AC Round 12 of 23 Formula Agile@Hungaroring1988 Thu, 20th July 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Ack.... I was too quick to declare victory. Moving the PC killed the sound card. Retiring the PC and driving it with my old ASUS ROG laptop with a GTX970 in it and a display port so I can run 120 hz. With a faster graphics card it can run it at 240. Have to set everything AC up again but that should be done tonight
Still had some great moments in race 2 though, managed to stay 3rd until lap 6, Hank caught me quickly, then trying to keep Thomas behind, 3 or 4 laps of focus, the rest of the laps was off, completely lost it. Overdriving everywhere. Tried to get back to Han last laps, but killed myself in the zandbak all the time…

Next: Spa!
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That was surprising. I wanted to skip the event at first as I felt the track was so horrible and I'm sure I'll be terribly slow. Then I thought, come on, I'm sure the others will feel the same way. That was worth it. I would not have expected this result. That was great racing and very exciting Jason. So many position changes all the time. Great!

A strangely surprisingly great event tonight! :thumbsup:
Something like this :

Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 23-13-03 045.JPG (JPEG Image 1000 × 750 pixels) — Scaled (90%).png
Well done all for surviving this very awkward layout and thanks Han for hosting and sorting out the start time. After a while muscle memory kicked in and the track became just about bearable.

This is probably a question for our resident computer sorcerer Rasmus but just putting it out in this group for now as it happened here,
Has anyone experienced a normal ping when joining the start of the race only to see it creep up during the countdown and then a minute late returned to normal? (after causing all sorts of chaos in the first few corners).
I watched my ping go from 15 to over 700 in a matter of seconds, I crashed out after Han hit me but he probably didn’t have a choice, I waited off track for about 30 seconds until everyone had gone up the road and then I got going again, with the ping decreasing quickly back to a steady 14 for the rest of the race, even when in traffic again.
Same thing happened in the multi class on Wednesday.

Now what has changed, well I have a new PC but with much higher spec than my old one so i’m I’m thinking it has something to do with an internet setting or something. Any clues will be much appreciated otherwise I’m starting from the pit lane until I get it sorted.
Well done all for surviving this very awkward layout and thanks Han for hosting and sorting out the start time. After a while muscle memory kicked in and the track became just about bearable.

This is probably a question for our resident computer sorcerer Rasmus but just putting it out in this group for now as it happened here,
Has anyone experienced a normal ping when joining the start of the race only to see it creep up during the countdown and then a minute late returned to normal? (after causing all sorts of chaos in the first few corners).
I watched my ping go from 15 to over 700 in a matter of seconds, I crashed out after Han hit me but he probably didn’t have a choice, I waited off track for about 30 seconds until everyone had gone up the road and then I got going again, with the ping decreasing quickly back to a steady 14 for the rest of the race, even when in traffic again.
Same thing happened in the multi class on Wednesday.

Now what has changed, well I have a new PC but with much higher spec than my old one so i’m I’m thinking it has something to do with an internet setting or something. Any clues will be much appreciated otherwise I’m starting from the pit lane until I get it sorted.
Hey Paul, great battle mate. I'm guessing you are hard wired to the net (Lan) and not Wi-Fi? I doubt it will be the PC. Try testing it on your providers website speed tester and like Han, you may need the line checked by the people who takes ya money
Hey Paul, great battle mate. I'm guessing you are hard wired to the net (Lan) and not Wi-Fi? I doubt it will be the PC. Try testing it on your providers website speed tester and like Han, you may need the line checked by the people who takes ya money
Hi Steve, yes great fun and had a similar battle with Omar for a while.

Yes, I am hard wired direct to router, I have just been on RD looking for an answer and it looks like there could be an issue with the auto replay settings in AC so I will try that tomorrow before Dominic’s F1 race. Thanks for the advice though.:thumbsup:
That was a tough race and right after it, I thought I did OK. That is, until I just had the chance to review the race.

