AC Test event 24h time multiplier@LeMans, Tue 14th June 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Sorry Han and guys, but I´m too weak for this car.:cry:

Tried several times, only got myself and everybody else killed.

This will be a better race without a loose cannon in it. :(

MFG Carsten
This thing is absolutely balls-to-the-wall bonkers. A few observations:

I discovered that if you take the aero all the way down, you can hit 350kph on the chicaneless Mulsanne, but good luck in the braking zone. I eventually decided to stop chasing top speed and I've gone for a 'safe' rear wing with moderate downforce. I lose 30kph+ on the straight compared to 'the suicide setup' but I instantly gain it back by being somewhat able to navigate a corner :roflmao:

For fellow aero-strippers - I've discovered that lowering the rear wing by 1 degree adds 2kph on the straight, while also increasing the chances of a spectacular death by a small chunk. It's a delicate balance!

Also, first and second gear will kill you if you're not gentle. I use flappy paddles and even short-shifting out of 2nd without lifting is enough to send the rears into party mode.

Is anyone seeing and evidence of time multiplying? I still just see what looks like either sunset or sunrise

I just spent 79 minutes on the server and it remained 18:00 the entire time, so you're not alone!
Well, i've tried racing again, after a short break.. but this car is insane :p It only tried to kill me. But i got the feeling this car is very rewarding once you can really make it go fast around this track. Couldn't manage to do so, myself..
Well, i've tried racing again, after a short break.. but this car is insane :p It only tried to kill me. But i got the feeling this car is very rewarding once you can really make it go fast around this track. Couldn't manage to do so, myself..
Well from the group C cars this one is the most friendly. Make sure you have enough rear wing, use short shifting in 2 and 3 and lower the car a bit.
For how lively the rear end on this car is, once you get the feel of it a little, it's a bit more controllable than you might think in the turns (don't be afraid of using the gas to turn a bit). Getting on the gas out of the straights is another story, "very slow is very fast". I also think trying to kill you is part of the driving experience :D

Been looking forward to racing group c ever since this spring's goodwood weekend :inlove:

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So part of its "murderous charme" is the stock setup?

I didn't change anything as I don't have any knowledge/experience with most of these settings.

MFG Carsten
I don't think so. Stock setup already has lots of rear wing and hits just shy of 315km/h..

I also wanted to try and I simply do not have the race craft to drive this beast. I proudly spin even the MX-5, go figure :redface:

I just wanted to chime in to confirm that also for me there's no such thing as time advancing even if I tried to connect at different times of (real life) day, and stayed connected for an hour or so, straight without disconnecting.
The 18h clock in game is most likely, as mentioned before, because of the "Basic Weather" Controller rather than "WeatherFX" on server side. (Which is only available with CSP and WeatherFX enabled on the Client Side and a Server especially using WeatherFX).
In my local tests the time changes also worked with a default Controller Script of CSP (so without SOL) but WeatherFX had to be enabled. And as mentioned the server needs to use WeatherFX, seemingly the Racedepartment server (practice server) does not, but the actual race it could still be because of, @HF2000?

Also without WeatherFX on a server "requiring" it, you should not have any issues as a client. The time will simply not advance. So day time all the time, while others see the time advance
See you tomorrow again :)
Do we need SOL? I'm not sure if this is indicated somewhere (sorry if it's, I just haven't found it).

PD: just a personal taste, Le Mans with chicanes is better :p
You're right, it isn't in it. I didn't know it myself when I posted this thread. I've added it now.

I'm using the no chicanes version because we have allready done with chicane twice last week.
You're right, it isn't in it. I didn't know it myself when I posted this thread. I've added it now.

I'm using the no chicanes version because we have allready done with chicane twice last week.
Oh man I missed them! I've been quite out of simracing lately. Actually this weekend I've driven back because I have Covid and now my motivation is back again! I needed to take a break hehe

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