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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
Yeah Bentley gets a bit tail happy on old tires, a lot harder to save once they break traction. I think I can tune some of that out though. So far it's one to two seconds slower per lap around Donnington than the NON ASSISTED Z4 I'm used to driving. Just gotta tune more.
Notice for the stewards

Please investigate @Adam Morris for a jump start from the feature race

Also @Andrew Holmes for missing the first chicane on lap 1 of the same race

Footage to be provided from both people

And finally @Dean Ragan wI'll post his footage after the bank holiday but I will post footage from multiple angles in the mean time thanks
I cut the chicane to avoid smashing into the back of Gareth. I rejoined in the same spot with no advantage gained as I braked sufficiently into when in the escape road, and slowed when rejoining the circuit. Whoever has a replay of the Feature Race will have to collect footage as I forgot to save the replay
Z4 is still a very capable car, best all around I'm sure.

Bigg brought up a good point earlier today on #GroupMe. So I clarified the 1st rule of the Caution to address that.
Donington has a lot of run off, and if two cars make contact "magnetically" sliding off the track and not hitting anything, This does NOT constitute a Caution.
However, If someone forces a Driver off and into a wall causing damage, Both Drivers need to request the Caution. It would be in the best interest for the Aggressor to help call for the Caution of the car he just forced off or Penalties will certainly ensue as Wronged driver can Protest the aggressive move on track.
Any more Scenario's???
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I was waiting for someone else to ask these questions, but so far nothing.

Firstly, thanks for all the info.
Hoping you can clarify some points that I think will be helpful to everyone else in the league.

In your first post, point #3, you indicate that all cars must reduce speed to the predetermined caution speed (70mph or whatever), and then they are allowed to "catch up" to the car in front.
Point #4 states that the race leader must maintain the maximum allowed caution speed (70mph or whatever), but if the other cars are allowed to "catch up" then is it safe to say that the maximum caution speed does not apply to anyone except the race leader who essentially becomes a NASCAR style pace car?
Essentially the race is reset for the most part, right? Everyone bunched up again, and potentially more opportunity for further collisions causing further caution incidents since these tend to happen on the first few turns of most races until spaces are created.

In your second post, point# 1.6 (a-d) can you clearly define what you mean by first and second "safety car lines"?
I have a rough idea that the second safety car line would be the rear most car in the active caution pack? But no idea what your definition of the first safety car line is?

I noted in a recent post on the Watkins Glen race thread that you advised that the safety/caution lap(s) rules will not apply to any car that pits during the caution. So cars that have pitted to fix damage (the cars that caused/called the caution), or other cars that want to get fresh tires and/or fuel can exit the pits and resume full race pace until they either catch the bunched up pack or normal racing is resumed.
What's in place to avoid this being abused? What's to stop a driver who was 20+ seconds or more behind the leaders who had a planned pit stop later in the race from pitting for gas and/or new tires getting out within a short time, potentially taking several places and closing down a huge time deficit without even having to work for it?
If this is fairly late in the race, how can anyone in the slowed down caution bunch-up make that time back when they had a similar planned pit stop like the guy who just took back the 20+ second lead that had been fought for until that point? But they now have to pit with the field at full race pace. If there's no other incidents and the guy who was way behind managed to put on fresh tires that will last fine until the end of the race, its almost an impossible feat.
This same scenario happened to me at Watkins, after the caution the lead I'd been working on was all but gone and I'm on completely worn tires with only 10 laps to go, going in to the evening and the guys behind me are running fresh rubber that they got during a caution slow down (essentially a free pit). If I stop I lose, but yet the guys who were in incidents only see benefits.
Collisions and use of lopsided caution rules may turn out to be the only way to be competitive for average drivers, and thus abused.

What's your reasons/rationale behind not applying the same caution rules to everyone given the above? Or is the above exactly the reason why you decided on these rules? I can see how it might create some excitement and keep the pack closer, just concerned that it will become less about the racing and more about using slow downs to gain advantages, which is the polar opposite of the Code 60 GT racing system that's designed to reward racing and not racing incidents?
I'm sure I'm not alone in this, so your feedback/explanations would be appreciated.
Of course if I'm somehow missing something here and misinterpreting the rules, I would appreciate the clarification
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There is no way to implement a Code 60 and enforce it. Its used at only one track anyway. As reported in that article other tracks still use Safety cars. We are not going to get away from the "NASCAR" style cautions. Cautions happen in Real races, Safety car comes out field is bunched, some pit, some don't strategies change on the fly. This isn't implemented to give any one person an Advantage. There is a lot of luck in Racing and it doesn't always fall on the fastest car. Even with the Cautions there were lap cars and the fastest driver still won the race. I chose this system because I saw several instances last season where Drivers were taken out of contention by other Drivers mistakes. I don't think that is fair. If it happened to you, you would feel the same way.
Watch 7:41-8:07​
This was the main reason I wanted to institute the cautions. Toast is a good driver, however, he gets taken out by the BMW in what should have been a single car incident, and falls so far back with damage he is never a factor. What you consider not fair for the leader is not fair to the rest of the field. I'm not going to change my mind on this.
Virtual Safety Car Rules:

1.6 With the exception of the cases listed under a) to d) below, no driver may overtake another car on the track whilst the VSC procedure is in use.
The exceptions are:
a) When entering the pits a driver may pass another car remaining on the track after he has
Reached the first safety car line.
b) When leaving the pits a driver may overtake, or be overtaken by, another car on the track
before he reaches the second safety car line.
c) Whilst in the pit entry, pit lane or pit exit a driver may overtake another car which is also in one of these three areas.
d) If any car slows with an obvious problem.
Good Point on this @Globespy, as I stated above these are the rules for FIA F1 VSC system and A-B do not apply to us and will be adjusted. We don't have officials standing around monitoring our races. We have what we have and that is all we can do.
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