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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
I love the vette too much to even consider switching, regardless of it being slow.
I think Jussi (on the pCARS forum nailed it tho) the GT3 soft tires are very similar to the spec GTE/GTLM tires. The GT3s, when running on these, are way too fast compared to real life times. PWC and Blancpain only provide one dry and one wet compound for each race, and those are most likely closest to the Hard tires in-game.
But enough of that. I'm looking forward to Le Mans. Did a stint last night in the Vette, won't give away too much but double stinting the softs is easily do-able, triple is in the cards.
The internet on my computer is literally lasting 30 seconds before turning off and the only way i can get it to work again is by restarting my computer so it is a miricle that it saved what i had already typed and loaded on my phone.

Stewards Decisions

Adel Is given a warning for not backing out of the incident with dom, but we felt that your mistake rejoining was a sufficient penalty.

Dom is to receive a 5 second pen in both races.
In the feature you gained massively from cutting the corner after the adel incident.
In the sprint race, although you did slow down you didn't actually wait for prehn who was the main victim of the incident.

Ben is to receive 5 second pen in the sprint for not waiting for andrew. He is also to recieve 5 penalty points for swipping benji immediately after the incident with andrew.

We understand that you make mistakes and have contact, but if you gain an unfair advantage it is only sporting to surrender it back. Now lets keep it clean and fun from now on.




I would go with Dirt. Assetto isn't really made it on the console for me yet because you can't have any mods like new tracks. They say they have so many tracks.. but really its only a few locations and different track configurations. I'm waiting till they give us something worth switching from pCars for.

Round 3 of the WEC support series sees us visit the flowing circuit of Zolder in Belgium.
Post here or message me to confirm your spot. this is round 2 of 4 in the RS01 cup so be sure not to miss out!

remember these important guidelines:
Lobby starts at: Approx 8:00-8:05pm EST for invites
Comms: Party Chat (join my party)
Practice: 20 mins
Qualifying: 15 mins
Warmup: 5 mins
Laps: 25
Start: Standing
Weather: heavy cloud
Local Race Time: April 27th 2016 13:00
Assists: Real
View: any
Damage: Full
Mechanical Breakdowns: On
Tire wear: 2x
Fuel usage: Real
Penalties & Flags: On
Mandatory pit stop: On
NO cautions in the support series! (requires a lot of effort best kept to the primary WEC series)

Updated Points system:
1st: 50 points
2nd:45 points
3rd: 40 points
4th: 36 points
5th: 32 points
6th: 28 points
7th: 26 points
8th: 24 points
9th: 22 points
10th:20 points
11th:18 points
12th:16 points
13th:14 points
14th:12 points
15th:10 points
Bonus Points: 1 Point Pole Award, 1 Point Fastest Lap (Race).

more info here:


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If you want me to stay with the Aston since i started with the vette then let me know. Mike is right in the fact that I am no threat fro Pro or AM championship with my work schedule, but the one switch rule is a rule. Just let me know by Thursday so I know what car to tune for lemans. And don't worry I have no intention of quitting and no matter what is decided, no biggie. After all it is only a game and I am here to have fun.
Hahahahha no man I was totally just playing around

Here you go Tom, http:// http://
for your Avatar if you want it.
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