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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
I will twitch the Replay as soon as I can. There was a lot of good racing and only one finish that was predicted. Unlike F1 were the finishing order is almost scripted this race provided a lot of different strategies and drama. Also Nic Hurtado who finished 2nd :thumbsup: is no longer in the GT-Am class.. You're Welcome!;)

By the way Great Turn out last night, sorry to see Robert disconnect as we had to kick out a new guy to accommodate. We have at least one opening with Eric dropping out so I will check with Ceasar or Guy Smith about filling in. The Roster will be evaluated and adjusted. Also if you want to run the next race YOU HAVE TO POST IF YOU ARE GOING TO ATTEND :thumbsup: or you WILL NOT RECEIVE AN INVITE :unsure:.
Congrats to HaveBlue on your win. :thumbsup:
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Sorry about the start. I had to get my wife from work and I was late. Thought I'd make it, and I did! But I screwed up and forgot this was a rolling start (I'm not sure I can remember the last league race that was rolling, but I should have remembered). About the same time as it dawned on me that nobody was moving, I tagged someone in the rear. Not wanting to cause more damage (I know the track well, but not the Caddy), and with this race lasting upwards of an hour and a half. I thought I'd probably not want to mix it up on this track, which is so high speed and dangerous if you aren't in complete control. Plus, I didn't know how long the cautions would take.

Cautions do add realism and I admire the effort, but no series allows drivers to call their own cautions and in every series not sanctioned by NASCAR, they are very rare. It's NASCAR who screwed the pooch at Daytona (they own IMSA) with the Delta Wing. Cautions in NASCAR are an abomination and are somewhat responsible for the sport's demise. But then again, they are a part of racing, in general. I loved the old F1 games where the safety car would come out and you would be limited in your speed by the game. And lined up to boot!
Well, again Cautions are a real thing in motorsports, and they all virtually work the same. We are all adults just like Real Drivers, we don't need AI control of our cars under caution as we should all be responsible enough and honorable enough to follow the rules. And yes Replay's will be reviewed to determine if any Infractions are made and drivers whether protested by another Driver, or witnessed by administrator are subject to penalties. Read the "Rules of the Road" and hopefully nothing will ever come to that.
@Robert Waddell thanks for the input, you probably wouldn't have liked all the chatter that flowed through the race,anyway LoL but I appreciate your candor. I hope you can make more of our races, because not just speed, but good strategy can lead to good finishes with this new dynamic.
Well, again Cautions are a real thing in motorsports, and they all virtually work the same. We are all adults just like Real Drivers, we don't need AI control of our cars under caution as we should all be responsible enough and honorable enough to follow the rules. And yes Replay's will be reviewed to determine if any Infractions are made and drivers whether protested by another Driver, or witnessed by administrator are subject to penalties. Read the "Rules of the Road" and hopefully nothing will ever come to that.
@Robert Waddell thanks for the input, you probably wouldn't have liked all the chatter that flowed through the race,anyway LoL but I appreciate your candor. I hope you can make more of our races, because not just speed, but good strategy can lead to good finishes with this new dynamic.

I hear ya Michael. And thanks. You have quite a thing going here and I'd love to really dive into the Caddy and buckle up for a good long race. There are so many top notch guys here that it's a bit intimidating. lol. And I've been racing old F1 Loti, LMP2, and IndyCar.
Anyone had a glitch where your car just suddenly stops and engines max revs on its own?
Had it yesterday and it blew the engine had to enter pits and exit again

