RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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First time in our car this season, disappointed I screwed up in the early hours of the morning a few times as the dreariness set in otherwise I think we could have given Feeder a much closer fight at the flag. Regardless, very much well done to them as i thoroughly enjoyed our day of scrapping!

Thanks also for sorting the server issues out and getting us to the end!

Could I just stress the importance of sticking to your line and being predictable when being lapped please, way too many instances that nearly ended in a needless crash by somebody trying to move out of the way, please don't! Stay predictable and people will naturally find their way around you! Thanks:thumbsup:
Could I just stress the importance of sticking to your line and being predictable when being lapped please, way too many instances that nearly ended in a needless crash by somebody trying to move out of the way, please don't! Stay predictable and people will naturally find their way around you! Thanks:thumbsup:
Even though we (TXL) are running in the GT class, we still had issues with lapping other GT's.
BRAKING on corner exit, is absolutely a NO GO. I can't stress this enough. Do not EVER brake or lift or anything out of a corner. You ARE going to cause a crash. It IS INEVITABLE!
I was lapping a BMW in the early part of the race, and out of dunlop it decided to just get off of the throttle while I was RIGHT up it's rear. I punted it and nothing happened to our car, but he got spun into the wall.

So for EVERYONES sake, keep your line, and let people by on the straight when you are past the corner. Especially on a track like Le Mans, there's literally no reason to try and be clever.

Anyway, congratulations to the winners :) Personally I had some pretty decent stints, unfortunally technical issues with driver swaps forced a DNF. We'll be back at Road America, strong! :)
Well, it's been a couple of days since the race now. My first ever 24 hour race, and first time racing Le Mans online too.

Firstly, I'd like to give a big thank you to all the organizers, the streamers, commentators, and also to Gijs for the track update. You people have all made this event really great, and I know you put in a lot of hard work, so thank you.

Secondly, congratulations to all those who finished the race, as well as to those who finished on the podium.

And thirdly, I want to thank my teammates @Ole Marius Myrvold , @Roy Magnes , @Jonatan Åcerclinth , and @Ryan Walker . This season of RDLMS is my first ever time endurance racing, and I can't think of a team I'd rather be in. These guys are all friendly, encouraging, and helpful. I feel a very strong team spirit here in RMI, and I'm chuffed with a top 10 result even with the couple of positions lost from the disconnect.

Speaking of the disconnect, it's a shame that it happened, but I certainly don't blame anyone for it or harbor ill will. I hope the admins at RD can figure out what caused it so they can fix it for the future rounds.

Thanks everyone :)
I'm agree that sometimes we do it wrong trying to give the spot easy to lmp2, but sometimes these mistakes are provoked because in general, most of the lmp2 do not leave any kind of safety distance when they are going after a slower car, what an lmp2 cannot pretend is to overtake in the porsches going at 1 mm of the rear bumper of a GT knowing that you only have one line to do them properly, so if there is an accident because of that i don't feel sorry for the lmp2...being smart is part of a racing driver job and driving a faster car implies being smarter...if you want to finish.
Once that said i have to admit that there was a lot of good overtakes from lmp2 giving enough room for the GT to take their line and overtaking them in safer conditions. Thumbs up for those LMP2 drivers!
I am disappointed by the result, we had pace to fight for the head positions, but the technical problems prevented us.

I have seen in this race that the behavior on track is improved, both by the P2, as well as by the GT's.

Some GTs slowed when you were going to bend them, endangering their race and the one of the other car, or they were not allowed to bend (I must say, I also put some resistance to being folded)

Regarding the P2, I do not understand the need to put the car to a GT in the curves Porsche, I understand that your cars are faster, but that does not imply that you can put the car in an area in which there is a single route that is Very easy to follow for a P2, but the GT's do not have that aerodynamics to draw smoothly those curves. This risky action of the P2 caused me two incidents is the Porsche curves damaging the car that with luck, were not serious damage. It is true that many P2 respected the safety distance and waited for a safer area to overtake.

With this I do not say that I have not been aggressive on the track and on some occasion I have taken too many risks by doubling to another GT.

