RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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I think that's me done for the race, so firstly thanks to all the other competitors and the league organisers - good event all round.

As for the Atlantic #15's race, we had lots of problems with the invisible damage losing truckloads of time during the night, with Ze and Diego pulling a mammoth night shift. I did not help this by having 4 serious accidents (spin into wall at Arnage, clipping the back of a GT car dawdling in the middle of Karting, and twice at Porsche Curves). However, considering that our team was basically put together less than a week before the race with Roy and myself having not even driven the Enduracers mod until a few days ago....I'll take being in 10th with 90 minutes left to run. Let's hope Martin brings it home for us in a safer manner than I was doing.

For Season 8, take the URD physics and put them on the Enduracers bodyshells? Pretty please? :p
Something was definitely wrong with the car or track. Freezes, warping cars during the race did made it sometimes impossible to race. Unfair conditions after the restart. Went better later on but it's hard to gain time if you have a damaged car which didn't got repaired while the stop, yes it was assigned, and you have to drive with 15 kmh less. That's why we decided to withdraw.

Definitely a race which the organization have to investigate. But iam sure Daiman will do that anyway.
A race of problems and frustrations for us, here's 1 positive from us though:

As I put at the end, after this my teammate took the car and had to stop with wheel issues, another teammate took over and disconnected again which forced our 4th driver that had known connection issues to try to drive and of course he disconnected too. Sadly I can't do the race by myself, we'll be back next time.
A shoutout to real MVP of the race, the marshall who despite of rain and 300KpH cars who are likely to run over him, never moves
Of course weaving TDR flags at the end.
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Ok so let's give a run down on my stint. I took control from matt, and was super nervous. The laps were feeling great, car was hooking up and I felt comfortable. Was keeping myself out of the way from the lapping cars and was all looking good, quite uneventful, until my second stint was nearly over.
Fatigue wasn't an issue to begin with, but matt had fallen asleep and wasn't there to take over.
This is where the trouble begins. Tiredness becoming a massive issue, tears streaming from my sore eyes, screen was blurring and concentration dwindling. Biggest mistake has been captured, the moment I either didn't click limiter on or double pressed. I'm not sure what happened to tell the truth. I looked down for a split second to make sure thumbs were over correct buttons, look up and bang.
From then on I was trying with all my power to keep going. A 2 hour stint was quickly turning into a 3, then 4 and just hit shy of the 5 hr mark when Tom came to the rescue.
My arms were like dead weights, my eyes were so sore and moist from the tears being caused by me trying not to blink. Tom actually said he could hear the emotion in my voice.
Now I did get a penalty after my pit accident, 50 sec stop and go. And I am so sorry to the team I careless plowed into. I hope it didn't end your race completely. Anyway my stint ended with a disconnect seemed to have a few stuttering issues after the time had been corrected.
All in all my first experience of an endurance race, in a situation where I could continue on or end it, I choose to soldier on until a team mate came to the rescue.
Rd admin, done a great job with the race, especially with so many issues in the first couple of hrs. To all who took part, well done, it's an experience that's for sure.

Again sorry
After taking over John Nelson on his qualifying and first stint. It was my turn I don't know why but like everyone else I was nervous. I guess my first Lemans in Rfactor2 and the fact this is my 3rd race back in endurance racing after a 3 year absence was probably it. From out of the pits on my first stint the jitters got me a bit and been too cautious and trying not to wreck the car I didn't push it and my lap times showed they were way off the pace. Eventually after I relaxed myself got into my groove I picked up my rhythm and times started coming down to a bit more respectable pace in the 4.06s..stil slow. There was some spins but nothing major and I quickly manage to spin car round quickly and get going again. There was also a few brushes with barriers as I tried to get out of the way of lapping cars..of course I am forgetting there are marbles on the outside off line and stupid me runs on them. (lesson learnt there). For around my second stint on near my 2 hour mark my medium tires where starting to go off I I had a good fight with Andrew Ford and before that Mat Le Gallez going side by side for most of our battle but I couldn't keep him behind. The grip wasn't there so and all of a sudden I had some brake issues especially two offs at the Mulsanne chicanes and another at Indy. Before my change over to Jayme I advised to go on softs which was a good call due to temps air and track dropping.

Overall I would say despite my nerves I kept the car out of hitting anything hard which I am pleased a few scratches and dents on panels but didn't lose wings, punctures or engine health. Only a few niggles with a couple of P2s forcing me wide in some corners and one a risky move into Porsche making me having to lift and car got unsteady and understeered offline.

Just a request from any of the leading Aston Martin teams could we have some help and advice regarding setups? We couldn't understand why we were 3 secs off the pace in race and qualy. We aren't that brilliant on setups but be much appreciated if we can get some pointers.

Thanks RD and everyone who raced I had a blast shame we retired but never gave up fighting to the end

Oh and my brand new OMP KS-4 karting gloves arrived from Demon Tweaks right before the start :D
It was a disappointing end of the race for us - simply not having enough time to rejoin the race after the restart was aborted.

It's especially frustrating when the initial server issues didn't affect us, and then everyone except us was able to continue to race.

I feel that if the race is red flagged or a start is aborted, the time should be given for drivers to actually sort the issues they are having. It felt like we were forgotten.

It's sad that after all the talk, all the prep, and all the hype, our race was artificially ended after just a few hours.
I'd like to make just a small reflection. Simracing has few inconvinients that real racing does not and other way round, so us, as a drivers should take in count that we are playing with a randomness factor applied to our PC failure, to servers failure, to organizers and all the people that makes this possible. Everything has a risk and as lauda said we have to asume a certain amount of this risk. In this case means having to rejoin, accidents and all this imprevisible stuff.

So even if the server has a problem it is normal that happens and we have to be able to manage this frustration because at the end the organizers want to enjoy the race as well and they work hard to keep a good standard of simracing competition.
Everyone can have problems but at the end real teams have as well more preparation and they have to abandon sometimes at the starting line, so let's keep the good environment and push to make this league racing even better instead of just critizing without improving what actually is.

Thanks to all the participants, organization and my team mates that they did a fantastic job during all the race and left me the last stint in a comfortable 3rd place for the GT's.
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I don't feel like writing proper race report, because the race was a bad joke for me (and whole team) but I have to say I'm sorry for the crash I had with some BMW after I rejoined back on track after my 2nd DC. (those dc's btw.......:mad:) Didnt seriously look to my left when i left pits, such a bad driving from me. :(
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Team name: LG Racing
Team owner*: Matt Le Gallez
Team owner forum name*: Matt Le Gallez
Preferred class*: Prototype
Driver 1*: Matt Le Gallez, @Matt Le Gallez
Driver 2*: Steve Le Gallez, @Steve Le Gallez
Driver 3: Paul Le Gallez, @Paul Le Gallez
Driver 4:
Driver 5:
Driver 6:
I shall ensure all drivers are Premium Members for each round of the series*: YES
I agree to the TOLA*: YES
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