RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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- Make sure you're on the sign up list. Workshop is for league members. Amount of subscribers is limited to 275.

- All premium or future league members who want to do some laps on the server to practice. They can just login to the server once the RDLMS server is up. The workshop is not mandatory to login to the server.

To join the Workshop: All info is in the OP of this thread:

To join the private Workshop group please follow these instructions:

- Make sure you're on the sign up list.
- send a "friend request" to Gijs van Elderen on steam (click here to view his profile)
- Reply to this thread with the following information:

Steam (display name):
RD Forum name:
RDLMS Team number & name:

Steam (display name): Daimes
RD Forum name: Daiman Patel
RDLMS Team name: #6 RedShift Racing

Once the "friend request" has been accepted, you'll have acces the workshop. Your post will be "liked" to confirm.
Then you can proceed to step 3 of the OP. But this will also be send with a Steam message with a direct link to the workshop.
Team name*: Drillers Motorsport
Team owner*: (real name) Eneric Andre
Team owner forum name*: (@forum name) @Era
Drivers out: Era
Drivers in: (real name, @forum name) /

New team leader is now @iZodiaak aka Robin Bondon.
looking for a LMP2 team. Had to leave the Drillers lineup due to a disagreement.
RaceDepartment Le Mans Series Season 7 by Vesaro (2017)
Round 4 | Thrustmaster 6 Hours of Road America
August 26th, 2017


Session Timetable
  • 10:55 | Race server reboot
  • 11:00 | Official practice & Briefing (no duplicate cars allowed from this point)
  • 11:40 | GT qualifying (30 minutes)
  • 12:10 | Qualifying switch-over (5 minutes)
  • 12:15 | Prototype qualifying (30 minutes)
  • 12:45 | Warm-up
  • 13:00 | Race start (in-game: 13:00 / 1:00 PM)
  • 19:00 | Race ends (in-game: 19:00 / 7:00 PM)
All times are posted in GMT.

Server Details
Password: Click here
Track: Road America (v1.03)
Cars: EnduRacers Endurance Series (v4.0) (alt. link: v4.0)
Safety car: RD Safety Car - Nissan 370z (v1.2)

Live timing: HERE
Track map: HERE
Track map [alt.]: HERE
Server status: HERE

Weather data & forecast: HERE

Steward Notes
  • Please review the latest version of the regulations before joining.
  • Please make sure your line-up is up to date. Communicate any changes in the Sign-Up thread. The current state of your line-up can also be found here, in the opening post.
Safety-first Zones

The following diagram indicates the location of Safety-first Zones for Round 4, the Thrustmaster 6 Hours of Road America:
Road America-zoned.png

The yellow zone, which will be in effect during the first lap following a start or restart, shall commence along the start / finish straight and end just after The Kink - Turn 11.

The orange zones, of which there are 4, shall be enforced for the duration of the race, and are positioned as follows:
  • Turn 5 (after the Moraine Sweep)
  • Turn 6 (starting at the bridge)
  • Carousel - Turn 9 and Turn 10 (starting at the bridge)
  • Canada Corner - Turn 12 (after Kettle Bottoms)
Please refer to the image at the top of this post for corner and section names.

For those unable to easily distinguish the yellow zone from the orange zones, the yellow zone colour has been switched to blue in the track diagram below. Please click on the thumbnail to expand the image.
Road America-zoned-accessible.png

Pit Entry Positioning

For the race at Road America, we recommend that any cars intending to enter the pits should stay as far right (towards the inside of the track) as possible when exiting Turn 14. Any cars looking to overtake should do so around the outside / left side of the track, as the pit entry lane is approached.

Physical Driver Swap Penalty Position

Following a physical driver swap, the new driver is expected to drive to the end of the pit-lane and stop for 5 seconds (the time for an in-game driver swap) to account for any time that could be gained. Race Control should be informed when a swap is due to be performed so that a steward can be sent to oversee the pit-stop and ensure that the 5 second "penalty" is served. Please refer to the attached images ('Physical Driver Swap Penalty Box #.JPG') which show where the driver is expected to stop the car after a physical driver swap has been performed.


To help simplify the process of reporting collisions, crashes, cutting, and questionable driving during an event, a form has been created that will allow a team to submit all of the necessary information to Race Control so that the incident may be reviewed and actioned by the live stewards. The form can be found here:

RDLMS S7 - Incident Report Form

You must submit the form for each incident that you would like to raise during the course of the race. When dealing with an incident we shall contact you via TeamSpeak if we require any more information. We shall also inform you via TeamSpeak if and when any action has been taken in relation to your report.

This thread may be subject to changes. Please review regularly.


  • Physical Driver Swap Penalty Box 1.jpg
    Physical Driver Swap Penalty Box 1.jpg
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  • Physical Driver Swap Penalty Box 2.jpg
    Physical Driver Swap Penalty Box 2.jpg
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  • Physical Driver Swap Penalty Box 3.jpg
    Physical Driver Swap Penalty Box 3.jpg
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Apologies for the delay, but I am glad to finally announce that the servers for Round 4 for the RDLMS powered by Vesaro - RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS R4 and RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS DRY - are now available and open for testing and training.