Congratulations to the podium of each category and those who managed to finish this tough race.
I want to say thank you to all the organisers, broadcasters and stewards.

After a p1 in Silverstone, not a positive weekend for the FFT Corse, we certainly had the pace for a top spot and we proved that in different occasions during the race, but then we were immediately slowed down by some issue. In the end, my teammate rf2 crashed some 4 hours before the finish, lost 2 laps and game over. Cruised to the end for a 5th spot in GT.
I guess that's how those races go.

I've seen different GT teams showing great driving and skills on track, it has been fun battling for position, lap after lap, fighting against the clock! Big cheers to them, especially the most unlucky that could have for shure lighten up this category even more, like Apex or TXL.

Cheers to the winners!

See you at the next one, hopefully!
I want to say thank you to all the organisers, broadcasters and stewards.

After a p1 in Silverstone, not a positive weekend for the FFT Corse, we certainly had the pace for a top spot and we proved that in different occasions during the race, but then we were immediately slowed down by some issue. In the end, my teammate rf2 crashed some 4 hours before the finish, lost 2 laps and game over. Cruised to the end for a 5th spot in GT.
I guess that's how those races go.

I've seen different GT teams showing great driving and skills on track, it has been fun battling for position, lap after lap, fighting against the clock! Big cheers to them, especially the most unlucky that could have for shure lighten up this category even more, like Apex or TXL.

Cheers to the winners!

See you at the next one, hopefully!
What a nice thing to say buddy. You guys were definitely up there with a chance and a great team. Unlucky but great job at silverstone and on finishing le mans...half the battle in itself.
It's been a couple of days already I'm still giggling a bit here for the adventures of our LMP2 RPM car.

First of all. Sorry for any accident that I may have cost during my 2 x 3 hours stint.
For us mostly has been trying to bring the car home. I'm average speed, but the track / car punish me badly for mistakes. That I've noticed during my first 3 hours. To many spin and tire wear was high.
My second 3 hours went much better as I focused more on consistency than trying to go fast. I maintained 3:42 and trying to be patience in the Porsche curves (I mostly took right on the right hander of the curves passing cars on the outside line, which seems to work perfect every time). I even was able to go double stint with softs, which actually didn't go that well at the end of that lol.

BUT, before I took over my second drive, I had a tons of giggling with John. He had an oops moment when he forgot to remove the stop & go penalty and had only 2 liters of fuel.
Boy it was tons of laughing and seeing if we will make it 1 extra lap.
It was tons of grass mowing, shutting of engine and running between 60 & 100 km/h around the track. But we made it with 0 liters of fuel and a mood that could not be destroyed by anything

All in all, great adventure
This is what John was able to post on Twitch after the incident

Thank you all to the drivers and organization for making it happen.
Oh and best advise. Try racing at dusk to night racing with Dx11. Just a great combination of beautiful and treacherous during that time.
I'm agree that sometimes we do it wrong trying to give the spot easy to lmp2, but sometimes these mistakes are provoked because in general, most of the lmp2 do not leave any kind of safety distance when they are going after a slower car, what an lmp2 cannot pretend is to overtake in the porsches going at 1 mm of the rear bumper of a GT knowing that you only have one line to do them properly, so if there is an accident because of that i don't feel sorry for the lmp2...being smart is part of a racing driver job and driving a faster car implies being smarter...if you want to finish.
Once that said i have to admit that there was a lot of good overtakes from lmp2 giving enough room for the GT to take their line and overtaking them in safer conditions. Thumbs up for those LMP2 drivers!

I think being 'provoked' into a mistake has more to do with how you(meaning anybody) handle the situation while being overtaken, than the guy actually doing the overtaking. Ofcourse this does not mean that anyone overtaking should not be careful, but it is an argument supporting what is being preached over and over again. For any slower-class car, drive your line and STICK to it. Predictability! <-------
Let the car behind initiate the overtake and then give the line when it's safe.

When that's all said though, it's good we keep having this discussion. Sometimes someone will mention that they feel we've talked enough about it, but I think they are wrong. I'm new to all of this endurance racing, but from my point of view, let's never stop talking about this.

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