Was just going to ask what difference it actually does make for example ,
what is the difference in performance say from a car using 75 textures and 30 shaders in the sdk ,
or a car using 75 textures and 66 shaders in the sdk , what is the overhaul difference if the polycount is exact and all LOD is exact ? just out of curiosity be nice to know ,

Adding materials adds draw calls, while adding textures will likely increase file size, thus it's more of a memory issue. The point is always to find a good balance. The AC engine doesn't suffer too badly from having quite a few draw calls, while in other engines it's the number of draw calls you want to push down as much as possible, our target here is to keep the .kn5 below 42-43MB and not to go too crazy with the materials.

Remember that even when using the same material, separate objects also add draw calls, so for example if you have INT_Carbon in the cockpit and the door, it'll add up to two draw calls as they are translated by the engine as two separate material instances. This is why you want to have all objects merged in the end (of course only those under the same helper) that use the same material (whether you merge materials and use IDs or merge per material is your choice).
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Thats what im saying though , so in your cockpit I would not say there is much more than 30 things , yes buttons but they will have its own shader so everything else you see you apply its own shader ?
Red E sticker 1 shader , Electric warning sticker another shader ? :p

Not sure, but they escalated quickly :roflmao: switching at 7m to the LR cockpit means that 90% of the time they're not visible anyway, not to mention the 12m for the LOD_B as well, that's what makes all the difference here.
Not sure, but they escalated quickly :roflmao: switching at 7m to the LR cockpit means that 90% of the time they're not visible anyway, not to mention the 12m for the LOD_B as well, that's what makes all the difference here.
Still seems pretty hard to achieve to me currently I am at 35 maybe ill end up finished with LOD at say 38 and the interior and ext look pretty nice maybe in future builds I may push it to 50 bt still seems pretty high ,
my 2017 hybrid s1 has 93 textures with 43 materials used in the sdk with a kn5 under 50 mb and that seemed pretty high to me with almost 100 textures I went a bit crazy on details at the end :D
this almost means that every texture that is left uses its own shaders to me seems pretty hard to achieve and I overkill most stuff :D and seems like wow thats insane .
that's "first beta release of my Porsche"-bad :roflmao:

but very interesting read, it also means cars with lots of animated and thus separated meshes add up in drawcalls (dwb per corner even with all things on one texture you're >10 really fast in this case)
that's "first beta release of my Porsche"-bad :roflmao:

but very interesting read, it also means cars with lots of animated and thus separated meshes add up in drawcalls (dwb per corner even with all things on one texture you're >10 really fast in this case)
What my issue is mainly we have an internal poly limit which is set to 300k triangles and this is told to everyone , but this Storm was passed with 327k tri , I have rebuilt the entire car almost well 97% I would say maybe more , but currently its 310k this is why personally I like to keep the materials in the SDK quite low the numbers because the polycount is already overkil ,
Dans Vortex is finished at say 285k with LOD_LR roughly this amount so the xtra materials is fine I would say compared to my extra triangles , and the performance ingame his may be slightly better with say 1-2-3fps difference most likely we will have to check later at some point in time to ensure all cars are within a few fps limits so everything runs nicely as a pack ,
personally after almost 5 years now with AC I find that quite a few materials use similar settings in the sdk ,
my techniques getting different effects are mainly due to custom alpha spec maps , custom nm maps ect and color maps , so most things can be applied to 1 texture but defined mostly by the alpha channel properties ,

I can apply the same shader exact to 2 objects with the same texture exact diffuse but the alpha channel custom settings I can make one object shine like the sun or one object look like charcoal or whatever I choose so to me personally I see no need to apply 100,s of shaders makes no sense in doing so but thats how I see it anyways obviously everyone applies settings they prefer :)
Exactly, also the digital displays, each bar is an additional draw call. Same goes for every illuminated object.
So for example if you have an RPM graph using mesh split into 70 parts using [RPM_SERIE_0]
if you make it 35 parts so they come on 2by2 you eliminate half the draw calls just from doing this one setting change ? :)
Exactly, also the digital displays, each bar is an additional draw call. Same goes for every illuminated object.
I see, my Audi must be horrible in every DIP regard (digital display is like that, all the animation, all the engine and drivetrain stuff). But then again its not meant for large grids and even with tests of those I had no performance issues (before running into my CPU limits).

But compared to badly made tracks with their thousands of objects and literal hundreds of textures the influence of a car with 20 or 30 materials above the guideline will probably still be unmeasurable.

btw really cool to see you participate here
I see, my Audi must be horrible in every DIP regard (digital display is like that, all the animation, all the engine and drivetrain stuff). But then again its not meant for large grids and even with tests of those I had no performance issues (before running into my CPU limits).

But compared to badly made tracks with their thousands of objects and literal hundreds of textures the influence of a car with 20 or 30 materials above the guideline will probably still be unmeasurable.

btw really cool to see you participate here
We will have to add Gergo to the credits at this rate / Expert Adviser :p hes helped so much with settings and details even the fonts and displays I almost lost count , but he helped on the 2017 Hybrid also LOD settings , texture settings and provided us code for all the custom rainlight system we was running on the Tcams and the front of the car although the SF15T was not as advanced with the lighting systems Kunos still help and assist in these areas :)
More images!
For 1,5 pages no images.

Well I made a new wing from scratch just about to texture it and add some slight wear like our reference :)
Also made a new metals map , will look different again painted ill post some more once finished .

@Gergo Panker
Just been painting my mask in 3D was looking at the PDF and noticed the demo that is showing the colors and masks the wing mirrors are purple is this something new ? or something that works not seen this before just curious to know if they should all be purple the mirrors :)

Hmm, never noticed that, no, it should be red and blue like you have it now.
Also make sure the white goes in the alpha channel, the diffuse should blend to black at the front, it's better to paint the white separately on a new layer.
Hmm, never noticed that, no, it should be red and blue like you have it now.
Also make sure the white goes in the alpha channel, the diffuse should blend to black at the front, it's better to paint the white separately on a new layer.
Yeah painted the white again in the alpha I made it up of 4 layers and isolated the white layer , just never noticed the purple before so wondered if it was something new :)

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