RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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I've a few request pending:

Steam names:

Lasse Ougaard
Harris Muhammad
Grant Crow

Please identify yourself with this format:
Steam Id: ......
RD Forum name: .....
RDLMS Team number & name: ....

Thanx. :thumbsup:
Team name: Frenchie Fox Racing
Team owner*: Theo Badry
Team owner forum name*: Wasichu
Preferred class*: P2
Driver 1*: Theo Badry -Wasichu
Driver 2*: Emmanuel Taphinaud
Driver 3: Laurent Gueneau
Driver 4: Alex Van Hoorebecke
Driver 5:
Driver 6:
I shall ensure all drivers are Premium Members for each round of the series*: YES
I agree to the TOLA*: YES


I would like to apologise for not yet responding to messages, and also my lack of communication, following Round 1. Please be assured that I have read all of the posts and PMs received to date, but not yet had the chance to reply where appropriate or necessary.

I shall try my best to answer as many of the questions and other messages as possible over the course of today and tomorrow (Tuesday & Wednesday), but please bear in mind that it might take a little bit longer as there is a fairly significant number of them for me to work through. In addition an update will been provided regarding the publication of race results and championship standings, as well as the availability of the server so that teams may commence testing and training for Round 2.
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Hi all well we are looking for some fresh experienced drivers to join us preferably in prototype class. Must be able to commit if possible for the team in helping out team mates in setups and advice but overall have fun and enjoy. We are a relaxed and friendly team but strive to do our best to do well without trying to take it too seriously. Not ideally looking for mega fast drivers but welcome if you are but mainly consistent drivers. So if you're looking for a drive then get in touch.
Hi all well we are looking for some fresh experienced drivers to join us preferably in prototype class. Must be able to commit if possible for the team in helping out team mates in setups and advice but overall have fun and enjoy. We are a relaxed and friendly team but strive to do our best to do well without trying to take it too seriously. Not ideally looking for mega fast drivers but welcome if you are but mainly consistent drivers. So if you're looking for a drive then get in touch.
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I am looking for a team sure Lots of Prototype experience
So bit late to the post race report party, better late than never though right? :p

Had a fun time with this one personally, doing my usual thing of basically winging it practice wise, barely getting in a handful of laps before jumping in the car for my stint (sorry not sorry @Shawn Jacobs :roflmao::roflmao: ). It wasn't all clean sailing however, as we had trouble switching from Jeremy to myself when my stint came at the end. Right as we were about to disconnect and rejoin as we had run out of options the game decided to finally let Jeremy select me for the driver swap all of a sudden. We had lost a good lap and a half from the issues, so we dropped to 9th as I started my stint.

Apart from one clumsy spin at the last corner and a hairy moment with a couple of GT's it was generally smooth sailing for me, had good pace so was able to get back to 7th by the end, very nearly getting the TDR guys in 6th, if only there had been an extra twenty minutes or so! :roflmao:

On traffic I think it was generally not too bad, the main thing that I think needs to be kept in mind is if you're a GT the key thing to remember when being lapped by the prototypes is to hold your line, let us get past you. The moment you try to get out of the way by going off line, backing off out of corners or anything like that is when incidents happen as we can't predict that as well as if you just keep your line. On the same token though, if a prototype has committed up your inside then 9 times out of 10 it's best to give them the space and let them go. Some guys in prototypes do like to do a cheeky dive bomb on GT's into corners, personally I don't like it and (hope) I didn't do it myself too much, but rather than turning in and causing contact it's generally best to just open up the corner and let them have it. Bare in mind I do race in a GT car over at VEC so I know how it is from experience in terms of being passed by prototypes etc. Had a couple of awkward and kind of pointless battles with P2's ahead position wise towards the end of the race, nothing major or particularly noteworthy really, just something I find a bit amusing as it just leads to both cars losing time for no real gain.

Ending on a positive note, (boy this turned into an essay and a half, swear it wasn't planned :roflmao:) overall I did have a great time, even though I was going off only a few hours sleep :p Big thanks to all the organizers for getting this series running and putting on such a fantastic show for round one! Have to say it's absolutely fantastic seeing @Simon Smith back in the booth again, hopefully will be able to join him once again at some point this season as it's been far too long since we last were on comms together.

