RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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Got a couple of pointers for the track:

- Can we get some pitlane exit markers? It's hard to tell currently where the pitlane ends as there's no marking.
- There's a gap between the road and curb on the exit of turn 5 (according to the map in the OP).
- Some of the curbing is VERY rough in the FFB and other curbs are almost not giving any feedback, even though they look similar, example: Exit of the carousel is very rough (red/yellow curb) yet the apex of the kink is completely smooth, will this be addressed or left as is?
- Is there an ETA for live timings?

Cheers guys o/
one quick query about practise servers. do both dry and round 4 have the same level of grip in dry conditions? could you clarify how the track rubber develops over time on these two servers and the impact of track temperature on lAp times?
thank you
Team name: LG Racing
Team owner*: Matt Le Gallez
Team owner forum name*: Matt Le Gallez
Preferred class*: Prototype
Driver 1*: Matt Le Gallez, @Matt Le Gallez
Driver 2*: Steve Le Gallez, @Steve Le Gallez
Driver 3: Paul Le Gallez, @Paul Le Gallez
Driver 4:
Driver 5:
Driver 6:
I shall ensure all drivers are Premium Members for each round of the series*: YES
I agree to the TOLA*: YES
LG Racing would like to be moved from Prototype Reserves to GT Reserves please!
Not looking at all likely we'll get on track in a Proto! :cool: Thanks in advance!
Thank you very much for your feedback Joakim - I'll be sure to send this on to our track development team. :thumbsup:

- Can we get some pitlane exit markers? It's hard to tell currently where the pitlane ends as there's no marking.
Yes, this is definitely a requirement to avoid needless penalties for speeding in the pit lane - we shall be sure to add markers indicating the end of the pit lane in the next version of the track.

- There's a gap between the road and curb on the exit of turn 5 (according to the map in the OP).
This is not something of which we were previously aware so thank you for the heads up. We shall look to fix this before the race.

- Some of the curbing is VERY rough in the FFB and other curbs are almost not giving any feedback, even though they look similar, example: Exit of the carousel is very rough (red/yellow curb) yet the apex of the kink is completely smooth, will this be addressed or left as is?
It's possible that this is intentional, but I could not say for sure. Also I cannot say for certain how quick or easy it will be to make the curbs more consistent, but I will raise the issue with the track development team and ask about the feasibility of making such a change prior to the race.

- Is there an ETA for live timings?
Live timing is already available here, and via LiveRacers (see here). However we are looking to use an alternative, more stable tool for the race which is why there is currently no link in the opening post. More information shall be provided as it becomes available and as developments are made.

Once again, cheers for the raising these issues - it is very much appreciated. :) We shall let you know when a new version of the track is released, and specify the changes that have been made.
one quick query about practise servers. do both dry and round 4 have the same level of grip in dry conditions? could you clarify how the track rubber develops over time on these two servers and the impact of track temperature on lAp times?
thank you
Those are some very good questions! ;) I can tell you that when the track is dry the R4 and DRY servers will probably not have the same level of grip. There are several reasons for this:
  • The number of cars that have driven on the track, and the number of laps that have been driven - the more cars, and most importantly the more laps that have been driven on the track the more grip there will be as rubber builds up over time
  • When it rains on the R4 server the rubber that has built up on the track will wash away, and the track will effectively be green when it dries; there is nothing to reduce the rubber build up on the DRY server, so it will continue to build up over time
  • The two servers are setup slightly differently - rubber build up on the DRY server is configured to be quicker compared to the R4 server because we expect fewer people to be testing on the DRY server
If it has not recently rained then I would expect there to be more rubber on the R4 server than the DRY server because I expect more people to be testing on the R4 server; the converse is true if it has rained. If more people are testing on the DRY server then this will always have more grip than the R4 server.

However the rate at which rubber builds up on the DRY server is "artificial", and it has been increased to try and reduce the "disparity" between the rubber levels on the two servers, but in all honesty this is futile (especially if it rains on the R4 server) because a number of other factors also affect the amount of grip.

Finally, as far as I am aware based on everything that I have read about rFactor 2, track temperature does not directly affect grip levels. However it does have an impact on the heating of tyres, so it will ultimately have an indirect effect on lap times.

I hope this makes sense, and apologies if I have waffled too much! :whistling:
@Daiman Patel your answers were as I kind of expected (but wasn't sure). You didn't waffle though and I'm really grateful for your answers!

I am going to write some assumptions here I've made so perhaps you could point out any/all which are incorrect and answer the highlighted?

