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Shut up, you stole my thunder. In all honesty, I am utterly impressed by the pace you had in the z4 and you played the tactics very well. Having a good pace and being aggressive was amazing... Don't know if you picked the z4 or it was given to you but I am glad, don't want to race against you in a proper car.
Btw what's with the Scandinavian invasion? :D
I wanted the m6 actually raceroom just announced they are updating the whole gt3 class in november so we should do the league one more time (i hope the z4 will be faster) :D
2nd WIN, so this is how it feels to be an Alien....(even if it was for one race)
2017-11-05 2235 0020.jpg

Practice :
Believe it or not for Monza I did the least amount of practice for this league, but...and a big but(and I can not lie) what helped me a lot where the well over 5-600laps I did for eWTCC back in early summer in the WTCC17 Lada, I knew exactly how to take the kerbs, where to focus on braking or acc and everything was sorted out, just jumped in the Camaro remove the wing as close to 0 as possible with toe-in and camber( for more speed) and then just focusing on braking.....yey, easy peasy...

I knew I had a good chance for pole and was looking for that elusive 45's....and I knew I could do it, as in a private Q session I did a 45.8xx but somehow it just did not click, my best sector times where for a 46 flat, but I got pole so was looking good for the race.

I was optimistic about the race but the pit-stop was bugging me a bit, as I and Robert timed our pitstops and I did a 38sec pitstop and he did a 24 if I remember correctly, normally I should have taken 80L of fuel at the pit, so if I didn't have at least a 14-15sec gap it was going to be tough, as the advantage I have accelerating I lose under braking. If I am in front I can pull away and defend, but if I am behind I arrive alongside the opponent but I have to brake way earlier, especially compared with the Bentley, let alone a Z4 so at the back of my mind was that I need to be 1st after pits, also in the front of my mind I knew I had to win as this being a very close championship regarding points and I know for a fact that I will suck big time at Spa win was the only option.
Forgot to go to preset 2 for TC and I had a lot of wheel spin at the start, Robert got alongside me and I was already panicking, I think we left each other plenty of room in the first chicane and as soon as I saw daylight in front of me I was pushing like mad to get at least a 3-4sec gap and then settle in a rhythm.
My race pace was going to be all race 47's(if I could concentrate that well) few laps in the 46's and of course some laps over because I ain't no F1 to click the laps within a tenth of each other, by lap 10 or so the gap was going up slowly and steady and me being in a very comfortable position, close to the pits I was struggling a lot to focus and did some mistakes, also I start doing math on the straights to see how much fuel I should put.
45min came and went fast and I was still doing 48's with all yellow tires at which point I was still distancing my self from 2nd place so I decided to pit as late as possible to put as less fuel as possible for a quick pit and then be fast as I can be, Qualy laps all the way :)).
With 20min or so I was really really fighting with concentration and decided to set my self-little goals, "look there is a car in front of me on the minimap, must catch" " 4th and 5th are battling, let's lap them" and that kept me on track, this was a hard track and very demanding race on Monza.

Until the dying moments of @Adrian Campfield I did not believe him, he was telling me"I hate this track, I am so slow) but I wasn't buying it, I really was thinking that he's going to pull a fast one on me and match me or even beat me but when he dropped at the back of the field I was relieved....sorry Adrian.
Man o man this field is getting proper fast with each track, even tho I had a 2sec/lap gap it's not a fair assessment regarding the Camaro/Monza combo, @Robert Severikangas @Anders Myhre @BrianB @Ole Marius Myrvold @Anders Nilsson I am really glad that you have the cars you have, at least I was glad for Monza:). But I feel I need to say this, in no way shape or form that Z4 should have finished on the podium, that was mega impressive and probably a bit of luck also.
thank you @Joseph Wright I die laughing when I hear you try to pronounce my name :))))))))
Spa is far the worst track for me and my Camaro.....

peace out
can we finish the league at this stage or red flat Spa race?
did about 1h and a bit of practice today and I am just horrendously slow, a 2.17.4xx in Leaderboard 3sec+ from first and 1sec+ behind my Bentley time, and in practice with full tank 2.20.......S1 is ok but S2 and S3 are just pathetic, in the fast corners the front wheels are screaming like a naked mermaid when she see's 40 pirates at sea for 6 months, corner entry understeer, mid-corner understeer while coasting or under power, corner exit understeer the car is pushing at the same time I have oversteer......

