RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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Forgive my ignorance, but do on screen app work in DX11 now? I'd love to do Le Mans in DX11, but I need to have GIDhud running, otherwise I'm essentially driving blind on fuel usage :D
Forgive my ignorance, but do on screen app work in DX11 now? I'd love to do Le Mans in DX11, but I need to have GIDhud running, otherwise I'm essentially driving blind on fuel usage :D
Not yet Chris. Hopefully they'll release the tools soon. Grab dashmeter pro or simdashboard for your phone if you want to stay on dx11. They have fuel apps in them that are accurate
Not yet Chris. Hopefully they'll release the tools soon. Grab dashmeter pro or simdashboard for your phone if you want to stay on dx11. They have fuel apps in them that are accurate
I've tried that, but unfortunately my iPhone is not new enough to run the software :roflmao: I still have my iPhone 3, still going strong! :p
Other option then but a little more expensive, is buying z1 dashboard and using Shawn's instructions you can use it as an overlay in game. Works perfectly :)

Otherwise there's still 3 weeks before the race do hopefully plugins will be working then :thumbsup:
Other option then but a little more expensive, is buying z1 dashboard and using Shawn's instructions you can use it as an overlay in game. Works perfectly :)

Otherwise there's still 3 weeks before the race do hopefully plugins will be working then :thumbsup:
I might try and get Dashmeter pro working on my Surface Pro.
Forgive my ignorance, but do on screen app work in DX11 now? I'd love to do Le Mans in DX11, but I need to have GIDhud running, otherwise I'm essentially driving blind on fuel usage :D
Cheap used Android phone??

Dashmeter pro has some good fuel useage tools.
You can set it to give you lap by lap consumption or ask it to average say 2,3,or 4 laps. Doing this of course means that many laps to get a reading.
You can also set a fuel level alarm and it will flash.
It will show fuel needed to finish a race and or fuel to add to finish. However in a multidriver endurance event that may be tricky as you would need to set the duration of the race/stint correctly b4 driving. Certainly in single driver events its great. You monitor "Fuel to add" number and if not stopping for fuel you know you need to fuel save if it gives a positive number. If you are pitting you just add that amount of fuel.
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Did have two problems yesterday. First was a short lag and second was stuttering, a bit like running out of real time, for 2-3 seconds and then everything went normally. Noone joined at this time, so no joining lag. Maybe someone crashed somewhere which caused that. Or it is just a mysterie of Windows and/or rf2.

Did someone have similar issues?
Just found a little glitch in the pit lane.
If you go up to the 3rd or 4th gear in the pit lane, then your speed will go up to the limit (by more than 5 kph) and you'll get stop and go penalty. Don't really know if it can be fixed, but be careful guys and don't shift up through the gears in the pit-lane :O_o:.
It isn't a glitch, just your engine probably preventing itself from stalling.
This could be due to one of two things - as Matheus has suggested the car may be trying to prevent itself from stalling, so it increases the revs which in turn would speed up the car, or it may actually be a bug. Over the years I have known this to happen in several cars, but never did I think that the revs would have been too low in a higher gear (certainly 3rd, and maybe 4th) for the car to stall when the pit limiter was engaged. So I'm leaning more towards this being a glitch. Unfortunately there is nothing that we can really do to resolve the issue; the mod files are encrypted, so they cannot be easily accessed and modified, and even if we could access them I would not really know what to look for and change. Therefore the only real option is to raise the issue with EnduRacers; they may have some more information for you - they could confirm whether it is intentional or a bug - and could maybe look at rectifying the issue in a future release.

Out of curiosity, is this only happening with the Zytek / Gibson cars, or are other cars also exhibiting this problem?

The only thing that I can recommend at the moment is to either keep the car in 1st or 2nd gear while in the pit-lane.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
Only niggle could we have brighter headlights for the Aston? Seems like we got glow worms in jam jars.
Unfortunately this is not really something that we can do; the mod files are encrypted, so they cannot be easily accessed and modified, and even if we could access them I would not really know what to look for and change. Also, it would not be right for us to start altering any of the files - they have been encrypted for a reason. Therefore a request for brighter lights on the Aston Martin will need to be submitted to the EnduRacers team.

Or maybe just make the corner markers more reflective or something?
This is certainly a possibility. :thumbsup: I will raise this with the track development team.
Can't download the 0.60 version of the track from R3 Server. As well as all other components. Dry works apart from the track.
Previously the Beta0.60 version of the track was only available on the DRY server. The R3 server was left unchanged, and continued to use the stock Le Mans 1991 - 1996 circuit by Virtua_LM. This was anybody who experienced issues with the custom adaptation of the track, for the RDLMS, could still test and train online without any (significant) problems. Apologies for any inconvenience that this caused.

However, since v1.02 of the track was released yesterday both the R3 and DRY servers have been updated to use the latest, custom version of the circuit.
What are the plans for track limits? Specifically trough the dunlop and the ford chicanes. Will you put bullards up to better mark the dunlop chicane etc.?

(Please no horrible random barriers :p)
As @Gijs van Elderen has rightly indicated, track limits are based on the white lines marking the circuit boundary; please refer to the section titled 'CUTTING AND EXCEEDING CIRCUIT BOUNDARIES' in the 'Important Information for Drivers' thread, where you will find a diagram indicating what is deemed to be legal and illegal. For ease, and also the benefit of others I will include this diagram here as well:

Track Boundaries.png

Regarding bollards to mark the Dunlop Chicane, there should now be (advertisement) boards that can be used as markers and which will act as a guide to help you determine where the corner / apex is. These should also have been added at the Ford Chicane.
Also, I have another request for the track (Other than bullards in the Dunlop chicane)!
I'd like to see the 2nd sector start after tertre rouge, or after the forza chicane. Then having the 3rd sector start either after mulsanne corner or after indianapolis.
That'd make especially the 1st sector alot more useful! (So we don't have a 2m+ sector...)

