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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
well let's go f1 style and make round 1 a bit of a trial race haha, if the current rules really upset people in the race tonight we can maybe talk about assist change for round 2 onwards. I'm fine with anything, just trying to help with making sure everyone can run a 90 minute race comfortably and not hate their car to the point of changing back to the typical gt3 selection lol
Q: As we come to the first break of the season, how do you feel about your performance so far?
Better than I could have hoped for

Will your car suit this event?
Hope so but unlikely will just drive it hard and see what we get

Q: What are the strengths and weaknesses of your car?
And to many to list

Q: Who will win the title?
The man with the letter L in his name

Seriously tho I'm enjoying the fight Dom is driving like a god and Andrew is there each week and progressing nicely. Then there's gaz he's still in it to so all to play for
Ben Kennell, IdIoT1995, BMW Z4, #78
Decent quaily crap start as I got jumped then pushed out of turn one taking tom with me.after getting back to 7th or 8th cautions brought it back and cold tires and a curb got me then I was t-boned.pitted three times this evening only once where they fox my areo and never fixed my suspension. Nevertheless I went on but turning right almost always wound up this point its been three hours and its only lap 18 .no fun going to go ahead and drop out this season and open a, spot up for a wait list.these are just too long for me to do during the week...agree talking is excessive here for some reason and id rethink or get everyone on the same page on cautions and restarts...anyways good luck to everyone im sure il see some of you around.
First of all sorry to spif, I couldn't see you until you were across the front of me.

Pretty dull race for me. I think I overtook one person on a restart and then was swiftly put in the wall.

I can't see anything going on around me from cockpit view, only what is in front of me and directly behind. Overtaking became a bit of a lottery so, after what happened with spif, I didn't even bother attempting.

Congrats to the podium
Great race guys. Thanks to Michael for organising the race.
Had a good start, and pulled away from the field for a few laps, before getting caught by Toast after a few mistakes. He kept me very honest during the restarts. (Sorry if they were too slow. I couldn't hear what anyone was telling me, hope it didn't impact anyone's race). Made my stop on lap 30, had only enough to do 17 laps instead of the 20 that were left. I had to fuel save pretty hard which left me vulnerable to Michael and the guys behind me. Luckily I managed to hang on.

Always a pleasure racing with you guys, see you at the next round!
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McNasty said that perfectly.
People who don't mess up get handicapped by those who do. If there's a crash then it's called out and the pack passes and the race continues, it doesn't slow to a crawl (for close to 2 laps in one instance) and allows the damaged cars to pit, get fresh tires and refuel to gain a massive strategic advantage, and essentially lose virtually nothing. Plus they come out with warm tires while the rest of us have to struggle with cold tires! I spun twice and in both cases I sat there and allowed the other cars to pass, I didn't try to get my car back on the track at the potential expense of upcoming cars. Nor did I press my select button to magically reset my car (yep, that went on too). Did anyone notice that no one got lapped? In a 50 lap endurance race thats insanely abnormal when cars crash! Mike lost a wheel and the race went on just fine, letting people know and it was easy to avoid him. Why didn't the race stop then? Was a lost wheel less dangerous than slightly damaged suspension? But in the other crashes the cars were perfectly drive-able (you have the replay too). Is it no longer dangerous to life (if its about "realism") because of the number of laps? If it's about safety then the number of laps don't matter. So the guys at the front who had worked hard would have had to let everyone catch up and maybe steal the race from a last minute incident?
Then there's the talk of allowing assists and essentially making a mockery of what we all practice for and sign up for. I have serious incurable health issues that will end my life but I wanted to enjoy realism and chose this league because of that. If I don't feel my health is up to it then I'll find another league. I won't keep chipping away to change all the rules to accommodate me at the expense of others.
Give an inch, take a mile.
It's your league Mike, you presumably made it this way because you wanted to race with racers who had moved beyond the usual "allow everything" leagues. The M3 was dropped and to be honest the Z4 shouldn't even be allowed as it's a car that gives huge advantages to a fast racer who simply wanted to win. It's a very fast car, amazingly stable without compromises, a huge advantage over cars running real assists in the hands of the same good driver. It seems your initial goal has been chiseled away, and a precedent seems set. You can't keep everyone happy. You make the rules and you should stick with them.
What's next? All views? Performance impacting? Slow tire wear? Nothing but sunny 80 degree days?
I think 90% would honestly say (if they had a forum without retorts or backlash - or were comfortable to just call it for what it is given we are all adults and shouldn't sugar coat around bullshit) that they joined because of the challenge that the league presented.
I'm not sure what else to say, you are a super nice guy and I truly enjoy racing with you guys.
I want to have fun like everyone else, but without compromises and the core of the original idea being bastardized.
It's the first race of the season, perhaps some lessons have been learned and we can look at it as a trial race.
I'll be interested to hear which direction you decide to go with and everyone can make informed decisions on their participation.
Thanks again for all your effort that goes in to organizing these races.
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We all want a league which is as realistic and challenging as possible, I think the virtual safety car is a great idea which brings an interesting dynamic and realism to the race. However, Globespy is spot on, we can't have people putting it in the fence and then gaining an advantage from it. If we can find a way to tweak the rules to stop this, then I'm all for it! This was only the first race of the season as well so these kind of teething problems were bound to surface. All in all a good race and a fantastic league which will only get better as we improve the format.

