Need For Speed: SHIFT & SHIFT 2 Unleashed

The time is not set in stone. I'm going to either jump out (because we agreed to a different time to start with) or we can have an alternate we all can make. I'll have Sunday off, but that's F1 day....or is it? It's Easter, though? No? Would that cause a problem?
The time may suit others better anyway with more of you over there now racing this one so just go with the general consensus on the time. 6pm any day is generally not a time I can make tbh.
I'm in. Unfortunately for Peter, that time is ideal for me as I have the rest of the day to dedicate to my kiddo. Would earlier work for you Peter? I can set my alarm if so?
No unfortunately not, day times at the weekend I'm generally busy with family stuff. It's rare that something isn't going on, visits, visiting, out and about, etc.
Well, while I agree with that, if there are two that can't make it based on one time vs. the regular time, the regular time controls. So get ready to host. I'll be at work.
This issue will be ongoing for me unless you guys in the U.K. Are able to move it to Wednesday nights. That would mean staying up until about 11pm.
For now :rolleyes: I am off the Saturday after this Saturday, so Autosport MT should be fine, but unless I hear from everyone (or anyone with a conflict) regarding the time of this race being moved to Sunday around 4pm EDT U.S., then it will be posted as 4pm Sunday and I will be there. I really can't wait all week not knowing when I have other races to prep for. If there is a conflict (I think Michael has one) then no biggie...Peter or someone else can host or it will be cancelled if nobody can host. And maybe to make up for the lack of Sunday action (I know it's Easter, but I'm not a Church guy), I may post an informal Race Pro Race or join Forza5 Race or, preferably, join a classics race if Peter gets one up soon.
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P.S. - Whoever, if anyone, hosts this, please contact @Andrew who send me a very nice email about changing the header. He offered to change it when we know what time we are racing. If I don't hear from anyone (particularly those who cannot race Sunday around 3-4pm U.S. EDT) then I'll post it then. If anyone has a conflict, run it on Saturday. That's only fair.
For now :rolleyes: I am off the Saturday after this Saturday, so Autosport MT should be fine, but unless I hear from everyone (or anyone with a conflict) regarding the time of this race being moved to Sunday around 4pm EDT U.S., then it will be posted as 4pm Sunday and I will be there. I really can't wait all week not knowing when I have other races to prep for. If there is a conflict (I think Michael has one) then no biggie...Peter or someone else can host or it will be cancelled if nobody can host. And maybe to make up for the lack of Sunday action (I know it's Easter, but I'm not a Church guy), I may post an informal Race Pro Race or join Forza5 Race or, preferably, join a classics race if Peter gets one up soon.
The Easter break (any holiday break actually) was more a family thing as lots of people with families get together around those sort of times. I'm OK with racing on the break for this one though as the later time doesn't interfere with such things. I'm an atheist so the religious stuff doesn't come into any of it for me.

I agree that there lack of responses makes it difficult though.
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Peter Hooper / Hammerpgh

This is for either the Sunday or the Wednesday at 9pm or later. The Saturday or early times are pretty much a no go for me most days. But as before I have no problem with you guys going earlier if that gets more bodies on the grid.
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Well, certainly not on your part Peter, but I understand why Easter combined with some lack of excitement for Shift2 might make is difficult to keep on top of everything. It's hard enough for me. Even when I wasn't working full time. lol.
So, I guess an executive decision has to be made. Since I have not heard from Michael and Railer and you can race (although I'd just as joyfully race in one of your new F1 classics), I'll move this one to Sunday at 9:30pm GMT. That way, at least those who want to race can do so. With the caveat that you can always create an F1 race or, if more than one person pipes up, we can move it back to Saturday.
I think thats the best way to go Robert although hope the @Vence Alfred can still make it as he did respond.

Could be just the two or three of us on track for this one which is a shame seeing as the track is so much fun. Rough week so far so haven't been back to it since our run out on Monday but hope to get back in the driving seat sometime this evening.
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Boy, you are right about this track. Just a handful of laps and I can see why it's beloved. Kind of like Willow Springs...a forgotten gem. There are so many in Europe.

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