As soon as I try to correct one of the issues it aggravates the other a lot more, I am just stumped and very disappointed, leaving tonight from home, no idea when I come today was not a good day for testing.
@Anders Nilsson @Robert Severikangas @Anders Myhre be gentle, please....
can we finish the league at this stage or red flat Spa race?
did about 1h and a bit of practice today and I am just horrendously slow, a 2.17.4xx in Leaderboard 3sec+ from first and 1sec+ behind my Bentley time, and in practice with full tank 2.20.......S1 is ok but S2 and S3 are just pathetic, in the fast corners the front wheels are screaming like a naked mermaid when she see's 40 pirates at sea for 6 months, corner entry understeer, mid-corner understeer while coasting or under power, corner exit understeer the car is pushing at the same time I have oversteer......

As soon as I try to correct one of the issues it aggravates the other a lot more, I am just stumped and very disappointed, leaving tonight from home, no idea when I come today was not a good day for testing.
@Anders Nilsson @Robert Severikangas @Anders Myhre be gentle, please....

I know that I am the girl that yield wolf too many times, but this time is for real. Look at LD times, fastest Camaro is 0.2 in front of me, also in the Camaro......I am doooooomeeeed I tell you....dooooommmmed

I make not better that 2.20.159 with the camaro but normal I am hopeless .Mais it
seem that this circuit is not made for the camaro.....
I makes it to me not for you, you will be has the fight in front of!!!
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Minor thing, but there are two Bentleys with 84 (the other might, possibly be 84A), regardless Roy was allowed to take the red one in the league, not the blue :)

Great guide btw :)

Thanks for that, with the numbering system I knew there would probably be at least one or two that might need some corrections :)

Thanks for letting me know, I'll sort it when I get home :thumbsup:

Glad you like the guide :thumbsup:

EDIT: Changes made :thumbsup:
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besides all the drivers that participated I want to acknowledge one driver that sadly I forgot to mention in my race report and I was expecting him to be a good podium contender, @SweAlex , I wish you all the best in Spa

And looking at the results I was right, the Scandinavian invasion is HERE, to humiliates us with their talent, run for the low power cars.....
besides all the drivers that participated I want to acknowledge one driver that sadly I forgot to mention in my race report and I was expecting him to be a good podium contender, @SweAlex , I wish you all the best in Spa

And looking at the results I was right, the Scandinavian invasion is HERE, to humiliates us with their talent, run for the low power cars.....

This is not over. Hope to be higher up in the field on spa;)
As i assumed, Spa is a pretty good fit for the Godzilla, feels absolutely amazing here. Gotta just focus on getting consistent now and not focusing too much on straight up hot lap speed(which is 2.16.429 atm on the Leaderboard):roflmao:
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Not looking to be a total asshat, but am I racing next Sunday?

I've signed up this Monday and no replies thus far about my status, in the meanwhile been just doing a few shakedowns because I'm waiting to see if the update patch comes out, otherwise I'll just do a few laps to get ready in time.

I honestly don't care about my pace for those interested (no one), just want to wrap up the year with a race.
Not looking to be a total asshat, but am I racing next Sunday?

I've signed up this Monday and no replies thus far about my status, in the meanwhile been just doing a few shakedowns because I'm waiting to see if the update patch comes out, otherwise I'll just do a few laps to get ready in time.

I honestly don't care about my pace for those interested (no one), just want to wrap up the year with a race.
Sorry Lorenzo was away for the past few days will get things updated shortly, see you Sunday.
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