The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

Started fiddling with Blender 2.8 finally. I still don't feel at home, but wow, the new realtime render is awesome!
Senza titolo-1.jpg
Yes, 2.8x is truly amazing, feels like 3.x :D And yes Eevee is really impressive. Feels like game engine in real time with perfect performance. Meanwhile I was working with cycles renderer a lot lately, I have made some XJ13 renders at Goodwood, but everyone is sick of me plugging that car here already :D

To me Blender 2.8 is really inspiring.
...I have made some XJ13 renders at Goodwood, but everyone is sick of me plugging that car here already :D

not true, go on already!:thumbsup:

Then again, you could always plug some renders of your W125!
Garys fabulous Typ C is currently not only plagued by an incompetent driver (me) but also constantly being overtaken, because in lack of a worthy opponent, I have to put it against those pesky modern, sophisticated, and overengineered cars the Maserati 250F:D
@gecco Yes getting inspired by making nice renders is quite a boost for improving some models, W125 could use some improvements here and there and I would like to create some kool renders with it. As well the same goes with few other cars that I have started on, but never progressed.

Speaking of W125, I had released it for quite a while at ACM website. It is similar pace as Type C, at least it was so in some tests I have made, but perhaps just a little faster though. It should actually depend on track.
I also switched to 2.81 recently and I'm having teething problems generating an AO map in Cycles. Not sure why one rear quarter is perfectly fine and the rest seems to have randomly selected which triangle to draw where.

[edit] cycles will do this unless every material on each object has a bake texture target. Apparently not considered a bug.
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Finished sealing the last couple holes in the body geometry (marked one with a white triangle, other not visible from this angle but other end of the door's interior) Unwrapped and baked, need to run some test patterns but it's not that complicated a shape so should be good.

Always more to do, cockpit needs a floor and a windshield (non-symmetrical of course)
Played a bit with Blender 2.8's material settings and made the first rendered picture about it.

I modelled it with Blender 2.79, and now I saved it's materials and it doesn't want to work in the 2.79. Can you help me somehow, or I totally screwed it up?

Apparently, you can cut and paste between the two versions - select all your objects in 2.8 and press Ctrl-C, open 2.79 and press Ctrl-V, just tried it and it seems to mess up materials (not surprising really) but the model itself pasted across.

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