Old Racing Club Threads (merged)

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Servername: Racedepartment.com MX-5
Password: Same as RD Club Events
Track: Brands Hatch GP
Class: MX-5 Cup / Roadster

Official Practice: 30 minutes (21:00 GMT / 4pm EST / 1pm PST)
Qualification - Lone qualifier (2 hotlaps)
Race - 18 laps (Standing Start)
Entries - 36
Fast tows - 1

Notes: Must be a RD Licensed member

Read the password and golden rules.
There are a few things going around the forums here and at iRacing. People either love the NTM or think it's trash... I for one think it feels just about right to be honest. People are talking about the "snap" effect when you try to catch a spin (this happens in real life) but are not taking in consideration when they see it on TV they are watching professional drivers who have probably been driving since they were kids. Therefore it looks easy and doesn't happen so the iRacing cars shouldn't do it. The other problems such as the tire temps, tire pressures, and other types of various problems I'm sure will be addressed soon.

I'll be honest in my opinion about the Ford GT as I have not driven the LMP more than a lap or two max. I find it to be as easy to drive as the MX-5 if you drive it correct. This is not a car that likes to go into a corner under braking!!!! If you do it you had better be trail braking correctly or you will go sliding, that in turn will lead to a horrible next corner unless there is a long straight for the tires to cool. I have said it before so I suppose once more will not hurt. Slow down!!! Get your brake points figured out for the track you are running and if you can get your braking and downshifting done before the turn you will be golden. Make your turn without the brakes at all, and if need be coast through the turn. If you must use the brake, touch them ever so lightly. I mean just a tiny bit is all it will take, plus doing this will not induce a slide. The next rule of thumb I have found with the GT is to be easy with the throtle. What I mean by that is say you are mid corner and holding your apex and it's time to start accelerating from 0% throtle to 100% throtle should take you about 3 1/2 seconds to complete and then you will get out of the corner at top speed. Dont get on the gas too fast or I promise you will spin it if you are turning too hard, or it will have horrible understeer. Please keep in mind this is corner by corner but you should get the meaning and point. Also keep this in mind, the GT weights almost 4,000 pounds if I'm not mistaken. It's not an F1 car with perfect cornering.

However what Will stated above is true. All cars will be getting the new tire model very soon from what we are told. Taking this into consideration will show that if you get use to the driving style that it takes to drive the OTM (sliding to be fast), you will only be hurting yourself as you will have to learn to drive all over again. Now I'm not saying that we shouldn't have other races by any means but alot of other sims have taught really bad habbits as far as how you would drive a real car. Also if you want to drive the lower end cars we have MX-5 league starting up soon so don't hold yourself back by not learning the faster cars. We have GOOD things coming for all!!!!
I just want to be able to make sense of what my telemetry is telling me... but that's for a different thread. Did manage to get a handle on the Honda to some extent.

As for the GT, contrary to Joe I find it easier to turn with just a touch of trailbraking to keep the nose pitched down through turn entry (but then, I'm more that a bit slower than him too :) )
This is not a car that likes to go into a corner under braking!!!! If you do it you had better be trail braking correctly or you will go sliding, that in turn will lead to a horrible next corner unless there is a long straight for the tires to cool. I have said it before so I suppose once more will not hurt. Slow down!!! Get your brake points figured out for the track you are running and if you can get your braking and downshifting done before the turn you will be golden.

So...drive it like the Spec Racer?;)
The Trucks Adam are the most fun i have had in years, seriously i love them i only do oval racing really in iracing as i can do road anywhere else. In honesty the trucks are real fun took me a day to get the hand of them but they are always fun,
Was a short race for me. When i tried to get away for the pace lap i noticed when i released the brake it would still give me 25% brake so i could not get of the line. Towed, re calibrated but it would only recognize 190steps instead of the 255. Tried to race but the brakes were dragging and it made it underivable.
After i left i turned my wheel on and off and it was gone.
Great race guys. I jumped in with 1 min left on the clock to grid up. No practice, no setup, nothing. Started dead last in the Honda using the fixed Silverstone setup. I was not prepared for a 90 minute race, lucky a lot of the other guys were not either and I found myself in 3rd chashing Ingemar. I was 2-3 seconds behind him and closing fast by the first pit stop. Hit pit lane too fast and got a black flag (pit limiter not working for some reason). Spent the next stint trying to close back down the gap and was making good progress until I barely hit the wall coming on the start/finish straight. Got the meatball flag and that was pretty much the end of my race. Tried my best to stay on the leading lap but fell down 1 lap. Great race guys.
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