yep happened to me in the feature race at brands when was running p2 car stops dead but mine went into reverse and gave me full fuel also damaged the car somehow it happens alot in the RUF as well
I guess one way to solve the problem of having people who have just crashed behind you on fresh tyres after a virtual safety car would be to pit and put new rubber on yourself as soon as the caution comes out wouldn't it? That way you're covered against the people behind you whilst still having track position.
Just a thought.
Cautions are a fact of life in Real Racing. Below are the FIA rules for the Virtual Safety Car with a few small edits to make the rules relative for our League. I realize that is a large wall of text but here are just a few points to clarify the important stuff! :thumbsup:
1. (2) or More Drivers involved with Contact creating Damage effecting the drive of the car or blocking partially or all of the track can request a Caution by both/multiple Drivers communicating "Crash Crash Crash"
2. If a Car has crashed and lost a Wheel and is limping around the track, That Driver, and (1) other Driver can request a Caution by communicating "I've lost a Wheel" or witnessing a car driving on 3 wheels.
2a. If you Lose a Wheel, a Caution will be thrown for safety. However, If that Driver "On Three Wheels" cannot return to the Pits by the end of (1) full Caution lap He must Retire to the Pits or Risk not being scored/DQed.
3. After Caution is Called You must slow to a reasonable safe speed. You can then "catch up" to the Leader on the "Full" or "One to Go" lap. Leader will maintain the prescribed Caution speed during the Full Caution Lap** (Track specific)
4. Leader must maintain a determined speed or Minimum lap time. It is the other Drivers responsibility to catch up to the field before the Green Flag. This may be on a Track by Track basis as some restarts could occur at Pre-determined spots other than the Start/Finish Line.
5. Anybody can Pit for tires, Including the Leader, once Caution is Called. If you stop on the track or slow excessively below the minimum Caution speed you can be passed for position. (It is conceivable for the Leader or front runners to Pit for Tires before the field catches up in some instances)
If the Leader is in Sector 2 or Sector 3, he may reduce speed and pit for tires before dropping to the mandatory prescribed Caution speed for the Caution Lap. If the Leader has just crossed the Start/Finish Line he must slow to a Reduced Pace as the field catches up.
It is Recommended to Use the Map on pCars Dash if you have this available.
6. Although this will be hard to enforce, It would be best to Maintain a (1) Car Length between you and the Driver ahead in case we slow pace speed for a corner. This will allow you room to warm brakes and tires. Show Courtesy and Respect for your Fellow Drivers, Treat them the way you want to be treated.
7. Leader controls the Restart until the Pre-Determined Start Point. After the Starting Point you may pass at will.
Violation of these rules are report-able by Formal Protest by any Driver and will be reviewed in Replays for Validity. For if any Penalties may ensue. Lets stay honest Gentlemen :thumbsup:
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Virtual Safety Car Rules:
1.1 The VSC procedure may be initiated to neutralize a race upon the order of the League Administrator. It will normally be used when double waved yellow flags are needed on any section of the track or Multiple Cars (More than 2) are involved in an incident and have incurred Damage. It will take the request of (2) or more drivers to Initiate a caution flag period.
1.2 When the order is given to initiate the VSC procedure a message “Caution” will be Called out on the official messaging system. (Party Chat) If you have dropped out of Party Chat and realize after passing another car there is a VSC you may give the position back to avoid penalties.
1.3 No car may be driven unnecessarily slowly, erratically or in a manner which could be deemed potentially dangerous to other drivers or any other person at anytime whilst the VSC procedure is in use. This will apply whether any such car is being driven on the track, the pit entry or the pit lane.
1.4 Any car may enter the pits whilst the VSC procedure is in use for the purpose of changing tires or repairing damage
1.5 All competing cars must reduce speed and stay above the minimum time set by the League Administrators. The stewards may impose either of the penalties on any driver who fails to stay above the minimum time as required by the above.
1.6 With the exception of the cases listed under a) to c) below, no driver may overtake another car on the track whilst the VSC procedure is in use.
The exceptions are:
a) When a driver pits he may be overtaken by, another car on the trac
b) Whilst in the pit entry, pit lane or pit exit a driver may be overtaken by another car on track traveling at Caution Speed.
c) Whilst in the pits for pitting a driver may overtake another car, pitting or receiving service.
d) If any car slows with an obvious problem.
1.7 When the Administrator of the league decides it is safe to end the VSC procedure 1 complete lap under Caution. A message will come from League Administrator and, at most tracks the Race will resume at the Start/Finish line unless the length of the track allows for field to be reset and safely go back to green flag racing.
1.8 Each lap completed whist the VSC procedure is in use will be counted as a race lap.
1.9 Enforcement of VSC rules include but are not limited to Time Penalty, Points Penalties, 1 Race Suspension to be determined by Chief Steward. Replays will be reviewed if needed.
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All drivers should adhere to the standards of driving that are outlined below. In addition, the Racing Rules applicable to all racing series' on apply here as well and are incorporated by reference:


1.1 PASSING. It is the responsibility of both the overtaking Driver and the Driver being overtaken to assure safe overtaking. Where two Cars are reasonably alongside each other, each must permit the other Racing room. A Car traveling alone may use the full width of the racetrack. Overtaking may be either right or left depending on prevailing conditions.

1.2 BLOCKING. Any Driver who, in the sole opinion of the Chief Steward, moves in reaction more than once, altering their line based on the actions of pursuing Competitors, or who selects a defensive line and then returns to a racing line between corners or sections of the racetrack may be warned or penalized pursuant to the rules, and such decision shall be Conclusive.

1.3 INCIDENTS. Any Driver who, in the sole opinion of the Chief Steward, is responsible for: an incident where a Car spins, or goes off-track, or suffers a flat tire or other mechanical difficulty requiring it to pit directly for repairs, or an incident of contact resulting in a change of position, may be warned or penalized pursuant to the rules, and such decision shall be Conclusive.

1.4 UNJUSTIFIABLE RISK. Any Competitor who, in the sole opinion of the Chief Steward, engages in any behavior deemed to represent an unjustifiable risk or reckless endangerment may be warned or penalized, and such decision shall be Conclusive.

Penalties shall include, but not be limited to private or public reprimand, deduction of points, loss of grid position, if applicable, for the following race or any other race subsequent to the event in question, loss of all points for the race, loss of points in he overall standings, suspension, and ban. Note that the last two cannot be imposed without at least two of the other examples are first issued in a single season.

Each incident of contact shall be reviewed by the Associate and/or Chief Steward (unless they are involved, and then review will be by a Co-Director of the Series that is not involved) and he will reach a penalty consensus. The Stewards or Directors may consult other series administrators or drivers during this process. Any event involving contact between two or more drivers may be brought to the Stewards as an inquiry by any driver(s) involved in the contact.

If it appears from the official video recordings or from any other additional evidence that there may have been a breach of driving standards or behavior, on or off the track, in a manner the Directors consider to have brought the Championship into disrepute, either Director may request that the Chief Steward consider to investigate this matter further.
Steward Inquiry an Appeal:

Any penalized driver shall have a right to the Stewards, (or one or both of the Series Directors if a Steward is involved in the disputed incident). The two administrators shall choose a regular driver to form a three person tribunal. This body will either uphold the original penalty, or issue a less punitive penalty by majority. If there is no majority consensus, then the least punitive decision shall apply. This decision is final.

Chief Steward, Railer Cantrell.
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I need to here nic lol, need the grunt for the straights lol

Well that's just great, I've mapped in the ignition and start button just in case so can cut engine off manually,

Lol yup! This high altitude ain't no joke boy. Been having breathing problems you kno, passing out in the car while driving :D Engineers got me an oxygen tank so I can go the distance lol.

My car shut right off at brands in last lap of sprint, luckily I had a ignition n start button mapped to wheel. Turn that m3 down!!! Lol
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