RaceDepartment Forum Racing Season 20

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Race Ended -> Results
All Honda podium as Scot takes first race

1st. Alexander Macdonald
Heineken Honda S20.png
2nd. Sig Man +3.814
McLaren (80's) S20.png
3rd. Old Wolf +9.205
Jordan S20.png
The first race of Season 20 was all about Melbourne. The local weather was kind to the racers, producing a great race with lots happening. Alexander Macdonald took the checkered flag in the end, holding out the defending champ Sig Man who produced a strong race for McLaren. Macdonald was quickly onto his radio after the race, thanking his team while adding that: "I swear the car could only go one lap more, good timing huh?" Old Wolf raced Sig through the middle, finishing short as the Jordan struggled for the outright pace to match the similar Honda powered cars. The result for Honda doesn't stop there, with Florin Diaconescu in 4th, James Chant in 5th and Rami Saidy in 9th, while the Manufacturer took a full 60 point haul for their championship.
Veteran Thomas Hackel drove a superb race to just lose out to Chant in the last laps, Hackel showing his new found precision with the Ferrari engine and also sending a statement that he means business this season to Ferrari management. Online Racing's day was disappointing, Omer Said struggling to a 7th place while Ben Utzer had a string of problems and was 11th. Ben Herbert got 8th from under Saidy's nose, while Sasha Jednak was unlucky to only get 10th, but thankful of the extra point. Utzer got close late on, but both he and Fred Owen will be taking a solitary point away from Australia, while Gary Ludlum was hounded by problems in his Honk racer similar to the ones that cut short his test session.
In other news, there are rumours that Macdonald drove his Honda racer directly to the after party at the moderator's house. Victoria Police are stumped as to whether this is even possible. Meanwhile, the party was a success, many a sponsors' brew was drunk and many interesting stories were said. And soon forgotten.

Full Results
1st. A. Macdonald (Honda)
2nd. S. Man (McLaren-Honda) +3.814
3rd. O. Wolf (Jordan-Honda) +9.205
4th. F. Diaconescu (McLaren-Honda) +12.731
5th. J. Chant (Honda) +15.047
6th. T. Hackel (Honk-Ferrari) +16.659
7th. O. Said (Online Racing-Ferrari) +21.556
8th. B. Herbert (Red Bull Racing-Renault) +32.899
9th. R. Saidy (Jordan-Honda) +33.890
10th. S. Jednak (Ferrari) +34.291
11th. B. Utzer (Online Racing-Ferrari) +36.352
12th. F. Owen (Renault) +37.728
DNF G. Ludlum (Honk-Ferrari)

S20 Championship Table.jpg
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@Alexander Macdonald The perfect start to the season! Firstly, how are you feeling with this start? Secondly, how close was this 'retirement' from really happening?
@the_sigman A strong way to back up last season. Do you think that your McLaren team have what it takes to claim championships?
@oldwolf A nice way to bring Jordan back into Forum Racing, do you think there is more to come from the team?
@James Chant Honda lead the championship, any comments on the problems with the official name of the team? Honda or Heineken-Honda?
@Benutzername Online Racing have lost a lot of ground quickly, is this a one-race problem or are there some serious problems with the car?

Begin: 1 day no race start
@Benutzername Online Racing have lost a lot of ground quickly, is this a one-race problem or are there some serious problems with the car?​

In the test session it was clearly to see that our car has a great speed, i was second in both tests.
The problem that we have is a good timing. Our qualifying places werent so good, the car needs space to have the speed. But involving in battles the car isnt that great, cause the the car hasnt got that much top-speed but enormous grip. Very hard to overtake. But we have to say, the otehrs improved, the Pirelli seems to have a bit more tyre wear, we just need to improve. Will be a hard season, but once we got all things together we should easily get very good results.


Btw, has @Gary Ludlum watched the thread?
@Alexander Macdonald The perfect start to the season! Firstly, how are you feeling with this start? Secondly, how close was this 'retirement' from really happening?
@the_sigman A strong way to back up last season. Do you think that your McLaren team have what it takes to claim championships?
@oldwolf A nice way to bring Jordan back into Forum Racing, do you think there is more to come from the team?
@James Chant Honda lead the championship, any comments on the problems with the official name of the team? Honda or Heineken-Honda?
@Benutzername Online Racing have lost a lot of ground quickly, is this a one-race problem or are there some serious problems with the car?

Begin: 1 day no race start

The factory team obviously want it to be Honda, and the Title sponsor want it to be Heineken. It's getting ugly, but the drivers aren't getting involved
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