RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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Something's not right with the tarmac surface on my end, as I can pretty much see nothing going into the night. This is with headlights on. Here's some screens:

I'm running the latest DX11 build with PP off.
Yeah, headlights are (kind of) realistic, but it lacks the reflective surfaces that the real track has. If it could be implemented that would be great.

The kind of is because they have a spot headlight to illuminate the road directly in front, not diffuse like it is in the mod.
Headlights were spot on 2 weeks ago in DX11. A bit darker in DX9.

Something changed in the past week. Headlights and tracklights are tunned down a bit.
Twillight visibilty is harder as it was before. Once the sun is completly down it's better.

But this is what it supose to be like: (2 weeks ago)

This is how it's now:
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I also noticed that driving in Dusk is super difficult with visibility. Would be nice if it could return to how it was, but still, it all adds to the challenge! :D
After having done a decent amount of testing over the weekend, I'm definitely getting used to the track. The Porsche curves are a little too bumpy for my liking but I guess that's just the way she goes for this version of the track. I managed to mitigate issues with suspension tweaks anyway.

Regardless, I have some of the same issues as outlined in the above posts. The strange collisions with that kerb is extremely concerning as we will be passing that part of the track hundreds of times over the course of the race, with various levels of traffic, speed, and the ever present chance to make a mistake. If there is anything that can be done to mitigate the issue, I think it would be great if it could be attempted. I would hate nothing more than seeing a poor driver end their team's race due to something so unfortunate. Simply telling someone "don't drive on that part of the track", or "stay on the racing line" is not a valid excuse. With 24 hours of driving to be done, anything can and most likely will happen, it's the simple eventuality of statistics. At some point, the dam is going to break and someone is going to pay for it.

The other issue involves the day/night transition or basically when we reach twilight. While not entirely impossible to see, sometimes I find myself squinting, especially around Indianapolis where the visibility is especially bad. I don't know if anything can be done to help this a little, but I think it would be great if the road surface was a little more reflective. :)

Apart from that, happy testing everyone! :thumbsup:
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Team name*: #115 AllStar-Racing Team
Team owner*: Stefan Kanitz
Team owner forum name*: Stefan Kanitz
Drivers out:
Drivers in: Jaroslaw Grzywacz
I shall ensure all drivers are Premium Members for each round of the series*: YES
I agree to the TOLA*: YES
R u on dx11 ? Does anyone know if dx11 makes headlights a lot better and if they do, does dx11 use a lot more of ur cpu to run? No way could u drive squinting for hours like that :-(
Im testing now in my conservatory at 7.40pm bst/6.40pm gmt.
Headlights are useless but i can now see the markers. Maybe the other day i tested earlier when it was brighter in my conservatory and that just tipped me.9ver the edge..im investing in some.black card to blackout all.windows this round

Apologies for seemingly being absent over the course of the past 36 - 48 hours. I have been reading through you messages, and I would like to say thank you for all of the feedback that has been provided so far regarding the track. I have been communicating with staff members and the track development team regarding the issues that have been raised, and can assure you we are doing the best we can to try and resolve the issues that can be rectified. However, I would just like to inform and warn you that some of the points that have been raised, especially regarding the lighting at dusk (and probably dawn), are seemingly out of our control so we cannot say for certain that action can be taken to alleviate these problems.

I would like to apologise for any inconvenience, and reiterate that we will investigate and attempt to resolve the problems that can be fixed.

Apologies for seemingly being absent over the course of the past 36 - 48 hours. I have been reading through you messages, and I would like to say thank you for all of the feedback that has been provided so far regarding the track. I have been communicating with staff members and the track development team regarding the issues that have been raised, and can assure you we are doing the best we can to try and resolve the issues that can be rectified. However, I would just like to inform and warn you that some of the points that have been raised, especially regarding the lighting at dusk (and probably dawn), are seemingly out of our control so we cannot say for certain that action can be taken to alleviate these problems.

I would like to apologise for any inconvenience, and reiterate that we will investigate and attempt to resolve the problems that can be fixed.
@Daiman Patel i woul like to raise a issue which i believe others have struggled with. The headlights on the corvette are ineffective- certainly, as the sun goes down. In @mark Greenalls metaphorical words ....i become a "japanese sniper" lol
Ive turned the contrast up on the monitor but it is awful. I might try the graphics card colour settings but this cant be right. Is it the mod?
We believe that this might be a problem caused by the cars (for DX9 and DX11 users) and also the game itself (for DX11 users). From what we can see the headlights of the cars have been dimmed since the last release, so there is ultimately less light being emitted. And when using DX11 it appears as though the depth of colour in darkness and shadows has deepened. Certainly for DX11 users the combination of these two apparent changes have not only resulted in the environment appearing darker, but also there is less light to illuminate the darkness. And for DX9 users there is simply less light than there was before, so it appears darker. If you take a look at the two videos posted by Gijs in the event thread, that is if you have not seen them already, then you can clearly see that there was previously much more light coming from the headlights, and there was more illumination, but this has since changed for some reason or another. No changes have been made to the track that would / should affect lighting or reflectivity, so we do not believe this is the cause for the issue.

If I remember correctly rFactor 2 (and some mods) have exhibited a similar problem in the past, but I cannot recall how or when it was resolved. Unfortunately in this case, though we have an idea as to what (part of) the issue could be, making changes to the Endurance Series mod is not really an option; the files have been encrypted for a reason, so if we were to ask the EnduRacers team if we could make modifications we would expect the answer to be no, nor would I know how to make the changes anyway. I fully appreciate that it's not an ideal situation, but we shall try to see what we can do.
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