1) all practise server tracks reset to green at the beginning of a session.
2) maximum track rubber is reached after X number of completed laps
Q. Based on this assumption, how many laps/how much time would it take to reach maximum rubber with 1 car on: a) Rd 4 server with NO rain b) Dry server?
If 2 cars are on server and complete the same number of laps, progress laps/time towards maximum track rubber will be halved (and 3 cars, it will be divided by 3?)
5) Barring rain, both servers will provide more grip during the qualifying sessions

I suppose the bottom line is, if it's not raining, I would like to work out which server is likely to provide the optimum lap time for me. This will possibly depend on the artificial rate of rubbering on dry server versus the increased rate of rubbering from multiple cars on the R4 server?

Also, I'm trying to get a very rough idea of how long it takes on either server to reach maximum rubber e.g. If I remember correctly, my best laptime was set on the dry server after about 1 hour (32 laps registered but about 20 complete laps and the rest quitting to pits at a guess). No one else was helping me rubber the track lol

Naturally, I'm also trying to gauge where I am at in relation to the opposition who set their times on the R4 server with more people on.

p.s. no hurry for answers as I'm away visiting family.
Team name*: SpeedyMite Racing
Team owner*: Oli McGown
Team owner forum name*: @Otune
Drivers out: Alex Schmurtz
Drivers in: Oli McGown, @Otune

Sorry for changing the lineup again so soon, I've realised I actually want to drive this one :roflmao:

Due to staff members and other RDLMS personnel (including the track development team) being busy and away during the summer holiday period there will be a slight delay to the release of the track update. All resources for Round 4 were initially intended to be released this weekend, but due to the circumstances the final version of the track will now not be made available until the end of next week (19th August) at the latest; hopefully we shall be able to release it sooner, potentially by the middle of next week, but there will still be plenty of time for you to download the updates and test prior to the event on Saturday 26th August. More information shall be provided as it becomes available.

The updated version - v4.0 - of the custom car / skin pack will still be created and released this weekend, but shall be delayed until Sunday. For this reason the skin submission (and notification) deadline has now been extended by 24 hours, to 23:59 GMT on Saturday 12th August.

I would therefore like to take this opportunity to remind teams to submit new and updated livery files, if they have not done so already, for Round 4. All and any new entrants must submit skin files, else they risk not being able to participate in the race, and these must include an albedo map to ensure compatibility with DX11 (even if you are still running the game using DX9). If you choose to revise your livery design then we would also like to ask that you ensure an albedo map has been applied. For more information about albedo maps please see this link - https://www.studio-397.com/guidelines-for-artists/ - which provides instructions on how to correct skin files under the section titled "How to quickly update car skins / color maps". If there are any problems with the albedo map (i.e. if it is missing, or has not been correctly applied) you shall be asked to make appropriate amendments and will need to resubmit your skin files for Round 4. All files that have been sent already will be processed and added to the pack this weekend.

In addition to this I would like to reiterate that if you submitted a special livery for the 24 Hours of Le Mans event and want to revert to an original / previous livery then you must inform (and preferably send your original skin files to) @Daiman Patel, else the files submitted for Round 3 will continue to be used for your car. Once again, the submission deadline for skin files and the notification deadline for reverting skin files is at 23:59 GMT on Saturday 12th August.

We apologise for any inconvenience that has been or will be caused by the delay, and will do our utmost to ensure that everything is sorted as quickly as possible in preparation for the upcoming event.

Finally, I have two more reminders for you all:
  1. Please use your real first and last names when testing and training on the RDLMS server, and also on TeamSpeak
  2. Please submit changes to your team line-up in the Sign Up thread (notifying us of driver removals is not necessary, unless they are moving to another team, but we must be made aware of any additions to your driver line-up)
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Due to staff members and other RDLMS personnel (including the track development team) being busy and away during the summer holiday period there will be a slight delay to the release of the track update. All resources for Round 4 were initially intended to be released this weekend, but due to the circumstances the final version of the track will now not be made available until the end of next week (19th August) at the latest; hopefully we shall be able to release it sooner, potentially by the middle of next week, but there will still be plenty of time for you to download the updates and test prior to the event on Saturday 26th August. More information shall be provided as it becomes available.

The updated version - v4.0 - of the custom car / skin pack will still be created and released this weekend, but shall be delayed until Sunday. For this reason the skin submission (and notification) deadline has now been extended by 24 hours, to 23:59 GMT on Saturday 12th August.

I would therefore like to take this opportunity to remind teams to submit new and updated livery files, if they have not done so already, for Round 4. All and any new entrants must submit skin files, else they risk not being able to participate in the race, and these must include an albedo map to ensure compatibility with DX11 (even if you are still running the game using DX9). If you choose to revise your livery design then we would also like to ask that you ensure an albedo map has been applied. For more information about albedo maps please see this link - https://www.studio-397.com/guidelines-for-artists/ - which provides instructions on how to correct skin files under the section titled "How to quickly update car skins / color maps". If there are any problems with the albedo map (i.e. if it is missing, or has not been correctly applied) you shall be asked to make appropriate amendments and will need to resubmit your skin files for Round 4. All files that have been sent already will be processed and added to the pack this weekend.

