RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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That issue happened at Sebring and Road America as well. It is inherent to VLM kerb implementation. Although it has a very simple workaround which is running reasonable ride height on the car + decently setup dampers. It can also deal with low ride height as long as the drivers keep off the start of the kerb.

I got it once at Sebring with the enduracers cars and twice with URD (Audi and LMP2), so it isn't particular to a mod from my experience, although as I said, it isn't an issue.
Apologies for not replying sooner - this post had become a little bit lost in amongst all of the Chrome tabs that I have open for messages to which I need to respond. :whistling:

That is a very good point you have made - tracks developed by Virtua_LM are certainly the ones that seem to exhibit the issue, as we saw it several times during rF2 club races at Sebring with not only the URD mod, but also the BES and Apex Modding GT3 cars (and maybe a few others as well, but these are certainly the ones that come to mind at the moment). But as you have said there are ways in which the problem can be avoided: either increase the ride height or the number of packers, or avoid the ends of curbs if you choose to keep a low ride height or not use packers.

Looks good? Yes. Drives well? Not so much. The race today in VLMS (usesn the same track) had to be red flagged due to issues with the track and other stuff (haven't looked enough at it).

At its current state it is extremely bumpy and has no grip at all. The VLM track is way more complete at its current state and given the guys at RD have to replace the banners, adjust the pitspots, etc.. time is simply not enough to adjust everything even if they allow the use of the mod (and I don't think they would btw). And SRC isn't a modding team btw, they organize championships and modify their content just as RD.

The only issue on VLM was when Nvidia drivers crashed out of nowhere in the track. The DX9 version has a workaround for it and DX11 shouldn't have those issues at all. It is a 24H race and everything that can go bad will go bad. At last season VEC finale one of our drivers even had a game corruption during a driver swap.
Again, a very good point. I knew that there were fairly significant issues with bumps and lack of grip in the first version of this track to be released on the GTR24h server back in 2015. When I briefly "tested" a later version of the track (in January / February of this year) I found that it felt better, but the surface was still incredibly uneven and I experienced some very strange graphical issues where pretty much every grandstand and track-side object was constantly flickering. (The problem was only with this track; I altered my graphics settings, and cleared my Shaders and CBash directories, but to no avail.) All of this was rather off-putting so I only did a few laps before calling it quits, and it was at this point that the decision was made to use the classic Virtua_LM version of the track, which has been around for a number of years, and is well constructed, reliable and robust, and proven to be stable. Obviously there was the issue with Nvidia graphics drivers not too long ago, but as you have said there is a workaround for this in DX9 and it should not be a problem in DX11.

I don't know if another version of the modern Le Mans circuit mod has been released since I last tested it, nonetheless your feedback is not particularly promising, so I feel as though we have made the right decision to use the Virtua_LM track for this event. We will definitely look at potential alternatives in the future but for now I believe the best option is to stick with what we know, and the legendary Le Mans 1991 - 1996 circuit mod is currently the best option in my opinion.

To quote what you have said, the version of the track by Virtua_LM is "more complete", and I feel the same way. The track development team has had a more solid base with which to work, to customise the track for the RDLMS by adding advertisement boards, garage and pit boxes, "cut corridors", as well as a number of other bits & bobs. And on top of this Gijs has done an absolutely fantastic job to bring the track up to DX11 standards, just so that we have a great looking circuit for the league. All of this may not have been possible with the modern version of the circuit, that is if we were actually given permission to use it and make changes, not to mention that we probably would have needed to look at making improvements to the track surface, etc. As you have said there simply would not have been enough time to make all of the necessary changes and refinements to the modern version of the track.

