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Was going to share these latest updates but this lack of love making me want to leave again :p

I leave for 3 hours and this is what happens :D Release the floodgates man. Let us have at it.

Well there is big discussion going here behind the scenes about a godly second display been made with trackmaps and tire wear and delta heaven :rolleyes:

If this is what we'll get it in the end, please take your time with v3. Especially the delta part got me curious. I know it's unhealthy but i can't drive without checking delta once every twenty seconds or so.
I leave for 3 hours and this is what happens :D Release the floodgates man. Let us have at it.

If this is what we'll get it in the end, please take your time with v3. Especially the delta part got me curious. I know it's unhealthy but i can't drive without checking delta once every twenty seconds or so.
Well I am still here hard at work ,
I bought a brand new PC a few months back and got a lifetime license to xsplit from asus quite cool,
maybe I could knock up again my famous 16hr livestreams with no commentary and no music again they was really popular 1 time I saw 1700 viewers :roflmao:
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Well I am still here hard at work ,
I bought a brand new PC a few months back and got a lifetime license to xsplit from asus quite cool,
maybe I could knock up again my famous 16hr livestreams with no commentary and no music again they was really popular 1 time I saw 1700 viewers :roflmao:
I would probably watch that! You and @A3DR could take turns it'd be like a 3DSMAX masterclass :D
Back to tires today as not had a lot of time. Everyone using the other tires but am still going ahead anyway as I prefer CCs new tire base. Created a new barcode so it shows the number in the correct FIA format. Have the colours finalised now and made blur textures so just need to test them all in game.

I've left the 'racesimstudio' molded markings as 1) I don't want to have to redo the normal maps and 2) I think it should be left in as I didn't make the tire base.

Will get back on the W09 tomorrow :)
RB Nearly Finished just a couple of fiddly bits to do on front Wing and a few sponsors. I have a question, any ideas how too achieve the matte finish on the RB on the RSS car?.
Here is my first Driver Suite I have ever gepaintet. Is for the Force India and Toro Rosso.


I am waiting for fantastic Marco17_ok helmets and die V3 Mod Update. I started with the helmet but is not that easy as a beginner. That's why I'm grateful that Marco17 makes the helmets. :thumbsup:
RB Nearly Finished just a couple of fiddly bits to do on front Wing and a few sponsors. I have a question, any ideas how too achieve the matte finish on the RB on the RSS car?.View attachment 244638
If its the same as other cars then its the map file. Start with a colour of RGB 0,255,0 which will give you full matte and kill all reflections, and adjust it down from there. I did this one a while ago but didn't really know what I was doing at the time so this is pretty much full matte...

What I do now is create a seperate group inside the main PSD for the map, then have different layers for the different parts of the car (by colour normally) and use layer masks to make it up...

Example from my #540 Black Swan Racing Porsche from Bathurst 2018

Edit: forgot to say that if doing this I use a base colour that I wouldn't have on the car (0,255,255) for getting the selections (selecting the base colour with only the appropriate parts of the car visible) and then convert them to layer masks using layer > Layer Mask > Hide selection. In PS I use the magic wand with 'contiguous' turned off makes perfect selections.
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Here is my first Driver Suite I have ever gepaintet. Is for the Force India and Toro Rosso.

View attachment 244641
I am waiting for fantastic Marco17_ok helmets and die V3 Mod Update. I started with the helmet but is not that easy as a beginner. That's why I'm grateful that Marco17 makes the helmets. :thumbsup:

Lol I started working on my first ever helmet (Sainz)

Than I see Marco is working on whole pack. :roflmao:

Made a small tweak to the superhard, ultrasoft and hypersoft colours to make them 'pop' a bit more, and now back to the W09.
Needed to set up some additional lighting in CM showroom so I can see behind the turning vane to line up these stripes!
New game... connect up the lines...

This bit is quite tedious and am struggling with motivation to push through at the moment :sleep:. Obviously the Mercedes sidepod has a smaller opening than the RSS car so this actually helps as some artistic licence can be used. It will just be a case of playing about with them until I'm happy with how it looks. Think this should be the most difficult/tedious bit. Once this side is all perfect I have a good technique for mirroring to the other side taking a copy of part of the UV.
Sorry for the skin progress thread spam. I like to post screenshots! Last one for a while lol
It's not perfect but good enough for now - I'll go work on a different area. The more it looks finished with different parts the higher my motivation will be to get it done! :laugh:
Decided to create suits and gloves for Renault drivers.

Helmet I still have no clue what I am doing :roflmao:

Is there somewhere 3d psd for helmet_2012 that would speed up the process.
Top part is killing me. Can't figure out how to place number when there is hump. Also Sainz jr helmet is so complex.


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