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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
I guess one way to solve the problem of having people who have just crashed behind you on fresh tyres after a virtual safety car would be to pit and put new rubber on yourself as soon as the caution comes out wouldn't it? That way you're covered against the people behind you whilst still having track position.
Just a thought.

Great idea. It would only work if we could actually instigate and police the Code 60 rule used in real GT racing ( ALL cars are limited to 60, maintaining their hard fought places and time gaps, no advantages given to guys that crash or the back markers - as in real life racing, damage costs a lot more time than a tire change and you have to win that time back through racing. But when you have those gaps closed by using NASCAR style 'bunching', then that advantage is a moot point for the most part as you'll likely have the entire pack pass you, most of them on fresh tires/loaded with fuel to perhaps stay out for the rest of the race. And you then have to battle thru the back markers creating more opportunities for further caution instances, and more time lost or gained. If the bunching rule stays then it's likely that there will be no significant disadvantage to drive more aggressively to make up lost time, using the caution system/intuitive pit strategies to your advantage. I'm in no way condoning this type of racing, just playing devil's advocate.
As Mike said, the caution system stays so we have to all start thinking about how the system could gain an advantage, albeit an unfair one at least in line with meticulously measured real GT racing safety Code 60 practices.
I think Mike and Toast are going to measure minimum track times I'm assuming to enforce penalties against those who abuse the caution system, so maybe the NASCAR bunching idea is being rethought in favor of the Code 60 style realism? How it's policed will be a labor intensive post race exercise, and assuming the saved replays are accurate (it's Pcars we are talking about here), policing accuracy will be loose at best, creating opportunities for time to be made up and lost and disagreements. I applaud their enthusiasm, perhaps we will see future racing games that automatically enforce electronically restricted speeds/closed pit lanes for cars that aren't eligible across the field during track caution events. In reality that's the only fair system in a racing genre where a second is everything.
If you are like me and love mathematics and statistical analysis, crucial points places may be won or lost through creating multiple pit contingencies to your advantage. Get creative, there's plenty of opportunity here now for the smarter driver to beat the faster driver! See you all next week at Donnington.
Congrats again to the podium guys.
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Anyone had a glitch where your car just suddenly stops and engines max revs on its own?
Had it yesterday and it blew the engine had to enter pits and exit again

