Test Drive Unlimited 2

Yup :). Had a big race on Ibiza today, 119km, in my Subaru Impreza, great fun :love:. Barely noticed that it took me 45 minutes of driving :D

Still in hood view though. I do hope there'll be a patch out soon, and that I'll be able to turn off those head movements in cockpit view.

+1 to absolutely everything you said. I am on PS3 and I am also annoyed with the head cam problems. Why can't they have an OFF SWITCH? :p
How much is it? What class? Need an update on the Intergrale/Brera/Discovery :p

Was going to buy one of the Ferraris, but when I find the dealer for this...

(SIDE NOTE: The 599 GTO is awesome! Racecar on the streets!)
General overview for Wheel/Controller settings:

Source: TDU2 forum:

This slider allows you to control the vibrations intensity. It goes from 0 (left) to 10 (right).
With an intensity of 0, you won’t feel any vibrations. With an intensity of 10, vibrations will
be as strong as possible.

Force Feed Back:
This list contains eight values. The Medium value is set by default so you can feel a normal
force feedback. When you drive, the wheel should try to move to its original position. You
should also feel various constraints depending on your driving and the car’s specificities.
The Low and High values are variations of the medium value: depending on your wheel and
your preference, you may want a strong force feedback or a light one. Note that you can still
change your driver’s behavior in the windows’ options panel. Most wheels (Logitech’s for
instance) are sold attached to a specific software. It should allow you to perfectly tune your
wheel’s force feedback.

Without any surprise, the Off position will leave you with an inert wheel. There won’t be any
force applied to it, not even the default “return to center position” force.
Default position will set a constant “return to center position” force. Even if your car is ten
meters above the ground, this force will still be applied.
At last, the “inverted high, medium and low” positions will mainly behave like their non
inverted counterparts. The difference lies in the “center position” which won’t be a 0° turn but
something more like a 180° turn. Those positions should only be used by possessors of exotic
wheels encountering very strange behavior while using classic force feedback. In other words,
if you wheel have this behavior when you accelerate, inverted force feedback will save you :

Controller linearity:
This slider isn’t useful if you play with a keyboard. Improved in the last version, the slider
will go from 0.5(left) to 3(right), with a step of 0.25. But what’s the meaning of those values?
The steering input is elevated to a power equal to the controller linearity value. Previously
you only could go from 1 to 2.5. Default values are still 1 (for wheels) and 1.75 (pads). Those
diagrams represent the transformation of the input depending on the controller linearity you

- Green: slider on the left. Output = input ^ 0.5. The first degrees of the wheel are very
sensitive. On the opposite, the rest of the wheel is very precise. Ideal for 700-900°
- Blue: slider on the left. Output = input ^ 1. No transformation.
- Red: slider on the center. Output = input ^ 1.75. Ideal for pads.
- Black: slider on the right. Output = input ^ 3. The first degrees of the wheel (or small
move of the pad) are very precise. Last active degrees of your wheel will be very

If you wish to force your wheel to 700° or 900°, you should probably set linearity to 0.5 or
0.75. Otherwise, wheels are used in a 200° range roughly, so standard linearity of 1 should fit

Steering damping:
This slider allows you to control the maximal angular speed of your wheel. The speed
limitation can be removed by positioning the slider on the left. It is recommended for wheels
as it removes the “lag” feeling. If you move the slider to the right, your wheel will turn slowly
at high speed, thus avoiding frequent spin around. At low speed you shouldn’t see any big
difference. With pads or keyboard, you should keep it between 1(nearly extreme left) and 10
(extreme right).
I.E: If you move the slider on 10, at 300km/h your wheel won’t turn faster than 130° per
second, meaning you’ll need 1.5s to completely turn your wheel.

Dead zone:
Steering wheel doesn't need any dead zone, and in this case the slider must remain at the
minimum value. If you use a worn pad, the central position may be damaged, and you can
increase dead zone to keep a correct driving behavior. It won’t change anything on keyboard:
a key is either pressed or released, there’s no variation on which dead zone could be applied.

Clutch, throttle and brake linearity
Those sliders aren’t useful if you play with a keyboard.
They’re similar to Controller Linearity. Input values are elevated to the slider power. Central
position is ok for all the devices. If it’s too sensitive, move it to the right. If it’s not
responding quickly enough, move it to the left.

- Green: slider on the left. Quick response, no precision.
- Blue: default value, slider on the center. Linear response.
- Red: Slider on the right. High precision but forces you to stamp on the trigger or pedal
to have full response.
Clutch has also been improved to allow easier gear shifting.

