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Actually they do... Just checked with your ones too ...

Same replay - same car, same track, same weather. Different pp filter.
It seems when the tire is rotating at slow speed - it ties to blend the static texture with the blur one - looks ok in motion, but not so good when it's paused. Presumably this is to do with the graphics engine and not the car.

I've now checked all my other screenshots of the 4K ones and can see it there too.. now I've seen it I can't un-see it :rolleyes:. It has to be a quirk of the graphics engine. I used the blur settings you said previously and they look similar to yours, except I think you blurred the details layer less(?).

I've just spent some time doing a comparison and it's on all of the tires to a greater or lesser extent. I think it is where the end of the texture is as it's rotating it is a quirk of the engine when paused, but can't be seen whilst in motion. It seems to depend on camera angle, dof, etc how visible it is to. Also less visible on yours as the colours aren't as bright. Barely visible but still there on FH tires as the bars don't run over the seam it's the text that is cut at the seam instead:

P.S. trying to stop a replay at the same place each time is not as easy as it sounds!

Am in 2 minds now... I could move the textures along and have the text over the seam like FH tires so it is less noticeable, but that would be a lot of work so will be a big delay.
The trick is to expand the text and lines over the texture edge before blurring, as you are missing the information from the other side of the seam at the edges. Nothing to do with resolution and dds method. The position of the text and stripes is irrelevant, if you know what you are doing. ;)
And i don't see any hard edge on my tire textures in your specific comparison above, only a nice seamless and popping dark tire.

t blur.JPG
The trick is to expand the text and lines over the texture edge before blurring, as you are missing the information from the other side of the seam at the edges. Nothing to do with resolution and dds method. The position of the text and stripes is irrelevant, if you know what you are doing. ;)
And i don't see any hard edge on my tire textures in your specific comparison above, only a nice seamless and popping dark tire.
View attachment 245100

View attachment 245101
I believe there is a plugin that does that sort of thing, expanding the image before blurring for the seamless effect. I haven't used it myself, I just do it manually, but its probably a decent timesaver.
The trick is to expand the text and lines over the texture edge before blurring, as you are missing the information from the other side of the seam at the edges. Nothing to do with resolution and dds method. The position of the text and stripes is irrelevant, if you know what you are doing. ;)
And i don't see any hard edge on my tire textures in your specific comparison above, only a nice seamless and popping dark tire.
View attachment 245100

View attachment 245101
haha yeah I've actually just been playing about with it and came to the same conclusion about extending the lines way over the edge - I'll just take 2 copies of the stripes and put 1 at each end before blurring same with the markings layer. I think when I looked at yours I was seeing things sorry! I'm still learning every day :whistling:

I'm off to re-do all the blur textures now :redface::cry:
Well I know Williams is working on the Mercedes :p
Not at this moment though... doing tires... giving me a headache. Think I have finally figured it out. Bluring the logos at 444 means the hard edge of the stripe is blurred too close to the edge of the texture and that seems to be causing the effect. Blurring at 200 the blur is not as wide so it goes away. So I either need to find the max blur that it doesn't cause the effect or move all the logos across a bit. Thing is I could see it across the rest of the sidewall as well so that was certainly confusing the issue. I made a new tread blur texture as well to be sure by taking 2 copies of the non-blurred one and setting x of the layer to 4096 and -4096, merging the 3 together and then blurring it. The effect is there on yours as well but not as pronounced as I shortened the stripe at the right hand side. I'll need to move everything across a bit and re-test it all.