That's because you guys keeping putting auto-start engine turned off.... turn that on and the problem should be solved. If you stall with auto-start off, you have to push the ignition button you've mapped, which by default it isn't mapped to anything.
It would be fantastic to have all the real rules/ guidelines/penalty systems like they do in reality but we have to make the best of what we have available here. Pcars is not very complete in this aspect (and I'm not surprised, being the first attempt at a sim for consoles) so adding cautions may be confusing at times, and it'll get a bit messy if someone doesn't know what's up. That is why anyone who signs up needs to be sure they understand all the rules. If you know the rules, you can identify if someone is taking advantage of them and report the incident if necessary.
the leader that works hard for a gap out front has to accept that a caution can happen at any time. Yes it puts them under pressure on restarts and that's part of the fun now. Haveblue did a brilliant job on his restarts last night, and because he held off the extra pressure he got an even more rewarding win in the end.
I first tried this same caution format racing with Chips in a formula gulf league. It worked brilliantly and the field was neck and neck the entire race (although they were sprint races and we used skype).
I'm worried about the party chat cutting out like it does for some people every now and then. This could have been a factor in some of the confusion and hostility last night because people couldn't hear what was going on. Maybe skype is worth a shot but I'm not sure. Chatter should be on topic of the race only (I admit, I'm sorry I talked a little off topic last night and I'll remember from now on), but if it is on topic it is perfectly acceptable if kept somewhat short.
You make very good points globe, and I wish we could do it 100% properly as you say with the game's help here. Unfortunately it's gonna have to be done manually for now as best we can.
People can get screwed over with this format, others can get lucky. We're all in the same boat out there and random **** happening to an unsuspecting victim is this game's specialty.
We'll probably see a number of different winners which is nice. I think the issues will iron out over the season. There's already soooo many repetitive gt3 leagues out there, and based on the majority vote, people want this to add flavour and surprise to GT3 racing instead of a 90 min more or less procession. I think it'll do just that.
as for my race. LOL
awesome quali, .050 between me and have with 1:41.7's but he took a well deserved pole in the end.
for the race very disappointed in myself mostly. The car had the pace and was good in the beginning but I didn't come prepared for fully dark temperatures (stupid I know) so I spun about 8 times when my rears got much too cold. If it was the old format I might have been ok with time to prepare building a huge gap w/ Have to mid pack, but instead I lost it under the second caution restart. This changed my whole strategy and fuel/damage complications put me in the pits 4 times where I planned 1 haha. Doc and I had a very similar total fail of a race, but I am not mad about it because it was fun and I had some great racing in there with different people while trying to fight back up the field. That's just it, luck won't always go your way in this game with it's many flaws so there is no point getting too upset when **** hits the fan.
I feel I've thrown away the W at the Bentley's (and my) fastest track, but that's racing! I don't know what to expect for results the rest of this season. Some big surprises and not your usual order I'm sure...
may the most consistent strategist win!
do people prefer 60mph or 70mph then? and how about a three car approx length to car in front on caution laps, room to weave and warm tires if needed (it is tough to keep speed up but try your best to match the guy in front). From what I saw last night a lot of people seemed to be in a rush or something, like they were gonna be left behind, getting too close to the person in front of them (but there was a lot of clueless thinking happening tbf). If they happen to slow for any reason (shouldn't but might have too), you need to keep an eye out and do the same. If someone pulls fully off track and stops for any reason (piss, food, emergency), they lose their place so keep going in that case, don't stop dead on the track. You only want to bunch up close near the green call so maybe we stop all weaving in the final 3 or so turns before start/finish straight and bunch up single file. but you gotta keep your distance otherwise people, and be ready for whatever the person in front might do. You want space to warm tires otherwise you'll pull a me and spin on turn 1 restart and go p2 back to p15 lol
I'll cover this in the Caution and Rules and such.. We will tweak this until we get it mostly right like the Dev's I guess. There is no Perfect Caution system as we can't push the PIT button and limit our speed to 60kph. That would be cool.. but I'm going to do some brainstorming and get this figured out, even if it's a Track by Track situation. Already I'm thinking we are not going to be as Vigilant with the Virtual Safety Car at Donington because of all the run off and gravel traps. Cautions should be at a minimum.
For me the comms side of things was definitely a problem at the restart. I'd looked at the VSC rules before the race but in the heat of the moment and under pressure it was difficult to recall all the right procedures and to know who was where and when we were getting under way again. I would also say that, in terms of the pace of the VSC that id prefer 70mph as anything below that makes it difficult to keep tyre temps up. Safety cars breed safety cars! Apart from the slight confusion I didn't think there was too much wrong procedure-wise.

Was it cold tyres which caught you out at the second restart, toast?
We were a bit too slow, its ok to slow in some corners, but we need to get an avg speed or Target Lap Time for the leader to follow if he isn't pitting. Its the responsibility of the field to keep up with the leader under VSC rules. I have simplified it a bit click HERE
Rules Changes
-Under Caution, If a Lap Down Driver is reasonably close to the Leader (within same sector or reasonable space) He may Pass ONLY on the LEFT of the leader and get his lap back.(Please Keep Chatter Down so this can be communicated to other Drivers) However, it is that Driver's responsibility to catch back up to the tail of the field. The race will restart at the next Restart Point when the Majority of the field is grouped back together regardless of the position of the "Waive-Around Driver(s)"

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Yeah that was my fault, I couldn't understand what was going on with everyone and whether the whole pack had regrouped on me. I don't mind the chatter when we're racing, because I usually just turn my mic down to concentrate but when its important, like in a VSC period I think we'd all benefit by keeping the chatter to a minimum.
Feature- I knew my quali would be poor as that's where the McLarens weakness was. Since me and lance were on the same row we almost made a roadblock to let no one by. First few laps were uneventful, made an error at T1 letting adel by, but I instantly got back past him round the outside of the chicane. I eventually passed lance on lap 12, we pitted together & he got past again in them. On lap 14 lance lost it up the hill and passed him. Then I managed to close on Andrew and "pass" him for P5. Catching the champion by 7s for me was pleasing. Back in the top 5 was satisfying.

Sprint- managed to avoid early chaos, got to P5 behind Adel. After some let's say "exuberant" defending, probably down to damage, I dunno. Adel eventually lost it up the hill, with me nowhere to go, I slammed into him at 140 mph. The damage was so bad, my lap times dropped by about 5.5s-6s to 47s. Despite this I managed to hold off Bajny, Ola & the 2 astons for a very long time. Tom and i think bajny eventually passed me for me to eventually claim P8. There wasn't a single corner I didn't have to defend. I think this was my favourite drive I've done on any game throughout the years. The overall result was frustrating, but how I rescued P8 made it an awesome race.
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