Finally, your last point is also completely valid and very true - Round 3 is a 24 hour event, so there is plenty of time for things to go wrong, and things will inevitably go wrong... though we hope not too much! :cautious: Of course we will do as much as we can to mitigate the risks of problems during the race, or at least devise procedures to deal with things going wrong. And by using a version of the track that we know has worked for a number of years, in both rFactor and rFactor 2, we are doing just this and it is one less thing about which we need to worry. In spite of this there is still the possibility that something could go wrong.
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I don't know if another version of the modern Le Mans circuit mod has been released since I last tested it, nonetheless your feedback is not particularly promising, so I feel as though we have made the right decision to use the Virtua_LM track for this event. We will definitely look at potential alternatives in the future but for now I believe the best option is to stick with what we know, and the legendary Le Mans 1991 - 1996 circuit mod is currently the best option in my opinion.
They've released an hefty update for it this week, the track is really great now tbh. It is up to the same standards as VLM. Although time is indeed really short to make appropriate changes in time for the race. The layout is great anyway and I'm sure it was a good choice of track:).
They've released an hefty update for it this week, the track is really great now tbh. It is up to the same standards as VLM. Although time is indeed really short to make appropriate changes in time for the race. The layout is great anyway and I'm sure it was a good choice of track:).
Ah right, OK - well then that is very promising indeed! :D To the best of your knowledge are the updates that have been made to the track specific to the VEC / SR.C, or are they also being applied to a version of the track that will (hopefully) be publicly available. Obviously we could not, and would not change the track now. Nevertheless it is great to hear that there have been improvements to the modern layout version of the circuit, and we shall consider using it next season provided we are given permission, and also if the updates and fixes are applied to the public release. There might have to be a showdown between this version and the one being developed by 'ECAR' though (assuming it is ready by next year of course), as that also looks like it will be an incredible depiction of the modern Le Mans circuit. ;)

Thanks for the information mate! :)
Was that the curb that you hit as well @alexSchmurtz ?
Nope, mine was the next left hander. I was clearly on the grass with the 2 left wheels, the right wheels on the track. So I took the curb more or less in the center of the car (first night practice, I must admit I was almost blind there...:whistling:), and it sent my car air born! Not really realistic imho...

I cannot find the incident in my replay, maybe because my game crashed later in the session... You don't happen to see it on your @Jeremy Talbot as you were right behind me?
Thanx for reporting, but IMO: Not an issue.

Just keep a realistic line through that section.
Grass is no run off.

It isn't the grass that is the problem, its the fact that the curb begins at a weird angle and more about how the car reacts to hitting it. It acts glitchy, it stops it dead and spins it back onto the track, that isn't normal.
It's well within track limits so I'd say it is an issue. Just imagine going a bit closer to the inside because of traffic for example.

I second this, you also don't need to be running on the grass for the car to have the same reaction. I suppose it is part and parcel of running a version of the track which did not have modern day LMP cars running at it.
Something's not right with the tarmac surface on my end, as I can pretty much see nothing going into the night. This is with headlights on. Here's some screens:

I'm running the latest DX11 build with PP off.
We experienced the same thing earlier. You can't see at all during the day/night transition - worse than it normally is. We've got a mix of drivers running DX9 and DX11, all having the same problem.
@Daiman Patel i woul like to raise a issue which i believe others have struggled with. The headlights on the corvette are ineffective- certainly, as the sun goes down. In @mark Greenalls metaphorical words ....i become a "japanese sniper" lol
Ive turned the contrast up on the monitor but it is awful. I might try the graphics card colour settings but this cant be right. Is it the mod?
Thanx for reporting, but IMO: Not an issue.

Just keep a realistic line through that section.
Grass is no run off.
It is an issue if there's a death trap in a 24h race that's within track limits. you'll pass that spot over 300 times with diffrent traffic, hitting that is going to happen and it should react like that. sure, hitting a curb from grass can damage your car a bit, but not like that.
Nope, mine was the next left hander. I was clearly on the grass with the 2 left wheels, the right wheels on the track. So I took the curb more or less in the center of the car (first night practice, I must admit I was almost blind there...:whistling:), and it sent my car air born! Not really realistic imho...

I cannot find the incident in my replay, maybe because my game crashed later in the session... You don't happen to see it on your @Jeremy Talbot as you were right behind me?
Sorry Alex but I've got record replays off. I've turned it back on now so if I see it again I'll have it on file. Maybe we should test it purposely to recreate it?
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