Thanks again Michael, great job!
it has to be a multi car collision for a caution, meaning more than one car goes off track and gets damaged (one guy screwed up, but the other guy could be fully innocent, this allows him to still have a chance at good points where as before his race would be well over). This was voted on waaaay back and the majority went with this option so it should have been expected. if one guy goes off, he IS NOT allowed to call for a caution.misuse of the caution feature will result in penalties, and I don't think anyone is sad enough to have to do that here hopefully.
the two involved must make it clear to the leader and everyone else in the race.
70 mph will be the speed at all times for cautions now to avoid confusion. leader calls green at the line next time by providing the accident is then cleared up. We went over this in and after race but I suppose some didn't hear.(some more clarification will likely be made about the restarts and caution rules before round 2) If you don't listen to the rules in race you must come on to this forum and read them all instead. It's illogical to do otherwise really and it's not like its difficult.
The people who crash and go in to pits can do whatever they feel in the pit strategy, they're still gonna rejoin at the back of the field, so yeah they lose their place (a big variable with this highly skilled field). Anyone else is welcome to give up their spot and pit to do the same during a caution if that's how you decide to flip up your strategy. You're not forced to stay out while the field is running 70mph under caution, take advantage if you believe it gives you one but you'll still have to get by a bunch of cars and also the leader who might have stayed out could be well in front again by the time you get further up the field.
This only spices up strategy even further and it means there will always be some good racing to be had.
Everyone seemed to agree and like this method except for a handful tonight, hopefully you guys can come to terms with the neat new format and still show next race.
Nothing is ever gonna run in line with reality, or as smoothly as we'd all like in this game, so it doesn't have to be taken so seriously all of the time...
I'll make a more detailed response to your points tomorrow Globe, unless mike wants to clarify further beforehand.
McNasty said that perfectly.
People who don't mess up get handicapped by those who do. If there's a crash then it's called out and the pack passes and the race continues, it doesn't slow to a crawl (for close to 2 laps in one instance) and allows the damaged cars to pit, get fresh tires and refuel to gain a massive strategic advantage, and essentially lose virtually nothing. Plus they come out with warm tires while the rest of us have to struggle with cold tires! I spun twice and in both cases I sat there and allowed the other cars to pass, I didn't try to get my car back on the track at the potential expense of upcoming cars. Nor did I press my select button to magically reset my car (yep, that went on too). Did anyone notice that no one got lapped? In a 50 lap endurance race thats insanely abnormal when cars crash! Mike lost a wheel and the race went on just fine, letting people know and it was easy to avoid him. Why didn't the race stop then? Was a lost wheel less dangerous than slightly damaged suspension? But in the other crashes the cars were perfectly drive-able (you have the replay too). Is it no longer dangerous to life (if its about "realism") because of the number of laps? If it's about safety then the number of laps don't matter. So the guys at the front who had worked hard would have had to let everyone catch up and maybe steal the race from a last minute incident?
Then there's the talk of allowing assists and essentially making a mockery of what we all practice for and sign up for. I have serious incurable health issues that will end my life but I wanted to enjoy realism and chose this league because of that. If I don't feel my health is up to it then I'll find another league. I won't keep chipping away to change all the rules to accommodate me at the expense of others.
Give an inch, take a mile.
It's your league Mike, you presumably made it this way because you wanted to race with racers who had moved beyond the usual "allow everything" leagues. The M3 was dropped and to be honest the Z4 shouldn't even be allowed as it's a car that gives huge advantages to a fast racer who simply wanted to win. It's a very fast car, amazingly stable without compromises, a huge advantage over cars running real assists in the hands of the same good driver. It seems your initial goal has been chiseled away, and a precedent seems set. You can't keep everyone happy. You make the rules and you should stick with them.
What's next? All views? Performance impacting? Slow tire wear? Nothing but sunny 80 degree days?
I think 90% would honestly say (if they had a forum without retorts or backlash - or were comfortable to just call it for what it is given we are all adults and shouldn't sugar coat around bullshit) that they joined because of the challenge that the league presented.
I'm not sure what else to say, you are a super nice guy and I truly enjoy racing with you guys.
I want to have fun like everyone else, but without compromises and the core of the original idea
It's the first race of the season, perhaps some lessons have been learned and we can look at it as a trial race.
I'll be interested to hear which direction you decide to go with and everyone can make informed decisions on their participation.
Thanks again for all your effort that goes in to organizing these races.