And I realized on the start of the second race, I made a cluster f**k. Gridded on the right side, when Omar stalled at the start in front of me, I got around him to the right. For a moment, I though I was heading to the wall thinking I had cleared Omar, I jinked to the left (the intended was just to move away from wall, but at the heat of the start, what was supposed to be a gentile ease to the left turned into a jink:redface::redface::redface: ).

So apology to Omar for clipping you.

And once I clipped Omar, I started to cut across in front him to the left and collected Thomas. Apologies Thomas:redface:

Then I got side way going towards the wall and forced Richard to hit front me in the process setting me going straight. Apologies Richard:redface:

The chaos force force Hank off to the grass. Apologies to Hank:redface:

Fulvio, being the alien he is, simply steered around each of us, avoid any of the mess. I guess it was just a nice little excitement for him, so no apology necessary I think.

Had I seen what I saw in the reply, I would have stopped and waited for everyone to pass. But I literally thought I was just easing away from the wall and got tapped. So bad on me for not following the rule:redface: So apology again!

Also, I am not sure if my mic for the discord was setup correctly and if I was heard during the race. I got tapped a couple of times and I was saying not to worry, just keep going...
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It,s a Truck to you Dai. One that runs with the deck low to the ground. We call them a Lorry, well old school do. Young people like me being only 66 call them trucks

From what I learned here in America, we have tractor trailers (what Carsten showed) and pickup trucks (the American favorited, and I drive one).
Wow nice, much wider FOV compared to my 34 curved.
What is the radius of the screen's curvature?
Talking of different words. Your name is Welsh slang for David spelt Dai. I,m guessing you do not have a single % of Celt in you right?
What, Dai is slang for David in Welsh for (bad David)?
Dai is Chines and I have never hear of it as anything close to be related to Western words. So I am David in Welsh :) I should have Jim call me David;)
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That was a tough race and right after it, I thought I did OK. That is, until I just had the chance to review the race.

And I realized on the start of the second race, I made a cluster f**k. Gridded on the right side, when Omar stalled at the start in front of me, I got around him to the right. For a moment, I though I was heading to the wall thinking I had cleared Omar, I jinked to the left (the intended was just to move away from wall, but at the heat of the start, what was supposed to be a gentile ease to the left turned into a jink:redface::redface::redface: ).

So apology to Omar for clipping you.

And once I clipped Omar, I started to cut across in front him to the left and collected Thomas. Apologies Thomas:redface:

Then I got side way going towards the wall and forced Richard to hit front me in the process setting me going straight. Apologies Richard:redface:

The chaos force force Hank off to the grass. Apologies to Hank:redface:

Fulvio, being the alien he is, simply steered around each of us, avoid any of the mess. I guess it was just a nice little excitement for him, so no apology necessary I think.

Had I seen what I saw in the reply, I would have stopped and waited for everyone to pass. But I literally thought I was just easing away from the wall and got tapped. So bad on me for not following the rule:redface: So apology again!

Also, I am not sure if my mic for the discord was setup correctly and if I was heard during the race. I got tapped a couple of times and I was saying not to worry, just keep going...
Thanks Dai but no apology needed as it was clear to see it was a genuine tiny mistake that cascaded, trust me it's happened to us all at some point! In addition my clumsy dive to the inside of the second to last corner, after you locked up, was no better, sorry. Good of you to call out for me to keep going (I did hear you say that, and later in the race to someone else, so all good on your mic - sometimes tricky to respond and there's usually one or two people off Discord sadly).

Anyway my first Agile race and from the sounds of it a bad one to make a guest appearance but like Steve said it gradually grew on me and I had a couple of decent ish races. I'll be back the next time my wife is away for a week!! As aways thanks everyone for the enjoyable and clean racing.

@Shed 17 Paul, I occasionally see my ping (and others) shoot up and then slowly drift back down. I would be interested to see what you found about the replay settings?
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Here is what I found Richard, I know very little about the tech side of computers but I will try this for tonight.


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