RD Le Mans Series Season 7 (rFactor 2)

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I'll keep doing this the old-style way which very few does these day.

#118 RMI Motorsport stint 1&2 done
Was a very nervous start for me, I really don't want to screw things up when I do the first stint,- or, I don't want to screw up anyway, but even less on the first stint. As that leads to no other driver being able to participate from our team.
I was a bit disappointed with the qual, not so much the pace, but how far behind the rest we found ourselves, and I started to prepare for a long, lonely race at the tail end of the field.
During the first stint I was pleasantly surprised on how well I kept up with the pack, and when Roy told me what tyres the rest were on, I was even more happy.
When I started to get to the end of the first stint, I realized that the others use much more fuel that we do in our RMI Motorsport Ferrari, so I could go longer.

For some reason this didn't apply to the second stint which got very short for me, but still, slightly out of sequence I pitted the car from 4th in GT, which is more than acceptable seeing how I qualified 19th.

Now the teamboss have taken over the car, and if everything goes to plan, I'll be in the car for the last two stints of the race tomorrow. @Ryan Walker @Jonatan Åcerclinth @Roy Magnes and @Michael Nelson are the guys that are carrying the colors (the bright and shiny ones) the next 20 odd hours! :)

PS: I would love to see more written reports as the race goes along! :)
Well, we are out of the race. First a rf2 crash after the first driver swap. Then the red flag situation, where the admins didn't get our lap back, what looks unfair because the other teams got their laps back.

After the restart we has been crashed by other cars twice, even at the pit entrance. Finaly the engine blow up, we don't know why (we never blew up an engine before), maybe because we were hit by behind few laps before at indianapolis by the leader.

In resume, it looks like it was a huge amount of wasted time.
My hub in between my stints tonight :)

#118 RMI Update
This is a little late but this is the update after my stints a couple of hours ago.

After a bit of discussing in the team we decided to send me out on Softs which was a bad idea, I burnt them up in a few laps and struggled for the last 14 or so laps of the stint with 4 spins (2 of which was self-induced and 2 were due to overambitious P2 lappings). Had a few other close calls with the same P2's so I'm not looking forward to be on the road at the same time as those drivers again...

The 2nd stint went a lot better, had a couple of misstakes, had a spin when I missed the apex into Porsche'2 when I got distracted by a P2 car poing his nose up the inside going into the turn and went onto the cerb on the outside. Otherwhise went quicker on the Mediums than the Softs on the previous stint so hoping to have a good couple of stints in the morning.

For now, good luck to all participants and I hope you all fair well and fair.
@Gijs van Elderen This track during night with DX11 is just amazing. It really recreate the atmosphere of Le Mans, i was like "am i lost ? Am i the only one on the track ?" when i wasn't able to see the lights of other cars. And the lights in DX11 are wonderful. Im in love...
And sorry @Daiman Patel @Frank i was a bit annoying with you when the restart occurs, because i was piss off with everything that was going on with our cars, problems and lag spikes, but the organisation is pretty good, and i know how much effort you are putting into this series ;) There is 11 hours remaining, so good luck everybody for next hours :)
#118 RMI Update

2nd set of stints done, pretty happy with that run :)

Jumped into the car after having been up for 25 hrs and now close to 28 hrs so I was a bit "lausy" early on in the stint, especially as I got the dawn stint after having driven the dusk stint last night.

Got through it and towards the latter half I was consistently running 4.04's on the Mediums which I were planning to double-stint.

Came into the pits and took on fuel and went back out keeping the position of 8th in class and continued running 4.04's most of the stint apart from a snap lock of the rear brakes but managed to somehow keep the car off the wall and just slid down the escape road :cautious:

Kept it on the road and handed to car over to Michael who's doing a fantastic job so far doing consistent high 4.02's and low 4.03 :thumbsup:

As it stands I won't drive but will be a back-up in case of emergency so Good Luck to everyone and I hope you all fair well and fair :)
This invisible damage craic is all kinds of bull.

These days a racer can't even back their car into the Porsche Curve barriers at 150mph without getting penalised for it.
I'm not too happy with how I drove today. I was struggling to set 37s and I can't explain why. Had 3 spins and a PC crash which didn't help either. Thankfully got through 6 hours of racing without hitting anything or anyone though. And there were no major hick-ups with the driver swaps. Thanks to TDR and the league organisers :thumbsup:
#118 RMI Update

Well... that was disappointing.

I wasn't too happy with my first stint, didn't quite get into the groove. Right before my first pit stop I had a massive moment in Tetre Rouge and half spun with slight invisible damage. I completely blocked a P2 who was stopped right behind me. Thank you whoever that was for not hitting me. I pitted straight after for new tyres, but the invisible damage was aero damage and I was losing 15km/h down the straight, so I did a short stint.

Jonatan did 2 mega stints after that, and then I jumped back in. Was getting into a really good groove and was happy with my pace but just before my pitstop I was one of a few that got booted from the server. Ended up losing 3 and a bit laps and 2 positions. Really gutted. Didn't want to risk another disconnect, so immediately pitted for Jonatan to do another quick stint.

Now Ryan is in the car for his last stint.

Good luck to all drivers still driving.
This Drillers car have no luck during the whole race, we got 8 to 10 more pits than everyone else, after a lot of incidents, and freeze that cause crash and disconnection. Anyway great race so far, and thanks admins again to provide us such a quality league race. 24h of Le Mans are crual :(
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