RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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Apologies for the potentially noobish question here, but does the version of Interlagos being used here require a whole fresh version of it to download? Just wondering as there's no link in the round info above for it so assume it's the stock one.
Disappointed to not find any "So-Far in this race - race report" here!

Just done my two stints in the #118 Unicef RMI Motorsport Ferrari, it was a great double stint for me, even though it started awful when on my first lap, driving side by side with another GT car, there was a P2 car trying to drive through us. Which sent both the GT cars in to the wall, so another minute in pit after just 1 lap wasn't the start I wished for. Other than that, the pace was good, the tyre wear was minimal, the fuel consumption minimal as well. Did some passes for position and for unlapping. It all was great time.

Had a small gamble on the outside of Ferrardura and Laranjinha trying to pass @Joseph Wright , which ended up with me spinning. Well, it was worth a gamble :whistling:

Also a big shoutout to the live stewards, doing a fine and very fast job today, it's just brilliant.

We in the team expected to be fighting extremely hard to avoid being last on pace for this race, so it's an amazing surprise, and very fun to see us actually fighting with other cars.

Now it's time for @Roy Magnes to do his last hours in the car before @Jonatan Åcerclinth and @Michael Nelson should finish it off. With Pinky(me) standing by as a reserve if anything happens.
Everytime I join the server with the shaders folder (inside useradata/log/...) having the shaderfiles loaded I loose the connection from the server.

When I delete all the shader files and then join the server with an empty shaderfolder it works.

Any ideas?
Everytime I join the server with the shaders folder (inside useradata/log/...) having the shaderfiles loaded I loose the connection from the server.

When I delete all the shader files and then join the server with an empty shaderfolder it works.

Any ideas?
I would suggest performing a fresh re-install of the game. Also ensure that your graphics card driver is up to date. Out of curiosity, what graphics card do you have, and do you use any tools outside of the game to apply any post-processing effects?
What can I say? What an absolutely amazing experience that was. It was a first for everyone on the team and we learned a ton during all 12 hours hectic hours. We had suspension and brake failures, a rogue gangster AI deciding he was too cool to let us have the car, and a ton of other things to deal with.

We had an absolute blast and while we feel as if we could've finished a little higher had we not had so many issues, we will certainly take P9 in class after everything that transpired.

A big thank you to all the staff who did a wonderful job keeping everything running nicely, fantastic event! :thumbsup::inlove:

I love endurance racing! :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:

And yes, I was literally racing in pyjamas. :D
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What a race! And talk about exceeding expectations. During all the testing we felt like we were quite off both when it came to outright speed and consistency. Even though @Jonatan Åcerclinth had made a setup for us that was quite easy to be consistent with, we seemingly were unable to manage that. But come raceday, with all the lapping and traffic, we didn't lose out too much on that, and somehow we were much closer to the pack on pace as well, which was nice.

@Roy Magnes kept the car safe for his first stint, before I did the second. With some issues when it came to lapping, especially a P2 being less than nice, knocking out two GT's in the process, but overall gained some spots and had good speed. Gave the car back to Roy after a double stint, went to eat dinner with my roomie, watch some TV and relax. When I came back, somehow Roy had dragged the Unicef RMI Motorsport Ferrari up to 5th in class, and not only that, he also got it up to fourth when I was acting as spotter.
Closing in on the last stint for Roy, he went in to the wall and lost the front bumper and splitter, no big issue normally, just do a couple of laps with a lower pace, waiting for Jonatan to join, before pitting and swapping drivers.

However, when Jonatan got in to the car, the bumper and splitter were still missing, and the option to "repair damage" in the bit, was gone. So, with well over 5 hours left of the race, we had to do without front downforce.

Jonatan did his stint, and we swapped drivers to see if that worked, so @Michael Nelson took over the car. Still without the front, so we knew that we lost between 2 and 3 second each lap, and we also knew that our front tyres got much more punishment from that, so now we were into damage limitation mode, figuring out that we would do between 8 or 9 laps less during the last hours than what we would've managed with a proper car.
So Michael did his stint, swapping with Jonatan again, that did his last stint, before giving the car back to Michael. And for some reason, suddenly we could fix the car, so for the last 50 minutes of the race, we had a fixed car.
But Michael struggled with getting used to a car that actually had front grip, and never got in to the pace he had in testing, and we fell down to 7th in class.

Still a result way higher than we had dared to joke about, but we can't help but feel that a top 5 could've been possible. Which for us would be around the same as seeing Minardi taking points in their last 10 years in F1. But we ended up like Luca Badoer in 99, so close, but still so far away!

