RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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The track, as it is right now, it's not suitable for a 24h race here on RD.
The curbs are just wrong, slippery, catchy an too bumpy. Trying to avoid them is possible, sure, but not for 24h in race condition. Going out of the ideal line for a GT results in many occasions in a nasty crash. The sand is like and iced lake.
Try to remember how interlagos and silverstone were designed and still how many contacts and crashes we had during those races. This track is already difficult to drive in practice, there's little visibility for most of the time, add 40 cars, various relatively unexperiences drivers in P2s and GTs (no offence intended), shake for 24h and you have a nice Crash Martini cocktail to broadcast.
I'm not the most experienced and I'm far from being the fastest driver, but I never had so much hard time keeping the car on track while trying to keep my pace.
You can say "it's the same for everyone, you're not disadvantaged more than anyone", but that's exactly my point.

Still, no offence intended to admins, I just want to forecast what will likely be the situation in the current conditions.
Cmon Gijs... after all, it'll be 40 cars and 200 drivers on track in this 24h race, if we can avoid traps like those kerbs, it'll be better for all of us.

I'm normally all for an unforgiving track and track limits, but those kerbs don't really need to be there anyway, especially in the Porsche curves, where the ones that kill you are adjacent to a flat out section.
OK guys, thanks again for more feedback regarding the curbs. :thumbsup: All I can really say is please bear in mind the announcement that I made yesterday evening. :) We shall let you know when we have more information. #KeepCalmAndDriveOn
That might simply be an overlay of some sort which listens for data from a plugin, but I would not expect the plugin itself to be rendered within / by the game because this would not work with DX11. Also I have tried to search for a tool / plugin with this name, but had no luck. If you happen to know where it could be found, or if you come across it again at any point it would be greatly appreciated if you could please send me a link. :thumbsup:

In Discord, noone answered me. So the question to you. Keep in mind, iam just a cook and dont know how these things go. Whats the difficulty of developing a Plugin for DX11? I mean, the base is already there. Cant be so difficult, isnt it?
Whats the difficulty of developing a Plugin for DX11? I mean, the base is already there. Cant be so difficult, isnt it?
S397 has not yet published the specs that plug-in creators will have to follow for dx11. So for the moment, no one can really work on a plugin... My guess is they need to stabilize the engine first: they are constantly updating the beta version at the moment; you cannot built on top of a moving base...
In Discord, noone answered me. So the question to you. Keep in mind, iam just a cook and dont know how these things go. Whats the difficulty of developing a Plugin for DX11? I mean, the base is already there. Cant be so difficult, isnt it?
It is currently not possible to develop graphical plugins for DX11 because Studio 397 has not yet released details about how to interact with the screen from plugin code. However, in spite of the fact that I'm a developer, I do not intend to create or modify any plugins once this information has been made available (at least not at the time being) as I already have plenty of other things to be getting on with; I cannot just devote all of my time to the RDLMS.

To develop a plugin could be time consuming and may not be quite as easy as you think - knowledge of C++ is required as this is the language in which plugins are written (it's fine if you already know the language, else there will be a learning curve). You also need to know how to interact with the rFactor 2 plugin interface, render graphics to the screen from within the code (based on the logic), and retrieve whatever other data may be necessary for the plugin.

Meanwhile, to what "base" are you referring? If you mean the GR TV Plugin, there is actually no "base" as the project is closed source; no code is publicly available to update the plugin for use with DX11.
I think the kerbs can be driven with a good damper set up. The corvette was terrible and now I can ride all the kerbs apart from one. It really is set up in my opinion, as I say the car was unstable at 1st. The other issue of twilight I hope there is something that can be done, I personally lose about 2-3 seconds in s3 because I can't see. I have asked TXL for the led headlamp upgrade but they said it's been spent on beer :cry:
+/- 24hours ago: latest BuildID is 1868941
Build ID.jpg
If it doesn't match with your buildID ==> Verify integrity of game files to enforce steam to update.
But It will update eventually.
@Andrew Ford @Mark Greenall @Daryl Russell

If you can't see the number "2" block you might have an "issue" with your monitor.
Number "3" and up should be clearly visible.

For example: on my Macbook, Iphone and TV, I can't see the 2 bar at all. And the 3 bar is as dark as the 2 bar on my laptop. Blacks are cut off beyond a certain range. On my PC i can see the full range.

If you see a difference between 0 and 1: You'll have a very good monitor. But this isn't needed.

BTW: There are more online calibration tests to check black range, white range, color range etc...
black test.png
@Andrew Ford @Mark Greenall @Daryl Russell

If you can't see the number "2" block you might have an "issue" with your monitor.
Number "3" and up should be clearly visible.

For example: on my Macbook, Iphone and TV, I can't see the 2 bar at all. And the 3 bar is as dark as the 2 bar on my laptop. Blacks are cut off beyond a certain range. On my PC i can see the full range.

If you see a difference between 0 and 1: You'll have a very good monitor. But this isn't needed.

BTW: There are more online calibration tests to check black range, white range, color range etc...
View attachment 195456
Well on my phone at the min, it's amoled screen and I can see only 6,7,8,9. I am wondering I used to be a welder and that is known to effect certain spectrums of light in darkness for eyesight. My screen is AOC Matt screen full hd 24" but I will test tonight once home.
+/- 24hours ago: latest BuildID is 1868941
View attachment 195454
If it doesn't match with your buildID ==> Verify integrity of game files to enforce steam to update.
But It will update eventually.
@Andrew Ford @Mark Greenall @Daryl Russell

If you can't see the number "2" block you might have an "issue" with your monitor.
Number "3" and up should be clearly visible.

For example: on my Macbook, Iphone and TV, I can't see the 2 bar at all. And the 3 bar is as dark as the 2 bar on my laptop. Blacks are cut off beyond a certain range. On my PC i can see the full range.

If you see a difference between 0 and 1: You'll have a very good monitor. But this isn't needed.

BTW: There are more online calibration tests to check black range, white range, color range etc...
View attachment 195456
Thank you for this information and guidance Gijs, it will be and is incredibly helpful! :thumbsup:

On my office PC (with a fairly standard screen) I can just about make out the top of bar 3 but the rest of it is invisible, and I cannot see bar 2 at all, which would explain why your latest video appears so dark. Altering the brightness and contrast settings of my screen does make a bit of difference though; bar 3 becomes visible, and I can begin to make out bar 2.
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