Both servers have been setup with the first test version - v0.8 - of the custom Road America circuit, originally developed by Dennis Grebe and Alex Coutie, and updated for the RDLMS by our track development team. The resource is still in the "beta" phase, and work is still ongoing, so you may find that there are minor bugs and performance issues which will be resolved before the final release, 2 weeks prior to the Round 4 event. If you experience any issues then we would like to encourage you to submit a report, so that the problems can be ironed out during the next few weeks. All feedback will be much appreciated so that we can ensure the track is ready. Please direct any questions about the track, or bug reports to @Gijs van Elderen. An announcement shall be made each time a new version of the track is released.

We would like to ask you to ensure that this version of the track remains private. The component must not be made publicly available to or shared with anyone outside RaceDepartment - only Premium Members are permitted to access the server and resource. Anybody who is found to have distributed or utilised this mod without prior permission, except for the RDLMS or personal use, shall face disciplinary action - this may include expulsion from the league, and a potential ban from RaceDepartment. Thank you for your cooperation.

Meanwhile, to save you from downloading a potentially large component file for early testing and training, especially since there are currently no further updates to the base resource, the servers have been setup using the latest version - v3.1 - of the custom car / skin pack from Round 3. (This is based on v1.5 of the Endurance Series mod.) Therefore special liveries for Le Mans and the streamlined bodywork / cars will still be available, for the time being. Apologies for any inconvenience. However skin sharing is enabled on both servers, so if you would like to test with a new / the original version of your skin then you are able and more then welcome to do so.

The updated pack - v4.0 - will be created and released on Saturday 12th August with all new and updated skins, and the bodywork of all cars shall be restored to their original state unless we are informed otherwise. However please note that if you submitted a special livery for Le Mans and would now like to revert to your original livery then you must inform @Daiman Patel, else your skin files will not be changed. The submission deadline for skin files and the notification deadline for reverting skin files will be at 23:59 GMT on Friday 11th August. Finally I would like to apologise for livery related issues during the previous round - there were a couple of teams who found that the incorrect skin files were being loaded for their car; the cause of the problem has been identified, and it will be rectified when the next version of the custom car / skin pack is released.

If you have already subscribed to the private Steam Workshop group - see here for more information - then the updated resources will be automatically downloaded when you open the Steam client (you shall need to close rFactor 2, including the Launcher, first / before you log in to the server else the process to retrieve updates from the Workshop will not commence). If you have not yet subscribed to the private Workshop group then you may do so by following these instructions. Alternatively the resources can be automatically downloaded and installed via GetMod, when you login to the official RaceDepartment servers for the RDLMS (RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS R4or RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS DRY). The component files can also be acquired manually, via direct download links in the General Information thread, and also the event thread (Round 4: Thrustmaster 6 Hours of Road America). If you experience any issues with accessing the updated files then please inform us as soon as possible so that we can investigate and rectify any problems.

I would like to remind all teams to submit new and updated livery files, if they have not done so already, for Round 4. All and any new entrants must submit skin files, else they risk not being able to participate in the race, and these must include an albedo map to ensure compatibility with DX11 (even if you are still using DX9). If you choose to revise your livery design then we would also like to ask that you ensure an albedo map has been applied. For more information about albedo maps please see this link - https://www.studio-397.com/guidelines-for-artists/ - which provides instructions on how to correct skin files under the section titled "How to quickly update car skins / color maps". If there are any problems with the albedo map (i.e. if it is missing, or has not been correctly applied) you shall be asked to make appropriate amendments and will need to resubmit your skin files for Round 4. Any files that have been sent already will be processed soon. Also, to reiterate, if you would like to revert to an original livery (following the 24 Hours of Le Mans event) then you must inform @Daiman Patel else the skin files for Round 3 will continue to be used for your car. The submission deadline for skin files and the notification deadline for reverting skin files will be at 23:59 GMT on Friday 11th August.

Finally I would just like to inform everyone that the entry list in the Sign Up thread shall be updated this coming week - I am aware that there are a number of line up changes and new entry applications to be processed, and I will try to get through these as quickly and as soon as possible.

Apologies for the delay, but I am glad to finally announce that the servers for Round 4 for the RDLMS powered by Vesaro - RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS R4 and RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS DRY - are now available and open for testing and training.

Both servers have been setup with the first test version - v0.8 - of the custom Road America circuit, originally developed by Dennis Grebe and Alex Coutie, and updated for the RDLMS by our track development team. The resource is still in the "beta" phase, and work is still ongoing, so you may find that there are minor bugs and performance issues which will be resolved before the final release, 2 weeks prior to the Round 4 event. If you experience any issues then we would like to encourage you to submit a report, so that the problems can be ironed out during the next few weeks. All feedback will be much appreciated so that we can ensure the track is ready. Please direct any questions about the track, or bug reports to @Gijs van Elderen. An announcement shall be made each time a new version of the track is released.

