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Ok I just lost the connection to the server... and can't join agai n for at least finish the race and at least 1 point if possible. :cry:

I don't know what happened, I was still on TS, everything ok, just disconnected from the server...
Real bad luck:(. Could be a bad temporary drop in ping time. Then you get an automatic server disconnection since Sector 3 have limited the lag in the MP server software. It’s good to prevent lag issues, but on the other hand, when your pingtimes drop temporarily you are pretty much screwed in MP... :(

As I said on Twitch chat... This race sure does look like we call in Dutch “bijltjesdag”... :( Or for short in English as @Hans Larsen rightfully interpreted: judgement day lite! ;)
Was a nice evening! Struggled very much with the car when I got under 20 liters of fuel though, that was less than ideal towards the end of the first stint and the end of the race.

I was slightly disappointed with only qualifying 14th, but decided I had more than enough time to get settled in to a rhythm and climb in the field. It was a nice start and I gained 3 positions through the first sector alone, which is always very nice. After that I settled in a at a nice pace, being around 6-7th fastest on the track, at least until I started to have a light car.
For some reason I struggled under braking, turn-in, exit, everywhere with a light car, and lost quite a bit of time.
I should've been able to have a good fight for 4th in the race but instead I spun, and found myself fighting for 5th, but a combination of light tail-wagging and blue-flag distraction in to Ascari meant that I spun again, and was down to 7th, where I ended up as well.

So instead of a personal best RD-league result and a first ever top 5 (outside rally), I found myself in a nice 7th.

Nevertheless, a fun evening with good racing, and the default setup worked well at Monza, just as with Nurburgring :)
See you all for official practice in 2 weeks, I'll let my R3E rest until then!
Qualified at the back as I usually do with the MS Queen Elizabeth. This time I did not climb any positions at the start, and it was early obvious that I did not have any real pace tonight.
I climbed some positions during the race, but that was because of other driver's misfortune rather than my own pace. At the pitstop I gained a lot of ground, due to me filling a lot less fuel than others.
In the second half of the race I had a spin in the second chicane, where I clipped the curb on the inside and turned around facing the wrong way. Lost 20 seconds there before I got going again.
Then at the end, I became aware of the fuel-light coming on. Turned out I had 6 litres too little to finish the race, so I had to pit again...

Not my night at all, looking forward to Spa now!
Sorry I had to retire I have my steering wheel G27 attached to a glass table the clamp on the right side came loose after about 15 minutes tried and succeeded to get it unscrewed and retightened in VR I may add:confused: but it then came loose for a 2nd time bad crash and no ffb even with a reset button, even unplugging from USB wheel still would't work had to reboot the PC to get wheel working again.
@Caramidaru Andrei Bogdan sorry about that at the 2nd chicane I was going to let you through once I had exited the chicane, superb driving and brilliant laptimes MrC:)
Congrats to the podium and all those who finished.
Already had low expectations for tonight but the bar had to be set even lower. Had my usual qualy spot of p15, said to myself to go carefuly. Lap 2 i throw caution to the wind trying to defend unessescarily and miss my braking point going into turn one. Although i slowed down almost to a stop, the game gives me a drive-through. Go to serve it, get another drive-through for speeding in pits. When i go for my pit stop, although i stop right at the stop sign, seems my box was 5 meters further ahead.
I efin' hate Monza.
Had a gaggle with @Mike McGeer that ended sourly. Even when i caught him at the last lap when he was saving fuel i lost my car going into ascari.
Did i mention i hate Monza?
Off to Spa..

Congrats to Mr. C for the championship, dominate performance man.
Kinda a mixed bag for me again:O_o:

Pace from the start was really good and the car felt really REALLY good(except for braking into T1 and the T3), and managed to actually pull out exactly the same double overtake to T1 I tried in Nurburgring, which i completely screwed up back then:D(@BrianB @Anders Myhre you guys were actually in the same order on both times, aswell. I think that @SweAlex sensed that i was coming so that why he ran through the chicane:roflmao:).

Then I suddenly realised I was fighting for Top 5 finish and the constant pressure from behind got to me, which led me to making a lot of tiny mistakes which lost me a couple of positions. Stupidly enough I started to push even harder to gain the positions back, which once again, led me to making more mistakes dropping down to P11. After that i struggled to find a rhythm again for rest of the race.

Still got a lot learning to do, to get my consistency to the same level as i have in AC:thumbsdown:

Also, Gongrats to podium and also @Caramidaru Andrei Bogdan for a dominant win.
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My wife complained over that i am to nice and i have to be much tougher and dont letting anybody to pass me. If i didn't she had removed my rig for 6 months. I still got my rig and no complains what i know about yet. It was a long long race and i had to fight hard all the way to the finnich. Did my pittstop late for several resons. one was that i had to be absolutely right about how much gas i had to take. Miscalculated 2 times in a row :whistling:. 3 times had been the end off simracing for me. lol Had some hard battels and some misstakes int this round so i am happy to get 5 place this time. Next one have to be a win to get me happy lol:roflmao:
90 mins of pure hell. :(
drove with one arm for most of it..used the buttons to change gear :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
so i apologise if any had a scare near me, i did try to keep out of everybody way and just drove for a finish
i did no better with 2 arms the previous round position wise..:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
but at least a aced my pit stop one handed..:whistling::whistling:

so no racing all week for me and hope by the weekend my shoulder stop aching enough for me to drive..
Qualified at the back as I usually do with the MS Queen Elizabeth. This time I did not climb any positions at the start, and it was early obvious that I did not have any real pace tonight.
I climbed some positions during the race, but that was because of other driver's misfortune rather than my own pace. At the pitstop I gained a lot of ground, due to me filling a lot less fuel than others.
In the second half of the race I had a spin in the second chicane, where I clipped the curb on the inside and turned around facing the wrong way. Lost 20 seconds there before I got going again.
Then at the end, I became aware of the fuel-light coming on. Turned out I had 6 litres too little to finish the race, so I had to pit again...

Not my night at all, looking forward to Spa now!
i know how it feels thrust me on that
Great race everyone! Would never ever had thought that my first league podium would be at monza in a z4, full attack all race. Had a good night sleep after :D Unbelivable speed by Mr.C aswell! Your in a class of your own!
Shut up, you stole my thunder. In all honesty, I am utterly impressed by the pace you had in the z4 and you played the tactics very well. Having a good pace and being aggressive was amazing... Don't know if you picked the z4 or it was given to you but I am glad, don't want to race against you in a proper car.
Btw what's with the Scandinavian invasion? :D
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