well I know where that part comes from yes I'm the one that ask for the assist more so than anyone but I do that cause hey I can it doesnt hurt to ask ya know. I dont want the core to change I like how its setup with all the stuff I guess that is why I signed up. I also raced tonights race with all the rules that where in place period and will do so for the rest of the season. I loved the cautions and will be the first to say it helped me due to when I got into a crash that is what they are there for..I had a two pitstop setup for tonight and I stuck to it which put me on 17 lap tires for the end of the race. and let me make somthing clear I myself will not ask for anything to make this league bastardized as you put it but you are right its mikes league I will follow hs rules. like you said if you dont like it leave.

I will end with this I know most of this is geared toward me as I'm mostly the one that talks about assist and stuff but ya know at the end of the day its mikes league his rules and I follow them.
Decent quaily crap start as I got jumped then pushed out of turn one taking tom with me.after getting back to 7th or 8th cautions brought it back and cold tires and a curb got me then I was t-boned.pitted three times this evening only once where they fox my areo and never fixed my suspension. Nevertheless I went on but turning right almost always wound up this point its been three hours and its only lap 18 .no fun going to go ahead and drop out this season and open a, spot up for a wait list.these are just too long for me to do during the week...agree talking is excessive here for some reason and id rethink or get everyone on the same page on cautions and restarts...anyways good luck to everyone im sure il see some of you around.
sorry to hear you're out man, these are very long and sometimes frustrating races for sure.
We all want a league which is as realistic and challenging as possible, I think the virtual safety car is a great idea which brings an interesting dynamic and realism to the race. However, Globespy is spot on, we can't have people putting it in the fence and then gaining an advantage from it. If we can find a way to tweak the rules to stop this, then I'm all for it! This was only the first race of the season as well so these kind of teething problems were bound to surface. All in all a good race and a fantastic league which will only get better as we improve the format.

Thanks again Michael, great job!

Appreciate your supportive comments. I race in other leagues with much less forced realism and a crashed car either limps to the pits or retires. Like real life.
it has to be a multi car collision for a caution, meaning more than one car goes off track and gets damaged (one guy screwed up, but the other guy could be fully innocent, this allows him to still have a chance at good points where as before his race would be well over). This was voted on waaaay back and the majority went with this option so it should have been expected. if one guy goes off, he IS NOT allowed to call for a caution.misuse of the caution feature will result in penalties, and I don't think anyone is sad enough to have to do that here hopefully.
the two involved must make it clear to the leader and everyone else in the race.
70 mph will be the speed at all times for cautions now to avoid confusion. leader calls green at the line next time by providing the accident is then cleared up. We went over this in and after race but I suppose some didn't hear.(some more clarification will likely be made about the restarts and caution rules before round 2) If you don't listen to the rules in race you must come on to this forum and read them all instead. It's illogical to do otherwise really and it's not like its difficult.
The people who crash and go in to pits can do whatever they feel in the pit strategy, they're still gonna rejoin at the back of the field, so yeah they lose their place (a big variable with this highly skilled field). Anyone else is welcome to give up their spot and pit to do the same during a caution if that's how you decide to flip up your strategy. You're not forced to stay out while the field is running 70mph under caution, take advantage if you believe it gives you one but you'll still have to get by a bunch of cars and also the leader who might have stayed out could be well in front again by the time you get further up the field.
This only spices up strategy even further and it means there will always be some good racing to be had.
Everyone seemed to agree and like this method except for a handful tonight, hopefully you guys can come to terms with the neat new format and still show next race.
Nothing is ever gonna run in line with reality, or as smoothly as we'd all like in this game, so it doesn't have to be taken so seriously all of the time...
I'll make a more detailed response to your points tomorrow Globe, unless mike wants to clarify further beforehand.