Looking forward to Silverstone, and as I am not sure if I'll drive or not, who knows maybe I'll do the stream, or commentary, or maybe I will act as the team boss for the RMI Motorsport team, after all, I was a wannabe teamboss today, with Roy either driving or commentating!
The purple Ferrari will most likely be swapped for another livery though, what colors, who knows!

And as always, brilliant render by @Jack Hintz

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Roaring Pipes Maniacs race report
The first time back racing competitively as a team for a long time, it's great to be back! In qualifying we managed to take 15th place overall, which was a decent effort for the first race, even though we'd love to be fighting for the top places. Chris Stacey was scheduled to take the first two stints and was then due to be replaced by Ingemar Petersson for a whopping quadruple stint, followed by Christoper Aponte and John Souter.

Stacey managed to get through most of the opening lap carnage and was running in 10th place for a while as we enjoyed a great battle with @Frank and @Chark in the RedShift Racing and Talking Door Racing cars respectively.

However just a few laps later our race took a downward turn after coming up to lap the #119 HM Engineering Corvette as they ran wide at turn 9 and slewed back across the track leaving Stacey with no where to go, and resulted in a pretty spectacular crash. Thankfully the car wasn't damaged too heavily and he could continue.

From there, little action ensued as the gaps in front and behind we large, so getting into a groove and pounding in lap after lap was all that could be done. Dealing with traffic around Interlagos was EXTREMELY difficult as the track is so narrow, and as Simon Smith rightly pointed out in commentary, the track is basically just one big never ending corner. Picking your spots was vital for keeping things clean.

But towards the end of the first stint, Stacey unfortunately got tangled up in another incident, this time with the #107 MK Simsport BMW on the exit of Juncao. This was considerably heavier impact than before and pitting for repairs was immediately required. This lost us a large amount of time and rejoined back in 16th place.

Unfortunately as it came time for the driver swap, we encountered the dreaded bug whereby the controls of the inbound driver were completely unresponsive. This meant Ingemar was forced to disconnect and restart multiple times before he could drive out. But, this also lead to large latency issues and his car was rendered to the garage, and it was unfortunately game over for us.

We head to Silverstone optimistic of our pace, and hopeful the luck will swing our way.

Thank you to all the organisers, commentators and stewards, this really was an epic event (while it lasted), and we can't wait for the second round!

See you all again on the 13th of May :)
Unofficial TDR.SK report

Top **** event even if stuff kinda went south for us. I personally got caught up in two massive accidents as a result of unavoidable carnage in front of me. I cant really remember with who, but one of which was a result of what looked like a "rage quit yolo ima take some sorry basterd with me with while I ram myself into the wall". I will be consulting the replay to figure out who it was. Panicked pitstop got me a stop go for speeding after this as well which was unfortunate, but not the end of the world.
Got penalised for some contact with one of the Porsche's in T1. Dont know who it was, but I apologise. Though at the time I thought the penalty was rather harsh given the fact the P2 who was a lap down behind me more or less shoved me to the right of the track making it just about 3 wide into the corner. Seemed like a rough penalty from my recollection. I think lapped cars need to learn that its not my or whoever is in front of them's responsibility to make way for you if you're faster. You dont have the right o flash like a maniac when you're a lapped car. You have to pass on merit.

Gotta say soz to my boy Ricardo - had some dicey overtakes on you babe. Sorry for them haha

Personal highlights...
- @Scrambles salvaging a solid result (6th) after we had the driver swap bug which cost us 4-5(?) places at the time.
- The additions to the @Lorenzo Bonder blooper highlight reel. Top notch.
Well, what can I say...

@Ole Marius Myrvold , @Roy Magnes and @Michael Nelson did a great job in the car, and with the car, for the whole event (counting pre-practice forward) and big props to Michael who hasn't raced much in endurance racing nor circuit racing.

But I can't help but feel dissapointed that we lost the front splitter and the pace that the car should have had which would have made it possible to score a top 5 finish in class.

My 1st stint was fairly uneventful although I want to again say sorry to Flores, he tried to lap me in T3 but without the splitter I washed wider than I had expected and half-span him, thankfully I was able to "right" him again, not sure what exactly happened then but I waited until he was passed as that is how I've been racing ever since I started Sim Racing. Also like to thank Barrera who caught up, stayed behind and passed when the opportunity was right, great fight and great drive :)

The 2nd stint was a bit more interesting, with it being darker that seemingly helped and the fact that I was really feeling the itch to fly I gave it my best shot.
With a best time of 33,8 and 15 laps of 34,2's (while negotiating traffic) I feel that I did as well as I could with the RMI Ferrari in that stint.

But yea, somewhat dissapointing but really happy for us that we managed a top 10 class finish :)

Cheers and see you all at Silverstone, I think I'll be there at least :redface:
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