As I was typing this I decided to try it and here's the results (blurred at 444):

Definately no banding/hard edge now that I can see, I didn't move the tread, just the logos and decals. I'll need to re-make the mask layers (again) and re-build the alpha layer and test again and if that's ok I'll need to rebuild all the tires! Logos are now in this position:
Not at this moment though... doing tires... giving me a headache. Think I have finally figured it out. Bluring the logos at 444 means the hard edge of the stripe is blurred too close to the edge of the texture and that seems to be causing the effect. Blurring at 200 the blur is not as wide so it goes away. So I either need to find the max blur that it doesn't cause the effect or move all the logos across a bit. Thing is I could see it across the rest of the sidewall as well so that was certainly confusing the issue. I made a new tread blur texture as well to be sure by taking 2 copies of the non-blurred one and setting x of the layer to 4096 and -4096, merging the 3 together and then blurring it. The effect is there on yours as well but not as pronounced as I shortened the stripe at the right hand side. I'll need to move everything across a bit and re-test it all.

As I was typing this I decided to try it and here's the results (blurred at 444):

Definately no banding/hard edge now that I can see, I didn't move the tread, just the logos and decals. I'll need to re-make the mask layers (again) and re-build the alpha layer and test again and if that's ok I'll need to rebuild all the tires! Logos are now in this position:
Yeah looks much better, I didnt notice no issues blurring the textures when I made them I shown wip in the other thread blurred on the actual 3d model, but didnt take into consideration the lack of blur stages in AC,
RF2 has 2-3 steps of blur at different speeds I know 100% there is 2 but sure you can add more stages,
AC you can add more but you have to add more 3d tires not textures to solve it and adds way more geometry to the build. :)
Yeah looks much better, I didnt notice no issues blurring the textures when I made them I shown wip in the other thread blurred on the actual 3d model, but didnt take into consideration the lack of blur stages in AC,
RF2 has 2-3 steps of blur at different speeds I know 100% there is 2 but sure you can add more stages,
AC you can add more but you have to add more 3d tires not textures to solve it and adds way more geometry to the build. :)
I was slightly worried that cutting the barcode in half would mess it up but doesn't seem to have affected it.
Will pretty much have to start from the beginning again but at least I know what I'm doing this time hopefully not take as long as I have all the colours and blend modes figured out. I'll re-do all the logo layers from the vectors individually this time as I was doing select pixels (from a white copy) and fill/match colour and it was leaving a slight white line around them not visible in game. Might re-organise the PSD a bit so I can easily switch slicks/inter/wet without having to switch multiple groups on and off will be less chance of making a mistake and I'll need to delete all the superceeded stuff as it's grown to nearly 1 gig in size!

Aiming to have them all done for release tomorrow night but depends how much time I have.
I was slightly worried that cutting the barcode in half would mess it up but doesn't seem to have affected it.
Will pretty much have to start from the beginning again but at least I know what I'm doing this time hopefully not take as long as I have all the colours and blend modes figured out. I'll re-do all the logo layers from the vectors individually this time as I was doing select pixels (from a white copy) and fill/match colour and it was leaving a slight white line around them not visible in game. Might re-organise the PSD a bit so I can easily switch slicks/inter/wet without having to switch multiple groups on and off will be less chance of making a mistake and I'll need to delete all the superceeded stuff as it's grown to nearly 1 gig in size!

Aiming to have them all done for release tomorrow night but depends how much time I have.
Yeah time consuming those PSD,
before I merged all the layers there was over 1700 layers and settings was something like 2.4gb or some crap,
got it down to less than 100 layers and 500mb and even at that still takes some time saving the layers,
there is a way to link the alpha channels to the diffuse so you click say the slick diffuse and it will apply the alpha spec map in the alpha channels but seemed really buggy 2 worked 1 didnt so binned them was annoying :D
ok guys please share some setups there are non in the setup market please share the secrets of this monster for guys that are not so skillful in making them
ok guys please share some setups there are non in the setup market please share the secrets of this monster for guys that are not so skillful in making them

For setup I have a basic of 2 clicks from the max wing (front 22 and back 10) and tire pressue around 13 psi back and 14 psi front. The rest I use stock. For the Hybrid part, it is looking what works best for you. I use this as a basic setup and work from there (I don't know if it is accually good, but I use this as a starting point for most tracks). Damper and suspension I don't touch because I don't know enough of it to do actual setup work. (see attachment). If someone else knows a better basic setup, I would like to know.


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