively. I know couple of mods that were never requested yet they haven;t fallen under the radar. But I understand how hard and time consuming it is to model, and why people dont finish what they started because I also modeled (and still modelling but rarely).
Although i dont think i shall continue as theres no much interest in these kind of cars by people in general ... to the list theres also a e34 m5 and a bmw 2002.... bmw e30 too (and i believe i have others more)...theres alot of projects but i think other modelers also have incomplete projects (as an excuse :D)
I wouldn't worry about how much interest there is; creating these mods is a skilled and time intensive process, so to do so without compensation there has to be a very large incentive from within yourself. Whether its seeing a finished product, the feeling of expanding your knowledge and experience, or simply the joy from the creative process itself, doesn't matter.
Just make sure whatever you do in your free time feels worthwhile to you.
What other people think is not important.

Also don't let others make you feel guilty for not finishing mods. You don't owe them anything, if the project wasn't fulfilling anymore, then don't continue it.
  • Deleted member 223075


And about the BMW started years ago ?

EDIT : ok i got my answer, too bad for the BMW.
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Mercedes i stopped here

Although i dont think i shall continue as theres no much interest in these kind of cars by people in general ... to the list theres also a e34 m5 and a bmw 2002.... bmw e30 too (and i believe i have others more)...theres alot of projects but i think other modelers also have incomplete projects (as an excuse :D)

No, absolutely no, idea what you're on about...


That being said, you guys will probably get a working sunroof and windows so the pillarless coupe can be enjoyed to its fullest extent. Next to AO issues which Ilja may be able to solve that poses sound questions but is a fulfilling past time :D
It appears I haven't posted about this in a bit, I added front control arms, a big vent on the side for engine air to leave through, and the solid rear axle with quickchange gearing (it runs rear ratios down to 1.2:1, necessary cause of low redline + high top speed)

To reduce work on seams, I'm going with a minimal number of panels for it to be reasonable to assemble; a single 13 foot long underside, combined cowl/cockpit on top, hood consisting of top and side panels, and then a trunk that'll probably just be the entire bodywork behind the driver (fuel tank's in there)
I'm still plodding along with Battenbergring (after a few weeks off to work on Schottenring). I've just added the telegraph poles and cables and in the past on my other tracks, I have always modelled the cables as 3-sided, 6-segment 'cyclinders', which has not only made them look faceted rather than nice smooth curves as they droop, but also has meant that I have had to limit the number of cables I can add due to the shear poly count :(

The new method I am using now is a nice curved texture applied to a simple flat plane (or rather, three nice curved cables). This not only makes the drooping cables look more realistic (to me), but also reduced the poly count from 456 tris to 16 tris (for 12 cables between two telegraph poles). The section of track I have just added them to uses 736 tris, rather than the old method's 20,976 tris.



I'm still plodding along with Battenbergring (after a few weeks off to work on Schottenring). I've just added the telegraph poles and cables and in the past on my other tracks, I have always modelled the cables as 3-sided, 6-segment 'cyclinders', which has not only made them look faceted rather than nice smooth curves as they droop, but also has meant that I have had to limit the number of cables I can add due to the shear poly count :(

The new method I am using now is a nice curved texture applied to a simple flat plane (or rather, three nice curved cables). This not only makes the drooping cables look more realistic (to me), but also reduced the poly count from 456 tris to 16 tris (for 12 cables between two telegraph poles). The section of track I have just added them to uses 736 tris, rather than the old method's 20,976 tris.



Looks great! Is the poly saving enought to make you want to go back and edit your previous tracks?
I'm still plodding along with Battenbergring (after a few weeks off to work on Schottenring). I've just added the telegraph poles and cables and in the past on my other tracks, I have always modelled the cables as 3-sided, 6-segment 'cyclinders', which has not only made them look faceted rather than nice smooth curves as they droop, but also has meant that I have had to limit the number of cables I can add due to the shear poly count :(

The new method I am using now is a nice curved texture applied to a simple flat plane (or rather, three nice curved cables). This not only makes the drooping cables look more realistic (to me), but also reduced the poly count from 456 tris to 16 tris (for 12 cables between two telegraph poles). The section of track I have just added them to uses 736 tris, rather than the old method's 20,976 tris.



The result looks good! I tried both a while back, and ended up making it mesh. On one hand the texture looked crap on the distance, yours doesn't, so how big is your map?
And a second hand I didn't have a cable all the way :p just few places
that's a weird looking mercedes

It's looking cool ! Don't know if i ever saw this car in 3D before
i noticed you didn't start with the wheel arch (not related to Kyuubeey), like 101% of the tutorials and how i did 99% of my cars as well, is there a reason ?

I always start with the hood/bonnet and then proceed slowly to the front then side and lastly roof

What i dont do (but did now dont know why) is detail much the car ...
As i work with sub division on 1 and detailing will create problems of geometry further on.... but this time (guess its because i stop modeling for some time) i made seams already and detailed everything and ofc later i will have to spend some time readjusting the mesh in some areas

Thanks for all the feed back !
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