I think it's because of the "hill" being in a line with the camera making the shadow beneath almost invisible from that angle. (No idea if this is understandable, sorry for bad english :D)
The shadow disappears for a split second (it seems)
Never ever noticed shadows vanishing in AC , it does not happen to my knowledge anyways , there all stock settings , they are not higher quality than official shadows , meaning that the size in kb is not like oh we dont care so add like 2k shadows like 50 times the size , then maybe could be something to do with this ,
simply stock shadows made in CM they seem ok but always check at the end to make sure anyways , next time I am ingame I will check obviously out of curiosity , but like I mentioned before , my PC is under heavy load when running AC so most likely due to this :)
I think it's because of the "hill" being in a line with the camera making the shadow beneath almost invisible from that angle. (No idea if this is understandable, sorry for bad english :D)
Oh when it goes over the hill , yes thats just the natural angle of the surface and the car going over it , I was watching later before it finishes :D
Looks like it had some variations on the paintwork.:)

So I saw a lot of enthusiasm with the Vortex livery with you guys ,
its time to start taking suggestions with this Tornado , what do you guys want with this car any ideas would be welcomed , suggestions , maybe some help actually painting the chassis but unsure if this is the direction we need to go but would help with seasoned painters :)
Release the car with one blank white skin and release a realistic skin pack the same day. It will be a shame to delete the votex skins since they actually look good and time was spent creating them, but they will be perma gone as soon as realistic liveries become available.
I just wish I had Photoshop Cs5 Extended so that I could try to learn 3d painting and make some skins myself.

You could release them in hot pink, wouldn't care, can't wait to drive them. Has a price, or even an estimate, been released yet?
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Release the car with one blank white skin and release a realistic skin pack the same day. It will be a shame to delete the votex skins since they actually look good and time was spent creating them, but they will be perma gone as soon as realistic liveries become available.
Upto now I have 6 and one is same color as the MC12 out of that , you know what these people are like with paint codes , so basically there is 5 , maybe I can get it to 8 , but wont have half the variety of the Vortex thats for sure , not after the experience of painting those stripes :D
I just wish I had Photoshop Cs5 Extended so that I could try to learn 3d painting and make some skins myself.

You could release them in hot pink, wouldn't care, can't wait to drive them. Has a price, or even an estimate, been released yet?
Not sure with that one , thats above me , I just concentrate on 3D :)

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