Show us your Rig / Cockpit

Make your own Cockpit

After speaking to Steven Jones of F1Design about his design he has via his website he has give permission to post links and information here.

So if you are planing to make your own cockpit and would like some ideas or even a design to work from you can't go far wrong here.


For the full pdf please vist F1Design


I just had an "Oh bollocks to it, *click*" moment...


I went for the silver one in the end; the black one looks great but would be a dust magnet, and I wasn't overly keen on the coloured ones; bit too.. "OMG LOOK I'M A SHIFTER WOW LOOK AT ME WTFLOL".

Congrats on your purchase Jamie! I have just done the same, except in black... I'm just wondering if your order has been shipped etc and if there is some sort of tracking available?
In one of the paypal e-mails you should have a link to the USPS tracking site and the tracking number, then that same tracking number should work on whatever service they pass it over to in Australia (it works here in the UK for Parcelforce for example)

Mine is currently listed as being in 'advised' status, which to the best of my knowledge means that I should receive a letter in the next day or two with details on how to pay the import fees; then it'll be cleared for delivery.
I just checked the state of my order to be extremely surprised to see this...:

Your item cleared customs in AUSTRALIA at 5:05 PM on May 25, 2008. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

WOW!! It was sent on the 20th! I was expecting at least another week!
hmmm, today my super light-weight damper for the ECCI arrived to decrease needed force to turn the wheel, i found it too heavy currently. So, tonight i am going to install it, lets see if it improves my laptimes! :)
For the first time, some images of my current setup, with a new addition in the form of an SST shifter... Mainly for history-recording reasons, as the cockpit project proper starts now :)


The overall setup. Before today I had the G25 shifter on the left, might take me a while to adjust to shifting sequentially on the right now.


Arrived today :). Clamped to the desk until I have a solution for having it at the right height.


My ingenius pedal raising box :p. My desk was built pretty high, so I had to raise them up, and it's angled such that the pedal faces are very nearly vertical.


My pride and joy, an Access Virus TI synth :D


My aging MIDI controller keyboard, tucked away out of use for tonight.
Recieved it today, Cam:


Initial thoughts:

- Reasonably well packed
- Actually slightly smaller than I was anticipating. Then again on the sim-gear site the picture is huge, so that's probably why.
- Built like a tank
- Peeling the little rubber feet things off the cardboard strip (to put underneath the top plate when clamping onto a desk) is a right pain in the arse, but doable with care
- Feels great; much more weighty than my G25, despite it still being classed as a 'light' feel
- My 7th and 8th gates seem to click very slightly louder than the others but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about
- It's crazily shiny. Shiny = good.
- As for the H-shifting process, I'm already used to that from my G25. Took me about 2 laps to get 100% used to the slightly tighter shift pattern.
Looks brilliant, so good in fact I am wishing I went chrome instead of black!!

Thanks for the initial thoughts.

This is where mine is according to USPS:

At Foreign Delivery Unit, May 29, 2008, 6:58 am, AUSTRALIA
At Foreign Delivery Unit, May 28, 2008, 9:45 am, AUSTRALIA

Surely it must be close... Would love it to arrive tomorrow before the weekend.

Congrats Jamie!

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