In addition to this I would like to reiterate that if you submitted a special livery for the 24 Hours of Le Mans event and want to revert to an original / previous livery then you must inform (and preferably send your original skin files to) @Daiman Patel, else the files submitted for Round 3 will continue to be used for your car. Once again, the submission deadline for skin files and the notification deadline for reverting skin files is at 23:59 GMT on Saturday 12th August.

We apologise for any inconvenience that has been or will be caused by the delay, and will do our utmost to ensure that everything is sorted as quickly as possible in preparation for the upcoming event.

Finally, I have two more reminders for you all:
  1. Please use your real first and last names when testing and training on the RDLMS server, and also on TeamSpeak
  2. Please submit changes to your team line-up in the Sign Up thread (notifying us of driver removals is not necessary, unless they are moving to another team, but we must be made aware of any additions to your driver line-up)
@Daiman Patel your answers were as I kind of expected (but wasn't sure). You didn't waffle though and I'm really grateful for your answers!
That's good to hear, and not a problem - I'm glad to have helped! :)

I am going to write some assumptions here I've made so perhaps you could point out any/all which are incorrect and answer the highlighted?
Several of your questions and assumptions are highly technical and incredibly in-depth; after some research I unfortunately do not know the answer to some, and I would not even know where to start looking for answers within rFactor 2 itself. Nevertheless I shall try my best to answer what I can.

1) all practise server tracks reset to green at the beginning of a session.
No, the rubber on the track is not lost at the beginning of a session; the servers are configured to always load from the AutoSave.rrbin file, so the track surface conditions will be in the last known / saved state when a session is restarted.

2) maximum track rubber is reached after X number of completed laps
Q. Based on this assumption, how many laps/how much time would it take to reach maximum rubber with 1 car on: a) Rd 4 server with NO rain b) Dry server?
I believe this would be the case, but I could not say after how much laps the maximum amount of track rubber would be reached - I'm not sure where to look for such information, or if it is even possible to determine this without conducting an experiment. Also I'm not sure if this saturation point may be dependant on weather conditions, and if it is different for each track.

3) If 2 cars are on server and complete the same number of laps, progress laps/time towards maximum track rubber will be halved (and 3 cars, it will be divided by 3?)
Again I believe so, but I'm not sure if all cars and tyres lay down rubber at a constant rate or at their own rate (if it is the latter then the corresponding value may potentially be defined in one of the many files that make up an individual vehicle in the game). Also I do not know if the track - temperature, surface type, etc. - has any bearing on the rate at which rubber builds up on its surface. As I have previously mentioned there is a configurable parameter that allows the rate of build up to be adjusted, but I do not know how exactly the rubber builds up.

5) Barring rain, both servers will provide more grip during the qualifying sessions
As the servers always load the track conditions from the AutoSave.rrbin file there will be a continuous build up of rubber, unless of course it rains. So the amount of grip at the beginning of a qualifying session will be the same as that at the end of the practice session.

I suppose the bottom line is, if it's not raining, I would like to work out which server is likely to provide the optimum lap time for me. This will possibly depend on the artificial rate of rubbering on dry server versus the increased rate of rubbering from multiple cars on the R4 server?
This will be rather difficult to work out because, as you have said, it depends on the artificial rate at which rubbers builds up in addition to a number of other factors including the weather and the number of laps that have previously been driven on the track (since it last rained on R4, and since the server was started on DRY).

I hope this has answered most of your questions. For those that I have not been able to provide an actual response my suggestion would be to ask these questions in the Studio 397 forums where you may receive some better replies and information from more knowledgeable players (and maybe also the developers).
I'm not entirely sure, but doesn't restarting the weekend reset the server grip too?
Nope, the servers are configured to load the AutoSave.rrbin file which stores information about track conditions and the build up of rubber. If the server was configured to use a preset (if there is one available) or to set the track to green then the grip would "reset" according to the chosen option when the weekend is restarted. However, by selecting the AutoSave.rrbin file the continuous build up of rubber is saved and loaded for each session, for the specific layout of the track that is being used (even after a server has been stopped and restarted).
Yes please. Yet another lineup change from us! :p:roflmao:
HAHAHA, not a problem mate! :laugh: I appreciate that circumstances and plans can change at any time, which is why we give you up until 24 hours before the race to make any alterations (as many as you like / need) to your driver line-ups. ;)

Team name*: Roaring Pipes Maniacs
Team owner*: Bram Hengeveld
Team owner forum name*: @Bram
Drivers out: Chris Stacey
Drivers in: @Shawn Jacobs
Both teams' line-ups have now been updated. :thumbsup:
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