Hopefully patch #1 improves FFB and game exp :)

Last Update: February 14, 2:00AM PST

Hey Everyone,

Reports of players being unable to log into the PC platform have decreased significantly, but we're still keeping an eye on the forums to see if reports pop up again. While the last couple days of optimizations have resulted in huge improvements to multiplayer functionality, we're still seeing some reports of issues related to online functionality and are actively following up on these reports to get everything running as smoothly as possible.

Earlier today we made an attempt to bring Club functionality online, but due to a new issue being discovered, we took it down immediately to get things fixed. At this time we don't have an exact ETA of when Clubs will become available, though its a top priority and we're working to get them back into the game ASAP.

We have added new servers which should improve performance across the board. We will be measuring the progress over the next few hours. Additionally, we will be performing an update to the servers which should make it easier for us to resolve Casino-related issues when they are reported.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to post their issues here on the forums - your support is appreciated!

-GMDestra and the TDU2 Team

Service Status:

  • Online PlayOnline, being monitored. Although the servers are online, we are receiving a small number of reports from players who cannot log in. We are actively troubleshooting this issue.
  • UpLauncher Service Status There is a known issue with the launcher where it is always saying that the servers are offline, even if they are online.
  • DLC PurchasingOnline
  • Pre-Order Code Redemption - Online
  • Pre-Order Casino Code Redemption -Online
  • Getting pre-order cars and Casino in-game - There is a bug where pre-order cars don't show up in the Used Car dealer if you are online. However, you can play Offline, purchase the car, then sign back on and you'll still have it.
  • Casino Access - Online, being monitored. The Casino is experiencing intermittent outages which may prevent you from entering the Casino, or joining Casino games.
  • MyTDULife - Offline - This is intended for the moment, as MyTDULife is dependent on the Club Server.
  • Clubs - Offline - No ETA at this time..
(Wierd Blue-ish text = Yellow origional)
Until the next round of optimizations goes live, you may experience issues with:

  • Signing in to online mode
  • Seeing other players in the world and on the map
  • Seeing your Friends lists and sending/receiving friend requests
  • Claiming your pre-order cars and accessing the Casino
  • Entering multiplayer races and joining friends' sessions
  • In-game communications

Issues we're trying to patch ASAP:

  • Lancia with Purple Wheels - Save file has been sent to dev, they have an idea of what needs to be done to fix this.
  • Lost Money in Casino During Outages - We are tracking this issue. Unfortunately at this time there is no method of restoring money lost in this matter. Stay tuned for updates.
  • Corrupt Save Files? - This is a known issue. There is a chance that this error message may come up erroneously. If this occurs, exit the game client immediately without clicking "Delete" or "Retry." - we're working on a long term fix. If the workaround does not resolve the problem, unfortunately there are currently no known methods of recovering a corrupted save file.

Issues being investigated once multiplayer issues are resolved:

  • Manual Unavailable - Some users have reported that the PC install did not come with a PC manual. We're working on a solution for customers affected by this issue. A helpful user has posted a scanned version in Members Helping Members.
  • Changing your account password locks out your profile - This has been escalated for investigation.
  • Wheel control issues? - Wheel control issues will be tackled once the major service items are smoothed out.

Resolved Issues:

  • The build title contains "QA" and "Review" - Known issue. Future versions should no longer contain the inaccurate label of "QA," but as expected the disc name will remain the same for the near future as they have already been printed.
  • Version Discrepencies - This is working as designed for the moment. Depending on where and how you get the game, you will be provided with a different version number. While the version numbers differ, the game is identical. Future patches should bring all games to a unified version number.
Frequently reported bugs (not exhaustive, work in progress)

All Platforms
  • German/Dutch/NL flags upside down
  • Delay off the starting line (When using automatic, engine revs in neutral for too long before switching to 1st gear, primarily seen in Hummer and Jaguar C4)
  • Map screen does not correctly filter by friends
  • Incorrect top speed listed on Ascari A-10
  • Incorrect numerical sequence on Buggy V8 tachometer
  • Selecting Metallic paint at Stickers shop assigns Glossy paint instead
  • No turn signals on Shelby Daytona Coupe
  • Incorrectly calculated results when landing on "30" in Roulette
  • Incorrect utilization of 6th gear/inaccurate gear ratios on Lotus Evora
  • Clothing options become unselectable
  • Crash when completing police chase as police
  • Xbox wheel cannot control avatar or accessories
  • Radio cuts out intermittently
  • Drifting does not add to "Adrenalin" gauge

  • Triggers don't zoom map
E X C E L L E N T !

If only settings it could be saved . I think

-reworked engine sounds is the next way forward
-possibly reworked handling

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