Nothing happen Gijs. We have moved it every time we raced on the track.
We do not want to start taking any risks, especially for the biggest race of the season, so to prevent even the possibility of something else being affected by moving the timing gates / sectors for the circuit we shall not be making any changes given that there is such little time before the event to thoroughly test everything. If we had more time then we would certainly consider amending the AIW to alter the position of the sectors, but the fact is that we do not have much time at all to get everything ready and sorted for Round 3.

Once v3.0 of the custom car / skin pack is released next Saturday (10th June) there shall be no more changes to resources before the event on Saturday 24th June, unless any significant bugs are identified; this has been the procedure so far to ensure that we have absolute stability leading up to the event. However what also makes this a necessity on this occasion is that prior to Round 3 I will actually be at Le Mans so coordinating updates and server restarts between Monday 12th June and Wednesday 21st June will be tricky. The cut-off point gives us only one week to make the alteration, as well as any other updates, and it will need to be thoroughly tested before the track is released; in my opinion the change is not really significant enough to be made in the short time that we have available - it's more of a desirable update, but by no means a mandatory requirement - and there are much more important matters at hand. I want to be sure that everything is working properly before I leave, and making such a change will only add doubt.
I have one slight concern about terte rouge. With the lmp cars, the curb on the outside to even slightly touch it sends the car very badly off. I think a safety measure if that curb could be flatterened and maybe even if a sausage style curb is put on the outside of it i think it may improve it especially with such a long race. I have run several different setups already, and nothing can make that curb safe.
Otherwise i love the track i think you guys have done a great job.
The gravel is more like twister than stopping the car. At least at the second chicane.
Thank you very much for the feedback guys! :thumbsup: I shall pass this information on to the track development team so that we can look into the issues that have been raised and attempt to rectify them as part of the final round of any changes and updates that need to be made to the custom version of the circuit, prior to another release next week.

Second: The left and right road, first and fourth stripe, on the straights are bumpy. I know it is default but I could cause trouble, mainly while overtaking or lapping. Especially on the run to the hairpin. The cars, doesn't matter which class, have to go wide to the left if you got overtaken but it is difficult to handle the car there anyway. And if you have to take care cause of a overtaking maneuver and brake on the bumpy surface it can result in an incident.
The outer edges of the Mulsanne Straight / Les Hunaudieres have been this way for a very long time, so why now has it suddenly become a problem? The fact that they are bumpy is intentional, as cars should not really be on this part of the road as they travel down the straight. If you are on this part of the circuit and spin then the fault is your own, and during the race if you are involved in an incident while on this part of the track then you will be held accountable. No car should need to go wide either when overtaking or being overtaken. This track has been driven around so many times for so many years by so many of us, so we all know how to position the car for the Playstation Chicane, Michelin Chicane, and Mulsanne Corner... and if you don't then there are still 3 weeks until the race for you to practice. Everyone will face the same "difficulties" so there is equality.
Forgive my ignorance, but do on screen app work in DX11 now? I'd love to do Le Mans in DX11, but I need to have GIDhud running, otherwise I'm essentially driving blind on fuel usage :D
You are not forgiven! :p Unfortunately, as the other guys have said, plugins that render graphics to the screen still do not work under DX11. Studio 397 have not yet released an API (not sure if they will) or any documentation / examples containing the necessary details regarding how to interact with the screen from plugin code in DX11. They may do this in the lead up to the planned stable release, or they might decide to wait until after the baseline work has been completed on the DX11 upgrade before moving on to this matter. However until the information is made available there will likely be no graphical plugins for rFactor 2.

However there is an alternative that I believe the other chaps have not yet mentioned - the Proracing Dashboards and In-game Widgets. I have not yet used it myself (though I do intend to), but as far as I'm aware the widgets are rendered independently of the game, so they should work when using DX11, and the dashboards will definitely certainly work. I'm not sure how useful this will be to you, but hopefully it will do the trick at least for the time being. :thumbsup: From what I can see the setup process is quite involved and may take a bit of time, but it certainly looks good, and should give you a whole host of information; if you check the image in this post you will see that there is a lot of information that can be displayed regarding fuel usage and how much you will need until the end of the race. ;)
Did have two problems yesterday. First was a short lag and second was stuttering, a bit like running out of real time, for 2-3 seconds and then everything went normally. Noone joined at this time, so no joining lag. Maybe someone crashed somewhere which caused that. Or it is just a mysterie of Windows and/or rf2.

Did someone have similar issues?
This could have been caused by any number of things, the client, the server, hardware, network connectivity issues, etc. Unfortunately it is difficult to tell what the problem may be based on the information you have provided, but we shall certainly keep an eye out for further occurrences of this problem. :thumbsup:
@Daiman Patel Have you thought about using Marcels livetiming? The one u use from Stefan Mizzi and the liveracer one were running very slow on the race days. Sometimes they did run.
Yes, this has been considered. In actual fact we were supposed to be using Marcel's 'livetiming' application - we have used it a number of times in the past, and even made some minor modifications, but since then we have moved servers and so I had to set everything up again. Unfortunately we simply could not get it to work due to issues with finding dependant projects that are required for the program to run. We shall take a look at it again, prior to Round 3, in the hope that we can get it working this time round, as it will be more reliable than Stefan Mizzi's live timing application and probably quicker than LiveRacers as well, but it is difficult to say whether or not I will be successful. :) As a developer myself I know what's going wrong and what is required to resolve the issue, but I'm just struggling to figure out how to fix the problem... so I was a little bit disheartened when I could not get it start the first time, but I will definitely give it another go.
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