We would like to ask you to ensure that this version of the track remains private. The component must not be made publicly available to or shared with anyone outside RaceDepartment - only Premium Members are permitted to access the server and resource. Anybody who is found to have distributed or utilised this mod without prior permission, except for the RDLMS or personal use, shall face disciplinary action - this may include expulsion from the league, and a potential ban from RaceDepartment. Thank you for your cooperation.

Meanwhile, to save you from downloading a potentially large component file for early testing and training, especially since there are currently no further updates to the base resource, the servers have been setup using the latest version - v3.1 - of the custom car / skin pack from Round 3. (This is based on v1.5 of the Endurance Series mod.) Therefore special liveries for Le Mans and the streamlined bodywork / cars will still be available, for the time being. Apologies for any inconvenience. However skin sharing is enabled on both servers, so if you would like to test with a new / the original version of your skin then you are able and more then welcome to do so.

The updated pack - v4.0 - will be created and released on Saturday 12th August with all new and updated skins, and the bodywork of all cars shall be restored to their original state unless we are informed otherwise. However please note that if you submitted a special livery for Le Mans and would now like to revert to your original livery then you must inform @Daiman Patel, else your skin files will not be changed. The submission deadline for skin files and the notification deadline for reverting skin files will be at 23:59 GMT on Friday 11th August. Finally I would like to apologise for livery related issues during the previous round - there were a couple of teams who found that the incorrect skin files were being loaded for their car; the cause of the problem has been identified, and it will be rectified when the next version of the custom car / skin pack is released.

If you have already subscribed to the private Steam Workshop group - see here for more information - then the updated resources will be automatically downloaded when you open the Steam client (you shall need to close rFactor 2, including the Launcher, first / before you log in to the server else the process to retrieve updates from the Workshop will not commence). If you have not yet subscribed to the private Workshop group then you may do so by following these instructions. Alternatively the resources can be automatically downloaded and installed via GetMod, when you login to the official RaceDepartment servers for the RDLMS (RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS R4 or RACEDEPARTMENT.COM LMS DRY). The component files can also be acquired manually, via direct download links in the General Information thread, and also the event thread (Round 4: Thrustmaster 6 Hours of Road America). If you experience any issues with accessing the updated files then please inform us as soon as possible so that we can investigate and rectify any problems.

I would like to remind all teams to submit new and updated livery files, if they have not done so already, for Round 4. All and any new entrants must submit skin files, else they risk not being able to participate in the race, and these must include an albedo map to ensure compatibility with DX11 (even if you are still using DX9). If you choose to revise your livery design then we would also like to ask that you ensure an albedo map has been applied. For more information about albedo maps please see this link - https://www.studio-397.com/guidelines-for-artists/ - which provides instructions on how to correct skin files under the section titled "How to quickly update car skins / color maps". If there are any problems with the albedo map (i.e. if it is missing, or has not been correctly applied) you shall be asked to make appropriate amendments and will need to resubmit your skin files for Round 4. Any files that have been sent already will be processed soon. Also, to reiterate, if you would like to revert to an original livery (following the 24 Hours of Le Mans event) then you must inform @Daiman Patel else the skin files for Round 3 will continue to be used for your car. The submission deadline for skin files and the notification deadline for reverting skin files will be at 23:59 GMT on Friday 11th August.

Finally I would just like to inform everyone that the entry list in the Sign Up thread shall be updated this coming week - I am aware that there are a number of line up changes and new entry applications to be processed, and I will try to get through these as quickly and as soon as possible.
neither server not working for me? the track half loads then stops :-s
if I press "enter" it just crashes to desktp
I have just checked the servers and both seem to be working fine, but I have restarted them nonetheless. Based on the your description it sounds as though the problem is client side - I expect the reason why the game exits to the desktop is because an error dialog has appeared and gained focus (either in the background or somewhere off the screen since you cannot see it), and when you press "enter" both the game and dialog are closed. Have you tried loading the game in single player mode with the same track and car? If not then could you please give this a go and let me know the result - my guess is that the game will crash again while loading the track. Also, if you have not done so already, could you please enable logging as this will help us to determine and find a solution for the problem; enter trace=3 into the 'command line interface parameters' field via the settings menu of the launcher (there is no harm in doing this for both single player and multiplayer) and remember to save. Load the game and track, and once the game has crashed go to '<rF2_root>/UserData/Log', find the latest trace.txt file, and send this to me - you can simply reply to this post, and include the trace file as as attachment.
thanks daimen patel.
it previously worked in multiplayer. ..two days ago. I then went in single player yesterday and it worked fine.
when I returned to multiplayer and it failed a few times...the second last time I quit out and steam shower the rf2 programmed filling up percentage wise...as if it was updating. I tried then a couple more times to enter server and it didn't work.

just now I've tried multiplayer and...it works perfectly. lol
I will run the tracE tho..next time I log in mate. cheers
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