Test Drive Unlimited 2

Nope TDU2 runs great here...
Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 @ 2,3 Ghz
Ati HD4750 Toxic 1Gb; resolution 1680 x 1050, 4 x AA, 16 x AF and ingame all settings high.
4Gb DDR2 OCZ Reaper
Word from the producers.

Guess a little more patience is required; but at least they don't give us the silent treatment.
Here's to hoping Eden will deliver. :rolleyes:

We are aware of the issues that some of our players are encountering. The development team is working around the clock to rectify the situation and provide players with the ultimate Test Drive Unlimited 2 experience. We appreciate your patience and your continued passion and will be updating you on the progress.”

David Nadal
Head Producer, Test Drive Unlimited 2
dont have this game, yet, heard nothning but bad reviews, that aside..you maybe running too many programs running, try shutting down a few things and try again

see if this helps
Following them on Twitter, pleasantly surprised with the feedback and effort :)

I'm pretty happy with the game. The only two things I'd want to see is being able to remove the head movement in cockpit view, and to shut that woman at the start of every race up :D
G25 should work for the PS3 but there are some issues: you can't set any of the buttons ingame (game sees it as a standard PS3 controller) so you will have to sort out what each button does and from what i've read there isn't good ffb either.
Following them on Twitter, pleasantly surprised with the feedback and effort :)

I'm pretty happy with the game. The only two things I'd want to see is being able to remove the head movement in cockpit view, and to shut that woman at the start of every race up :D

LOL Tess really annoys me at the start of the race especially when she brags about herself...
Username : Bigbazz
Platform : PC

Should be mentioned, i had a hell of a time simply trying to get the game to allow me to add a friend of mine, it would send the request and nothing would happen, took all night until it worked. Also then we couldnt see each other in game, a fix was to go to the lighthouse at the very south of the map, for some reason it worked there.
[PC] Info on Eden's efforts on smoothing out the reported bugs so far.

From the official TDU2 forums:

We are seeing intermittent connectivity issues with the PC platform. These issues are being looked into. More info to come once we iron out the core issues we are currently working on.

  • Online PlayOnline, being monitored
  • DLC PurchasingOnline
  • Pre-Order Code Redemption - Online
  • Pre-Order Casino Code Redemption -Online
  • Getting pre-order cars and Casino in-game - Some users are reporting that their cars don't show up in the Used Car Dealer after the code is redeemed. If this affects you, try playing the game in Offline Mode to see if the cars show up.
  • Casino Access - Offline
  • Clubs - Offline to fix an exploit

Issues Being Investigated:
  • Manual Unavailable - Some users have reported that the PC install did not come with a PC manual. We're working on a solution for customers affected by this issue.
  • Changing your account password locks out your profile - This has been escalated for investigation.
  • Can't take off sunglasses? -Some users are reporting that they can't remove certain clothing items. If this affects you please post here.
  • Disappearing friends list? - This is an intermittent issue with the server. Sometimes the friends service will go down briefly, but your friends are not lost.
  • Wheel control issues? - Wheel control issues will be tackled once the major service items are smoothed out.
  • Non-Functioning Car in Used Car Dealer - There is a Lancia-looking car with purple wheels in the Used Car dealer (purple wheels). Do not purchase it, it may negatively affect your game. We are working on getting this fixed ASAP.

Resolved Issues:
  • Some users did not receive a GT500 bonus code - Should be able to claim your bonus here using your SECUROM code: www.testdriveunlimited2.com/redeem.
  • Wrong car image for Ferrari GTB China Ed. - This is fixed now. The correct car image now appears.
  • Amazon not listed at /redeem - This should be resolved now.
  • The build title contains "QA" and "Review" - Known issue. Future versions should no longer contain the inaccurate label of "QA," but as expected the disc name will remain the same for the near future as they have already been printed.
  • Version Discrepencies - This is working as designed for the moment. Depending on where and how you get the game, you will be provided with a different version number. While the version numbers differ, the game is identical. Future patches should bring all games to a unified version number.
you can't set any of the buttons ingame

Well that's annoying, but knowing that it will work lifts a weight off my shoulders. I would buy the PC version, but my laptop struggled to run TDU1 so I'm not going to even bother trying TDU2. I think I will go and get the PS3 version today, I'm in the mood for some cruising, sick of circuit race after circuit race on F12010, GT5 etc.
I somehow found a sweet spot, and I am enjoying it now :). But don't have a G2x yet.
Glad to hear that it can work, I've been trying to pick one up for weeks now...

Was very close to shelving this one on my first attempt, spent an hour tweaking wheel settings, the game recognizes my DFGT but the defaults are horrible for me, not happy overall.

Gave it a second look the next day, tweaked some more and bingo found my sweet spot too :redface:

Yeah the FFB is a bit average, and the braking feel is terrible, but once you let the game grow on you bit, you will eventually start to get a feel for the physics model of TDU2.. it's not great if your comparing to a sim but it's not that bad either once you start to do a few miles in a decent car.

Once i sorted my wheel settings, i started to enjoy TDU2 a lot more!:)

I think the road design is an improvement on TDU1, a lot less jaggy looking road sections with sharp looking crests, TDU2 seems more smoothed out imo.
I have all graphic settings on very high (1920x1080) and i think TDU2 visually is an improvement too.

Finished a couple championships and have since splashed out on a GTR r35, lol now i'm just cruzing the highways and buying clothes and test driving cars waiting for my cell to ring.

Have patience this game becoming addictive:cool:.
It's good playable with a G27. Rotation at 540 degrees and do not allow the game to adjust setting. I will post my complete settings and in game settings in the evening

My settings, i drive fine with. Remember it's not a simulation. It's just arcade and i think it's great fun!!!



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