AC Multiclass Audi TT/Mazda MX5 @Sebring, Wednesday 16th February 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Thanks Tony. Actually I have the very bad habit of keeping Chrome open with lots of tabs, to read them later because sometimes I open pages for my reference but have no time to read them straight away.
If only I could save the sessions just as it does when it crashes.. however, will try closing it next time!
Chrome is a CPU killer! So kill it!
It appears you got the 'return to pits' penalty for not doing the mandatory pitstop
@Fabrizio This is exactly why it is very recommended that you join us on Discord. In my pre chat I tell/remind the drivers for things like this. A couple of other guys didn't realize it also but after my warning they could setup a pitstop in the countdown time.
Martin (@Fabrizio), I'd be interested to hear what happened to you in this race?

It appears you got the 'return to pits' penalty for not doing the mandatory pitstop but from the replay I can clearly see you driving into the pits and stopping at a pitbox for approx 5 seconds (from memory at maybe around 30 mins). Do you know why you got the penalty? Again from the replay it appeared to happen at exactly 40 minutes into the race when the mandatory pitstop period ended so it can't be anything else in my opinion. But certainly seems like really bad luck, given your likely victory otherwise, if you hit an AC/SimRacing bug or even if you made some technical infringement of the pitstop rules (but I can't really imagine what!).

For my race, exciting start with Thomas/Simon spinning off right in front of me, recovering a place from Colin after a couple of laps, and then a long chase after Robert to sadly no avail in the end despite closing the gap to 1.8 secs. Well done Robert holding out for the last podium slot and congrats again to all the other podiums finishers.

I didn't set up a pitstop strategy prerace, so I just drove into the pits and stayed there for approx 5s and then drove off but it still said I had to made my pitstop. Little glitchy if you ask me. I would have won the race with a big lead but AC (and me ofcourse) screwed me over bigtime lol :)
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@Fabrizio This is exactly why it is very recommended that you join us on Discord. In my pre chat I tell/remind the drivers for things like this. A couple of other guys didn't realize it also but after my warning they could setup a pitstop in the countdown time.
Yes I know Han, but in previous Audi/Mazda races there was a time there wasn't a mandatory pitstop so I screwed myself.

Which Discord should I join Han? Because It's abracadabra for me ;)

I didn't set up a pitstop strategy prerace, so I just drove into the pits and stayed there for approx 5s and then drove off but it still said I had to made my pitstop. Little glitchy if you ask me. I would have won the race with a big lead but AC (and me ofcourse) screwed me over bigtime lol :)
Bad luck Martin, as Han says get connected to the Discord channel in future to at least get the last minute instructions and warnings from the organiser. I'm not an expert but you need linked RD and Discord accounts and then you can join the RD channel and connect to 'RD - Assetto Corsa - Voice channel' for each race.

BTW the minimum requirement for a pitstop is adding 1 litre of fuel so I guess if you just sat stationary for 5 seconds without adding any fuel it wouldn't count, again bad luck. I didn't know this myself until recently, but you can bring up the pit strategy panel while out on track by, I believe, pressing the arrow pad down button on your wheel (I think it's mapped by default for most wheels) and then you can edit your strategy to add one litre (or whatever you want/need) without a mad panic to adjust in the pitlane (I've tried that unsuccessfully myself in the past!!).
Yes I know Han, but in previous Audi/Mazda races there was a time there wasn't a mandatory pitstop so I screwed myself.

Which Discord should I join Han? Because It's abracadabra for me ;)

But first you have to get an invite from RaceDepartment. The link is in the 1st post.
And it's best to install the Discord app because push-to-talk doesn't work in the browser version.

then drove off but it still said I had to made my pitstop.
You have to add at least 1liter of fuel before it counts as a pitstop. Tyre change is optional.
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But first you have to get an invite from RaceDepartment. The link is in the 1st post.
And it's best to install the Discord app because push-to-talk doesn't work in the browser version.

then drove off but it still said I had to made my pitstop.
You have to add at least 1liter of fuel before it counts as a pitstop. Tyre change is optional.
Thx Han, I'm already a member of the RD Discord channel, so the next time I'll be racing it really is a must to join the Discord channel, I will do that.;)

Nevertheless I had a very nice race
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What a race yesterday, I was leading the Audipack until 5 minutes before the end of the race. I didn't register a pitstop prerace so I screwed myself over. I did go into the pits but my pitstop crew had a beer (or 5) and didn't know what to do with my Audi ;).

Congrats to the winners, see you next one.
Well, I can forget about winning then!:(
Well you can add some ballast to my car the next race, but put it behind me in the middle and not in the front because Audi's are naturally understeering because they mount the engine in front of the front axle ;)
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if we really want to "pull a Masi" how about deniing the winner the qualifiing in the next race he starts? :geek:

Audists of course may outqualify the Mazda or else the penalty would be "cruel and unusual" :rolleyes:.

Would be much less work for Han than the DTM wheight penalty system.

AC messaged me about pit window and the 1l minimum.
Do you have all messages switched off (CM)?

MFG Carsten
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It was not your fault at all @HF2000 , I had made the decision to do a pit stop a lap before.
I had expected you to be with me on the last straight and you use the P2P. I went for the undercut in that corner deliberately to get as fast a pit stop as I could. Knowing I would have an empty track in front of me for the remaining laps.
+ I had all my P2P left, I think I used 1 or 2 of them, unfortunately, I went into the pits but the Audi preferred to head in the other direction. not your fault at all Han.
Great racing with you, I really enjoyed that, Martin was a slowly disappearing dot anyway.;)

sorry about the long explanation, nothing else better to do.:roflmao::roflmao:
After the start, I kept my (last) position and was trying to keep up with the pack, but hit @davejevons at T1 (that's our fate, it appears) ...
On reflection, I think that one was mainly my fault. We were parallel going into that corner and it should be wide enough for both of us to get through but it looks like I lost the rear being over zealous and you had little choice but to hit me. Sorry @maxilogan!
Thanks Tony. Actually I have the very bad habit of keeping Chrome open with lots of tabs, to read them later because sometimes I open pages for my reference but have no time to read them straight away.
If only I could save the sessions just as it does when it crashes.. however, will try closing it next time!
I do the same (in both FF and Chrome) and I have some insanely old pages that I keep meaning to read properly :roflmao:
Anyway, if you're finding that it's not saving the browsing sessions when you exit, then try checking if your settings have this option selected:
I do the same (in both FF and Chrome) and I have some insanely old pages that I keep meaning to read properly :roflmao:
Anyway, if you're finding that it's not saving the browsing sessions when you exit, then try checking if your settings have this option selected:
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Neil, do you also have a solution for my problem that AC is not saving setups anymore?
I think it's since the last Window 10 update.
Neil, do you also have a solution for my problem that AC is not saving setups anymore?
I think it's since the last Window 10 update.
I'm baffled by that one Han. Does it save any part of the setup at all? All cars and tracks are affected?

Clutching at straws cos none of these seem likely to help, but:
  • try copying an existing setup from Windows Explorer (setup folders are probably in C:\Users\[yourusername]\Documents\Assetto Corsa\setups) to check if the folder has somehow become read-only - I mean just select a random setup and do copy and paste
  • try peeking in the log files (log folder in similar place to setups) right after attempting a save, and in case it doesn't flush the log files, maybe also exit AC right after attempting a save and then review the log files
  • try hitting "Home" to see if the console gives any clues (after attempting a save)

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