Test Drive Unlimited 2

Yup :). Had a big race on Ibiza today, 119km, in my Subaru Impreza, great fun :love:. Barely noticed that it took me 45 minutes of driving :D

Still in hood view though. I do hope there'll be a patch out soon, and that I'll be able to turn off those head movements in cockpit view.

Good ole Classic TDU Island Races. I did it in my Chevy Camero and i got it done in 44mins. Now i got both Cameros since i just love the sound. :)
Username: EddieX1
Platform: PC

See u guy's at the RD club house, hopefully we will have enough $$ amongst us to get one with a jetty so we can park our mega yachts LOL!

Getting a car wash is awesome!
"I am so awesome, i'm obviously going to win because i am the best, even though i have lost every race thus far" - Tess

On subject, i'd hope they improve wheel functionality, i've been playing with my PS3 controller plugged into my PC, really didnt get on with it using the wheel. Hope they can fix the multiplayer issues too, occasionaly i've gone through spells where i cannot see any of the players in game, took me the best part of a night to be able to simply add a friend.
Massive FPS drop since yesterday?

I started TDU2 to do some mucking about yesterday and suddenly the game ran very sluggishly, I had about half the framerate I had just a few hours earlier with the same settings. Ive read on the steam forums that more people have experienced this but no one seems to know whats causing it. Lowering graphics settings has no effect, it stutters even with everything on low. I noticed that even the intro movies are lagging now, which suggests that game isnt using the CPU properly anymore.

Did they release a faulty update maybe?
I like to drive from in car view but In TDU2 the camera automatically looks to a side when I turn. Its extremely annoying and it is keeping me from driving from in car view. A mod that solves this problem is very welcome.
Audi R8 V8 handling needs tweaking.
How to adjust onboard camera

Is there a way to adjust the onboard camera?

it is too high so cannot appreciate the interior when driving :(
What about PS3? I don't expect any of you to have the PS3 version (I only got it because the framerate would be about 10 on my laptop :p ) but if anyone does have the PS3 version then I would join!

I wouldn't be able to moderate however, I don't have much time in real life so I wouldn't be able to be around much.
Got PS3 version today, it's ok but I set my sights low due to the amount of complaints across various forums so I am pleased.

FFB is not really existent, but the wheel has some good weight so feels reasonable for driving road cars. Hopefully they will patch this as G25/27s are some of the most popular wheels on the market.
TDU2 ; How to play multi race ?

I can play instant challenges.
But I am hardly accepted it.

I want to play multi race quickly.
Please tell me how to play mutli race easily.


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