See you all for round two! :)
Me and @Matt88 put through for our driver lineups to be changed before round 1 but we never heard anything back, has this now been done? I filled out the form on the Sign Up page :)
Me and @Matt88 put through for our driver lineups to be changed before round 1 but we never heard anything back, has this now been done? I filled out the form on the Sign Up page :)
My apologies Dan, I have been quite busy so far this week, and have not yet had the chance to update the entry list and driver line-ups. There are a few new teams who have asked about registering to take part in the league, and I have not yet had the opportunity to respond to them either. I shall sort this out tomorrow. Once your line-up has been updated I shall "like" your post to confirm that it has been done. Sorry again for the delay.
Team name: Gentlemen Racers Spirit
Team owner*: PatriSte_GR
Team owner forum name*: Patrice Sayettat(@PatriSte_GR)
Preferred class*: GT
Driver 1*: Patrice Sayettat @PatriSte_GR
Driver 2*: Jeff Grits @Jeff Grits
Driver 3: Stephane Perrin @Stéphane Perrin
Driver 4: Vincent Dimaio @Vincent Dimaio
Driver 5:
Driver 6:
I shall ensure all drivers are Premium Members for each round of the series*: YES
I agree to the TOLA*: YES

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Hi !

Steam Id: PatriSte_GR
RD Forum name: PatriSte_GR

Steam Id: Stephane Perrin
RD Forum name: Stéphane Perrin

Steam Id: jeff grits
RD Forum name: Jeff Grits

Steam Id: Vincent Dimaio
RD Forum name: Vincent Dimaio

i certify that all the drivers Patrice Sayettat, Vincent Dimaio, Stéphane Perrin and Jeff Grits are all premium members

RDLMS Team number & name: #122 Gentlemen Racers Spirit
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Hi, how can I sign up a team for Prototype class? Thanks.
Hi Diego! As Alex has said, please read the opening post of this thread - this contains all of the relevant and necessary information to register a team to participate in the RDLMS. Additionally, if you intend to drive in the league then you must become a Premium Member (though this is not required if you are only a team manager and do not intend to actually participate). Once you have read through the instructions and details there is a template form that you can copy & paste, fill in, and submit as a new post. Your application can then be processed.
As @Matt88 is a little busy, I hope it is okay that I do this:

LMP2 Car #11
Team name*: MK Simsport
Team owner*: Matt Beavis
Team owner forum name*: @Matt88
Drivers out: Porfirio Dias Santos @Porfirio Dias Santos, Peter Klawitter @rocafella1978
Drivers in: Dan Long @Dan Long

GTE Car #107
Team name*: MK Simsport
Team owner*: Matt Beavis
Team owner forum name*: @Matt88
Drivers out: Dan Long @Dan Long
Drivers in: Peter Klawitter @rocafella1978
Apologies for the delay in processing this request Dan. The fact that you have submitted it on behalf of Matt is not a problem. :thumbsup: Your line-up has now been updated. :)
Team name: Frenchie Fox Racing
Team owner*: Theo Badry
Team owner forum name*: Wasichu
Preferred class*: P2
Driver 1*: Theo Badry -Wasichu
Driver 2*: Emmanuel Taphinaud
Driver 3: Laurent Gueneau
Driver 4: Alex Van Hoorebecke
Driver 5:
Driver 6:
I shall ensure all drivers are Premium Members for each round of the series*: YES
I agree to the TOLA*: YES

Hi Theo! Before I can process your application can you please provide the forum names for all of your drivers, and ensure that at least two (including yourself) are Premium Members.
Team name: Gentlemen Racers Spirit
Team owner*: PatriSte_GR
Team owner forum name*: Patrice Sayettat(@PatriSte_GR)
Preferred class*: GT
Driver 1*: Patrice Sayettat @PatriSte_GR
Driver 2*: Jeff Grits @Jeff Grits
Driver 3: Stephane Perrin @Stéphane Perrin
Driver 4: Vincent Dimaio @Vincent Dimaio
Driver 5:
Driver 6:
I shall ensure all drivers are Premium Members for each round of the series*: YES
I agree to the TOLA*: YES

Hi Patrice! Your application has been processed, and a PM has been sent to confirm that your entry has been accepted. :) Thank you for registering to participate in the RDLMS.
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