Toast, appreciate the response.
Let me propose you try some testing and let me know how you feel after you investigate the data for yourself.
Imagine you are at Spa, you are averaging 2:20 laps (more likely 2:18 or less), and you're about to head across the finish line on, say lap 20, a comfortable 10 second lead on tires that are about 60% - you are feeling good about this one.
But, gadzooks!!! There's a fender bender where two cars are involved a few turns back, say at the fast sweepers or chicane before the pit entrance, and there's some damage. A little aero or suspension, but the car is perfectly fine to drive to the pits. The cry for help goes out! It's more than one car so in line with the rules you mentioned - there's absolutely no way to actually verify that it's significant damage and if you live in a world where you honestly believe that in competitive environments everyone always tells the truth then I'm quite speechless.
Despite absolutely zero danger to you or the cars in front of the fender bender for at least 2 minutes and 20 seconds you have to slow down allowing the rest of the field to gobble up your lead that you've been working on. Meanwhile the 'damaged' cars dive into the pit to fix their damage, take the opportunity to change tires and perhaps load on fuel, fuel they had perhaps planned to stop for as part of their race pit strategy.
Spa is 4.352 miles long, let's just round that up to 4.5 miles. At 70mph it will take 3 minutes and 55 seconds to complete a full lap. That's assuming you never slowed below 70 miles per hour, which as you know isn't physically possible on sections of the track. On much tighter/twisty tracks you average much less than 70mph over the lap. So for argument's sake, let's just round that up to 4 minutes 20 seconds with everyone being careful not to bump each other (slow down domino effect), even though it will absolutely be more.
Meanwhile the fender benders and anyone behind them who's smart enough to do simple math will also jump into the pits to get fresh warm tires and maybe some gas. Without any damage (they haven't been in a crash) and not taking fuel, they hop into the pits for a quick 5 second tire change with a very good chance they are out of the pits in FRONT of the damaged cars/other cars who also decided to take on gas, gaining places and a nice fresh set of tires. They bomb up eau rouge, catching the pack, and bunching up right behind you and the other leaders with about a minute to spare before you get to the line and restart the race. You could try to mandate that cars leaving the pits must also travel at 70mph, but in reality that's impossible to police or record unless there was a time stamped record of the actual time gaps between cars. Again, it's a competitive passtime and as BigD keeps mentioning, he'll "take what he can get" and that's how it works. Nothing personal Big, you just affirmed exactly the point I'm trying to make. In real life if your car was damaged you would sit your butt in the pits at best or at worst have your car towed and DNF'd.
As previously pointed out, it's a really nice, realism based idea in principle, but in reality it is sabotaging other racers. A real car with real suspension/aero damage won't get fixed in 20-30 seconds, yet you are slowing down and driving like it's actually real damage which just isn't consistent with the actual reality that it's a video game.
There's no trouble making here, and there's nothing personal. Just logical analysis and food for thought as this is something that I can almost guarantee will happen in every single race. It's worth thinking about.
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Appreciate your supportive comments. I race in other leagues with much less forced realism and a crashed car either limps to the pits or retires. Like real life.

Toast, appreciate the response.
Let me propose you try some testing and let me know how you feel after you investigate the data for yourself.
Imagine you are at Spa, you are averaging 2:20 laps (more likely 2:18 or less), and you're about to head across the finish line on, say lap 20, a comfortable 10 second lead on tires that are about 60% - you are feeling good about this one.
But, gadzooks!!! There's a fender bender where two cars are involved a few turns back, say at the fast sweepers or chicane before the pit entrance, and there's some damage. A little aero or suspension, but the car is perfectly fine to drive to the pits. The cry for help goes out! It's more than one car so in line with the rules you mentioned - there's absolutely no way to actually verify that it's significant damage and if you live in a world where you honestly believe that in competitive environments everyone always tells the truth then I'm quite speechless.
Despite absolutely zero danger to you or the cars in front of the fender bender for at least 2 minutes and 20 seconds you have to slow down allowing the rest of the field to gobble up your lead that you've been working on. Meanwhile the 'damaged' cars dive into the pit to fix their damage, take the opportunity to change tires and perhaps load on fuel, fuel they had perhaps planned to stop for as part of their race pit strategy.
Spa is 4.352 miles long, let's just round that up to 4.5 miles. At 70mph it will take 3 minutes and 55 seconds to complete a full lap. That's assuming you never slowed below 70 miles per hour, which as you know isn't physically possible on sections of the track. On much tighter/twisty tracks you average much less than 70mph over the lap. So for argument's sake, let's just round that up to 4 minutes 20 seconds with everyone being careful not to bump each other (slow down domino effect), even though it will absolutely be more.
Meanwhile the fender benders and anyone behind them who's smart enough to do simple math will also jump into the pits to get fresh warm tires and maybe some gas. Without any damage (they haven't been in a crash) and not taking fuel, they hop into the pits for a quick 5 second tire change with a very good chance they are out of the pits in FRONT of the damaged cars/other cars who also decided to take on gas, gaining places and a nice fresh set of tires. They bomb up eau rouge, catching the pack, and bunching up right behind you and the other leaders with about a minute to spare before you get to the line and restart the race. You could try to mandate that cars leaving the pits must also travel at 70mph, but in reality that's impossible to police or record unless there was a time stamped record of the actual time gaps between cars. Again, it's a competitive passtime and as BigD keeps mentioning, he'll "take what he can get" and that's how it works. Nothing personal Big, you just affirmed exactly the point I'm trying to make.
As previously pointed out, it's a really nice, realism based idea in principle, but in reality it is sabotaging other racers. A real car with real suspension/aero damage won't get fixed in 20-30 seconds, yet you are slowing down and driving like it's actually real damage which just isn't consistent with reality.
There's no trouble making here, and there's nothing personal. Just logical analysis and food for thought.

so you are say that I only had a fender bender I t boned the crap out of the guy that spun. I spun earlier by myself and didnt yell caution cause it was just me. but yeah that second time dude spun in front of me I t-boned him it was a racing deal so yeah caution came out. and you darn right I will take what I can get what are you mad cause you where like ahead and then the field got bunched back up to ya gee....or am I missing somthing hear by the comment your saying toward me. but yeah I dont take things personnal it just seems like the rules or the race didnt go your way thats what I"m reading into it lol....and eitherway man you still had a good race you finshed 5th i didnt have a 4th place car it just worked out that way and I like that it makes for some interesting racing.
Look, Cautions are staying.. I think they worked well and will need some tweeking per track. You brought up good points Globe, but In Real Life there are Cautions and Cautions are Arbitrary. Just go back and look at the 2016 24 hours at Daytona. A car spun and was sitting in the middle of the track, with only a corner caution until the Delta Wing smashed into it. Cautions create a different dynamic to the race as well as helping others that were not intentionally involved in the accident a chance to get back into the Action. Real Life cautions draw up the field. The leader I'm sure doesn't like them because yes, all that gap he put down is now gone, but If you watch Real races on TV, you will see much of the same. Anyone, Including the Leader is able to Pit and if you have your Strategy set up you can pull in and change tires, or Stay out and try to advance your position. The Leader would have an advantage here in certain situations as, he may have a large enough gap to pull in and put on fresh rubber before the field catches up. Just like in Real Life you have to weigh the Risk vs.Reward of pitting or staying out. We may have races with no cautions and that would be great. But the added dynamic of the Cautions is undeniable and more resembles real life than just a simple video game ( A Video Game that can penalize you for 10 seconds for being forced out of bounds by someone else) Again Cautions are Arbitrary and what may not seem fair for some is fair for others, but I believe this does more closely resemble "Real" life then not doing anything.

Again, I welcome anyone's input on this and I don't mind putting it up for discussion, this isn't F1. What I don't like is people that are non-existent on this forum, except to "pop in" and complain how the race screwed them. I post important rules about the league on this site and yet people choose to not read them. We will make some small tweaks to the Caution system regarding average lap time under caution, and implementation. We do need a bit less chatter as we have 15 people talking over each other and most use the crew chief app that is also in their ear.

As far as my race went, it was going good, no penalties, no mistakes, driving in 3rd place, Until someone asked "Who is that talking" my reply "Its Doc" apparently sounds like "Xbox" and my kinect activated :thumbsdown: on lap 40 of the race sending me straight into the wall after the bus stop. I had to limp around with a wheel missing. Since it was a Single Car incident I did not call Caution, although some that my car limping around on the right side of the track was a safety hazard ( This can be tweaked in the future ) I did put out in Pre-Race if someone thought it was unsafe to have a car limping around the track I would have called Caution, as I was the one car in question. However, in future incidents It would still take one person and the Driver of the Damaged Car to initiate the Caution procedure.
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